Jim Kelly should have gotten Arthur Ashe ESPY

Correct, I dug this up.

The Bible doesn't speak of homosexuality very often; but when it does, it condemns it as sin. Let's take a look.

•Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."1
•Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them."
•1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
•Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

The thing is we all sin, and no sin is greater than another.

My issue again, is I don't care to have what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom driven down my throat by the left leaning media outlets. I surely don't know of any other sin that is praised and approved of as being a homosexual. Look at how politicians are crucified for extra marital affairs, or whatever Congressman Weiner was caught doing.

I surely don't need the the media outlets telling me what is right and wrong and what I have to accept.

Some sins are definitely greater than others, such as murder for instance. You are correct that Christianity views homosexuality as a sin. However just because 3/4 of all Americans believe it's a sin doesn't mean that those people are homophobic; After all Half America is Liberal also. Still this was important, not because of how it will affect the team and the NFL, but how it affects those that are ***, and feel that they can't be themselves because they won't be accepted. They see that this *** guy playing the most manly sport in the world is being accepted by his teammates, and maybe that will give them the confidence to come out, and stop hiding who they are. But this really won't affect the NFL, I mean it might be different to get used to at first, but it's not like he's Jackie Robinson out there either. Sam definitely deserved this award. Kelly should have got the Perseverance award (But Stuart Scott is going through similar stuff too.)

False. All sins carry the same weight bro. Mike being ***, and me day dreaming of banging another women while married holds the same weight.

Issue here is we are awarding a blatant sin. Sandusky made his love interest known, where he at right now?

This has turned from "Jim Kelly deserves the award over Sam because he was a better player" to comparing being *** to what Sandusky did? WTF?!?! That's a dumb post.

*** being considered a sin is what bible thumpers use as an excuse to hate. Being *** doesn't make you a child molester, that is just stupid.

Sandusky has sexual preference that isn't popular right? Nor is homosexuality. Didn't compare being *** to JS molesting children. Simply implying their sexual preferences. Read then react.

And "Bible Thumpers" don't use homosexuality as a reason to hate. I'm a Christian, I teach Sunday school, and I'm trying to become the AD at my church. I haven't said one bad thing about homosexuality. From my belief system, being *** is a sin. Sandusky sexual desires of children is a sin. Me stealing is a sin, murdering, a sin, and so on and so forth. "Bible Thumpers" are upset at the fact that society is glorifying sin. Simple as that. I don't like it either. We don't glorify any other sin, the way homosexuality is being glorified right now. And it's sickening how it's shoved down our throats. I don't have to like a **** thing if I don't want to. Giving him an award? What kind of crap is that. Did we give ARod and award for admitting to using PEDs? Nope. But being coming out of the closet gets you an award? Where is Jason Collins award at? ARods?

Sandusky's sexual preference is molesting children, not only is not popular but illegal, regardless of gender he prefers. He is not any less of a human than a child molester of a young girl, both equally illegal and immoral to the highest degree. Just a stupid comparison.

If you are teaching other children to think homosexuality is a sin, you are contributing to the problem. it's the exact reason the topic is what it is today.

No point in replying to the rest, easy to see you don't understand the reason for the award.

Not to mention pedophilia (and zoophilia, which someone mentioned earlier) aren't sexual orientations but paraphilias. The key is that neither children nor animals can consent, whereas an adult *** or ******* person can.

The other point I keep seeing brought up is that *** people are "shoving their sexuality down other people's throats". Clearly none of you are women, or else you'd know that straight male sexuality is on display basically 24/7 (and often regardless of whether women like it or not). Just think about all the times you go to a beach and stare at a good-looking woman in a bikini walking by. Even milder displays, such as a man and a woman walking down the street holding hands or kissing each other in public, could be seen as straight people flaunting their sexuality. It's not like *** people are asking for the right to **** in public--which straight people aren't allowed to do either--they just want to be afforded the same freedom to interact with their partners that straight people have. I'm sure a lot of *** people just want to be able to hold hands with their partners without fear of getting beaten or killed by a mob. And before you say I'm being melodramatic with that last sentence:

I think some of you are overestimating how much being homosexual is accepted. I think something like 75% of Americans are Christian, and homosexuality is something the bible doesnt speak fondly of. Thats a large segment of the population who is taught to think being *** is wrong. Im happy for Michael Sam, he broke a barrier that somebody needed to break. in the end it doesnt need to be either or, im happy for Sam, and i hope Kelly beats his fight with cancer.

Correct, I dug this up.

The Bible doesn't speak of homosexuality very often; but when it does, it condemns it as sin. Let's take a look.

•Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."1
•Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them."
•1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
•Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

The thing is we all sin, and no sin is greater than another.

My issue again, is I don't care to have what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom driven down my throat by the left leaning media outlets. I surely don't know of any other sin that is praised and approved of as being a homosexual. Look at how politicians are crucified for extra marital affairs, or whatever Congressman Weiner was caught doing.

I surely don't need the the media outlets telling me what is right and wrong and what I have to accept.

