Jim Kelly should have gotten Arthur Ashe ESPY

Jesus, these forums are super homophobic.

That's the new American way.....if you disagree with something, you must be ________phobic. GTFOH.

You're welcome to disagree with something. You're even welcome to use "***" or "******" as your go-to slur, as this forum seems to do whenever UF or FSU is mentioned. But I'm equally welcome to call you out if you do.

By the way, for those of you who don't think it's a big deal to publicly come out, I want to remind you that there are 29 States where you can be fired simply for being ***.

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Jesus, these forums are super homophobic.

That's the new American way.....if you disagree with something, you must be ________phobic. GTFOH.

You're welcome to disagree with something. You're even welcome to use "***" or "******" as your go-to slur, as this forum seems to do whenever UF or FSU is mentioned. But I'm equally welcome to call you out if you do.[/URL]

But you're not welcome to claim that I am afraid of something just because I disagree with it. If you're going to attack me for my position, at least think for yourself and don't fall back on a media buzzword that doesn't apply.
Don't be pedantic. "Homophobia" is commonly accepted to encompass anti-*** feelings beyond just "irrational fear of *** people." Splitting hairs over the clinical definition of the word is dancing around the argument.

And please tell me what "disagreeing" with homosexuality is. You don't find it appealing? That's fine--personally, I agree with you, and we're both perfectly free to not engage in homosexuality. You think it's unnatural? Well, you're factually wrong, but you're welcome to say things that are wrong as long as you're prepared to be called out for it. You think it's a sin? That may be a genuinely held personal belief, but that argument doesn't hold a lot of water to people who don't believe what you do. And if you think it's a choice, as others have proposed in this thread--well, that's just silly. When did you choose to be heterosexual?

I will say, being told to "think for myself" by someone holding the absolute most orthodox opinion on the subject is a little amusing.
Don't be pedantic. "Homophobia" is commonly accepted to encompass anti-*** feelings beyond just "irrational fear of *** people." Splitting hairs over the clinical definition of the word is dancing around the argument.

And please tell me what "disagreeing" with homosexuality is. You don't find it appealing? That's fine--personally, I agree with you, and we're both perfectly free to not engage in homosexuality. You think it's unnatural? Well, you're factually wrong, but you're welcome to say things that are wrong as long as you're prepared to be called out for it. You think it's a sin? That may be a genuinely held personal belief, but that argument doesn't hold a lot of water to people who don't believe what you do. And if you think it's a choice, as others have proposed in this thread--well, that's just silly. When did you choose to be heterosexual?

I will say, being told to "think for myself" by someone holding the absolute most orthodox opinion on the subject is a little amusing.

This is a good question. A few on hear have stated "they have no problem with it, but are tired of having it shoved in their face" (no pun intended). As if to say, just hearing someone "speak" of homosexuality is tiring and they have had enough of it, just the "talk" of it. So, they have no problem with what others do in the privacy of their own home, but are tired of hearing someone "talking" about "it". As if to say that "it" ie: speaking of the issues they have dealt in their lives, the verbal, sometimes physical abuse they have experienced because of what others (not as "understanding" as some of the non-homophobes on here) have done to them.

Not all, but religion is a big part of the homophobic movement. "Its a choice, god didnt make them that way, it says its a sin in the bible" are just some of the reasons religiously initiated.

Just the simple act of "speaking" about being *** is tiresome and not worthy of anything, let alone an award. But yeah, it's not a real social issue at all.

Disclaimer: I understand this is a football board, I did not start the thread.
If what Michael Sam did was not courageous, then neither was what Jackie Robinson did.

Just playing devil's advocate here if we are putting everything in the context of life threatening diseases.

TERRIBLE comparison, not even close.

Did it take courage to public out himself... given what he had to lose and his career path, yes. But, in my opinion, no where near deserving of the praise he's getting. He's being used to push an agenda, no more.

There are people and groups that make his life difficult, sure, but again nothing to the level that Jackie had to deal with.

I hope next year a SR comes out before the draft and announces that he's ****ing his pitbull and realizes he's only attracted to animals. Then ESPN can give him a ****ing ESPY too.
If it didn't take courage, why hasn't another done so yet?

The same reason why no NFL player has come out to say that he likes to tie his wife up and role play. It's no one's business.

You really cannot be as simple minded as your post suggests.

It's generally accepted that people are straight unless there's something different, off, or the person in question is obviously ***.

The locker room, people talk about women and their conquests all the time. There's women waiting outside when you leave. You go out on the town, there's women jumping all over these guys.

He's bass to keep up a front this entire time. He's been living a lie and probably keeping himself out of as many awkward situations as possible. He can't post pictures of himself online, be seen anywhere or someone may snap a picture, then he's out.....perhaps something he's not ready to be to friends, family, teammates, the world, etc.

There in is the difference. You, me, or whomever can be a freak and do whatever we want behind closed doors in our bedroom and nobody will ever know anything we don't let out. He couldn't even walk the streets, have a kiss in public, or whatever without looking to see that nobody was watching. His family, at least some of them judging by his father's reaction, didn't even know. He was a public figure at Missouri, but that pales in comparison to the NFL.

Him coming out and the circus that surrounds it, that's not a problem with him, it's a problem with society. Yes, things have come a long way for *** people in recent years, but it's not like they're treated the same as straight couples. Two men kissing would always create somewhat of a scene in a public place, more so in different cities and states. Some of the posts in this thread clearly demonstrate as much, the range of emotions people have towards the *** segment of society.

I don't know for sure his entire reasoning behind coming out, seems his teammates knew beforehand, but I'd guess part of it was also to stand up to say it's okay to be ***. You can still be *** and whatever you want, even in the NFL....a largely considered bastion of heterosexual males. There's young *** men and women out there who are ashamed of their sexual preference and unfortunately they have a higher rate of suicide than the heterosexual segment of society.

None of this means one has to accept his chosen partners. It also doesn't mean someone doesn't have the right to be against it based on religious views, even though Christianity (the largely predominate religion in this country)country) teaches one tolerance while suggesting it's not your place to judge, but God's. Having said that, if one straight person he knows liked him before he came out but didn't care for *** people never knowing they knew one, then looks at him and changes his stance on things, mission accomplished.

I used to think *** people were horrible when I was younger, never knowing one personally. In high school, one of my best friends came out and while it wasn't for me, it changed my view on that. I've since had a girl cousin come out and a step brother, have a sister in law who's ***, and I've made friends / acquaintances through the years that were positive relationships. To anyone who thinks it's a choice rather than who they are, you're a naive fool to say the least.
My preference is not to hear about your sexual preference.

I do not care who you like, what god you pray to or what color you are.

Just because I don't want to hear about it doesn't mean I don't like you because of it. I probably don't like you because one of the two of us are ********. It could be me, but I don't have to like everyone, so I am OK with that.
Don't be pedantic. "Homophobia" is commonly accepted to encompass anti-*** feelings beyond just "irrational fear of *** people." Splitting hairs over the clinical definition of the word is dancing around the argument.

And please tell me what "disagreeing" with homosexuality is. You don't find it appealing? That's fine--personally, I agree with you, and we're both perfectly free to not engage in homosexuality. You think it's unnatural? Well, you're factually wrong, but you're welcome to say things that are wrong as long as you're prepared to be called out for it. You think it's a sin? That may be a genuinely held personal belief, but that argument doesn't hold a lot of water to people who don't believe what you do. And if you think it's a choice, as others have proposed in this thread--well, that's just silly. When did you choose to be heterosexual?

I will say, being told to "think for myself" by someone holding the absolute most orthodox opinion on the subject is a little amusing.

Factually wrong huh? Please enlighten us? Can homosexual people reproduce?
That's fine if you think it's not the best example. My point is there's already enough arguments going on this board. I don't see the point in adding a political ones to it when this is a football board, not a politics one.
Not the OP, but I'm tired of reading self-righteous ignorance and uninformed opinions.