Some sins are definitely greater than others, such as murder for instance. You are correct that Christianity views homosexuality as a sin. However just because 3/4 of all Americans believe it's a sin doesn't mean that those people are homophobic; After all Half America is Liberal also. Still this was important, not because of how it will affect the team and the NFL, but how it affects those that are ***, and feel that they can't be themselves because they won't be accepted. They see that this *** guy playing the most manly sport in the world is being accepted by his teammates, and maybe that will give them the confidence to come out, and stop hiding who they are. But this really won't affect the NFL, I mean it might be different to get used to at first, but it's not like he's Jackie Robinson out there either. Sam definitely deserved this award. Kelly should have got the Perseverance award (But Stuart Scott is going through similar stuff too.)

False. All sins carry the same weight bro. Mike being ***, and me day dreaming of banging another women while married holds the same weight.

Issue here is we are awarding a blatant sin. Sandusky made his love interest known, where he at right now?

You sond so stupid. First of all you are flat oug wrong. Some sin carry more weight than others, such as Murder. That is known as a mortal sin. Gossiping would be a lesser sin, i think its cald venial sin, ehich is not nearly as bad. And secondly, it doesn't matter if he is commiting a sin to you or me. This is America and he has the freedom to do what he wants, as long as he abides by the law.

Catholic? Source? Been in church all my life. Sin is sin.
Some sins are definitely greater than others, such as murder for instance. You are correct that Christianity views homosexuality as a sin. However just because 3/4 of all Americans believe it's a sin doesn't mean that those people are homophobic; After all Half America is Liberal also. Still this was important, not because of how it will affect the team and the NFL, but how it affects those that are ***, and feel that they can't be themselves because they won't be accepted. They see that this *** guy playing the most manly sport in the world is being accepted by his teammates, and maybe that will give them the confidence to come out, and stop hiding who they are. But this really won't affect the NFL, I mean it might be different to get used to at first, but it's not like he's Jackie Robinson out there either. Sam definitely deserved this award. Kelly should have got the Perseverance award (But Stuart Scott is going through similar stuff too.)

False. All sins carry the same weight bro. Mike being ***, and me day dreaming of banging another women while married holds the same weight.

Issue here is we are awarding a blatant sin. Sandusky made his love interest known, where he at right now?

This has turned from "Jim Kelly deserves the award over Sam because he was a better player" to comparing being *** to what Sandusky did? WTF?!?! That's a dumb post.

*** being considered a sin is what bible thumpers use as an excuse to hate. Being *** doesn't make you a child molester, that is just stupid.

Sandusky has sexual preference that isn't popular right? Nor is homosexuality. Didn't compare being *** to JS molesting children. Simply implying their sexual preferences. Read then react.

And "Bible Thumpers" don't use homosexuality as a reason to hate. I'm a Christian, I teach Sunday school, and I'm trying to become the AD at my church. I haven't said one bad thing about homosexuality. From my belief system, being *** is a sin. Sandusky sexual desires of children is a sin. Me stealing is a sin, murdering, a sin, and so on and so forth. "Bible Thumpers" are upset at the fact that society is glorifying sin. Simple as that. I don't like it either. We don't glorify any other sin, the way homosexuality is being glorified right now. And it's sickening how it's shoved down our throats. I don't have to like a **** thing if I don't want to. Giving him an award? What kind of crap is that. Did we give ARod and award for admitting to using PEDs? Nope. But being coming out of the closet gets you an award? Where is Jason Collins award at? ARods?

Sandusky's sexual preference is molesting children, not only is not popular but illegal, regardless of gender he prefers. He is not any less of a human than a child molester of a young girl, both equally illegal and immoral to the highest degree. Just a stupid comparison.

If you are teaching other children to think homosexuality is a sin, you are contributing to the problem. it's the exact reason the topic is what it is today.

No point in replying to the rest, easy to see you don't understand the reason for the award.

No need to understand. BS ploy to push the homosexual agenda. That much I do.

And as far as me teaching what the Bible teaches being a problem, that's my belief system and theirs. Last time I checked it was legal to have one. Constitution right? So no, that's not the problem. Problem is folks out there that don't want to be told how to live, don't want religion. Which is your choice to. Don't knock mine and I won't knock yours.
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Correct, I dug this up.

The Bible doesn't speak of homosexuality very often; but when it does, it condemns it as sin. Let's take a look.

•Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."1
•Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them."
•1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
•Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

The thing is we all sin, and no sin is greater than another.

My issue again, is I don't care to have what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom driven down my throat by the left leaning media outlets. I surely don't know of any other sin that is praised and approved of as being a homosexual. Look at how politicians are crucified for extra marital affairs, or whatever Congressman Weiner was caught doing.

I surely don't need the the media outlets telling me what is right and wrong and what I have to accept.

Some sins are definitely greater than others, such as murder for instance. You are correct that Christianity views homosexuality as a sin. However just because 3/4 of all Americans believe it's a sin doesn't mean that those people are homophobic; After all Half America is Liberal also. Still this was important, not because of how it will affect the team and the NFL, but how it affects those that are ***, and feel that they can't be themselves because they won't be accepted. They see that this *** guy playing the most manly sport in the world is being accepted by his teammates, and maybe that will give them the confidence to come out, and stop hiding who they are. But this really won't affect the NFL, I mean it might be different to get used to at first, but it's not like he's Jackie Robinson out there either. Sam definitely deserved this award. Kelly should have got the Perseverance award (But Stuart Scott is going through similar stuff too.)

False. All sins carry the same weight bro. Mike being ***, and me day dreaming of banging another women while married holds the same weight.

Issue here is we are awarding a blatant sin. Sandusky made his love interest known, where he at right now?

You sond so stupid. First of all you are flat oug wrong. Some sin carry more weight than others, such as Murder. That is known as a mortal sin. Gossiping would be a lesser sin, i think its cald venial sin, ehich is not nearly as bad. And secondly, it doesn't matter if he is commiting a sin to you or me. This is America and he has the freedom to do what he wants, as long as he abides by the law.

Catholic? Source? Been in church all my life. Sin is sin.

Well I personally am Catholic because that is how I was raised, which is why I went to the Mortal vs Venial sin which admittedly, I thought was an overall christian teaching, but I guess not. But still, here are a couple sources I just searched and read online which still support my claim. Either way, I don't see why some Christians are so eager to condemn Homosexuals, because one of the most important lessons in the Bible is John 8:7; Let he who is without sin cast the First Stone.
Some sins are definitely greater than others, such as murder for instance. You are correct that Christianity views homosexuality as a sin. However just because 3/4 of all Americans believe it's a sin doesn't mean that those people are homophobic; After all Half America is Liberal also. Still this was important, not because of how it will affect the team and the NFL, but how it affects those that are ***, and feel that they can't be themselves because they won't be accepted. They see that this *** guy playing the most manly sport in the world is being accepted by his teammates, and maybe that will give them the confidence to come out, and stop hiding who they are. But this really won't affect the NFL, I mean it might be different to get used to at first, but it's not like he's Jackie Robinson out there either. Sam definitely deserved this award. Kelly should have got the Perseverance award (But Stuart Scott is going through similar stuff too.)

False. All sins carry the same weight bro. Mike being ***, and me day dreaming of banging another women while married holds the same weight.

Issue here is we are awarding a blatant sin. Sandusky made his love interest known, where he at right now?

You sond so stupid. First of all you are flat oug wrong. Some sin carry more weight than others, such as Murder. That is known as a mortal sin. Gossiping would be a lesser sin, i think its cald venial sin, ehich is not nearly as bad. And secondly, it doesn't matter if he is commiting a sin to you or me. This is America and he has the freedom to do what he wants, as long as he abides by the law.

Catholic? Source? Been in church all my life. Sin is sin.

Well I personally am Catholic because that is how I was raised, which is why I went to the Mortal vs Venial sin which admittedly, I thought was an overall christian teaching, but I guess not. But still, here are a couple sources I just searched and read online which still support my claim. Either way, I don't see why some Christians are so eager to condemn Homosexuals, because one of the most important lessons in the Bible is John 8:7; Let he who is without sin cast the First Stone.

Thanks for that info, enjoy learning. It's the sin, not the person they condemn. I have 2 *** friends and two ******* friends. All four know where I stand, but the also know I love them to death regardless. I just don't like how they are using Mike honestly, not about his sexuality really.
False. All sins carry the same weight bro. Mike being ***, and me day dreaming of banging another women while married holds the same weight.

Issue here is we are awarding a blatant sin. Sandusky made his love interest known, where he at right now?

You sond so stupid. First of all you are flat oug wrong. Some sin carry more weight than others, such as Murder. That is known as a mortal sin. Gossiping would be a lesser sin, i think its cald venial sin, ehich is not nearly as bad. And secondly, it doesn't matter if he is commiting a sin to you or me. This is America and he has the freedom to do what he wants, as long as he abides by the law.

Catholic? Source? Been in church all my life. Sin is sin.

Well I personally am Catholic because that is how I was raised, which is why I went to the Mortal vs Venial sin which admittedly, I thought was an overall christian teaching, but I guess not. But still, here are a couple sources I just searched and read online which still support my claim. Either way, I don't see why some Christians are so eager to condemn Homosexuals, because one of the most important lessons in the Bible is John 8:7; Let he who is without sin cast the First Stone.

Thanks for that info, enjoy learning. It's the sin, not the person they condemn. I have 2 *** friends and two ******* friends. All four know where I stand, but the also know I love them to death regardless. I just don't like how they are using Mike honestly, not about his sexuality really.

Well, like I said, this doesn't even matter as far as football goes. Yes, it may be a little weird to get used to in the locker room, but other than that the Media is hyping this way too much, but then again that is to be expected. I mean I stopped watching ESPN for a while because I was sick of hearing what Tebow had for lunch, and this is actually real compared to that, so it's to be expected. But this only really affects *** people who don't have the courage to come out. Sam is someone they can look up to and see that he is being accepted, while still doing one of the most manly things. And that is what this Award is for. Yeah, Kelly and Scott are also being extremely courageous in their fight against cancer, something that affects many more people than homosexuality does, but the perseverance award is much more fitting for that.