Is homosexuality "unnatural" as in "not naturally occurring?" Well, that's patently false, as demonstrated by decades of scientific research. Being *** isn't a choice, it's a product of how their hormones are wired. Homosexual behavior manifests in numerous species of animals, as well.

"Unnatural" as in "abnormal?" Only in the sense that most people aren't ***. It's as unnatural as being born with different-colored eyes. Basically, homosexuality is a benign genetic anomaly that's been turned into an excuse to persecute people.

Can homosexuals reproduce? Yes, unless they were born sterile. If you mean that homosexual *** is non-procreative, that's true. But if that fact is what makes it "wrong," then all other forms of non-procreative *** are wrong, too.

Bottom line: social acceptance of *** people might be increasing quickly, but it's far from complete, especially in sports. Michael Sam deserved the award because he's the first openly *** athlete in professional sports and he's a positive role model for other *** people. He's also helping to dispel negative stereotypes about *** people (i.e. the myth that *** men are effeminate, queens, twinks, etc.) and thereby increasing social acceptance of homosexuality. Being *** is not something people can change, it's not equivalent to pedophilia, and if it's a sin or an abomination then so is everything else prohibited in the Bible. Therefore, no eating cheeseburgers (can't mix meat and dairy; Exodus 23:19), pork (Leviticus 11:7-8), or shellfish (Deuteronomy 14:9-10); adulterers must be put to death (Leviticus 20:10-12); if an engaged virgin girl is raped in a city, she must be put to death (Deuteronomy 22:23-27); and do I really need to go on?

Don't be pedantic. "Homophobia" is commonly accepted to encompass anti-*** feelings beyond just "irrational fear of *** people." Splitting hairs over the clinical definition of the word is dancing around the argument.

And please tell me what "disagreeing" with homosexuality is. You don't find it appealing? That's fine--personally, I agree with you, and we're both perfectly free to not engage in homosexuality. You think it's unnatural? Well, you're factually wrong, but you're welcome to say things that are wrong as long as you're prepared to be called out for it. You think it's a sin? That may be a genuinely held personal belief, but that argument doesn't hold a lot of water to people who don't believe what you do. And if you think it's a choice, as others have proposed in this thread--well, that's just silly. When did you choose to be heterosexual?

I will say, being told to "think for myself" by someone holding the absolute most orthodox opinion on the subject is a little amusing.

Factually wrong huh? Please enlighten us? Can homosexual people reproduce?
Jim Kelly is a Hurricane Great. Has cancer. Had a tremendous football career.

Michael Sam is a completely healthy homosexual male and a one year wonder on the football field.

I was sold at Hurricane.
I think some of you are overestimating how much being homosexual is accepted. I think something like 75% of Americans are Christian, and homosexuality is something the bible doesnt speak fondly of. Thats a large segment of the population who is taught to think being *** is wrong. Im happy for Michael Sam, he broke a barrier that somebody needed to break. in the end it doesnt need to be either or, im happy for Sam, and i hope Kelly beats his fight with cancer.

Correct, I dug this up.

The Bible doesn't speak of homosexuality very often; but when it does, it condemns it as sin. Let's take a look.

•Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."1
•Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them."
•1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
•Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

The thing is we all sin, and no sin is greater than another.

My issue again, is I don't care to have what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom driven down my throat by the left leaning media outlets. I surely don't know of any other sin that is praised and approved of as being a homosexual. Look at how politicians are crucified for extra marital affairs, or whatever Congressman Weiner was caught doing.

I surely don't need the the media outlets telling me what is right and wrong and what I have to accept.

Some sins are definitely greater than others, such as murder for instance. You are correct that Christianity views homosexuality as a sin. However just because 3/4 of all Americans believe it's a sin doesn't mean that those people are homophobic; After all Half America is Liberal also. Still this was important, not because of how it will affect the team and the NFL, but how it affects those that are ***, and feel that they can't be themselves because they won't be accepted. They see that this *** guy playing the most manly sport in the world is being accepted by his teammates, and maybe that will give them the confidence to come out, and stop hiding who they are. But this really won't affect the NFL, I mean it might be different to get used to at first, but it's not like he's Jackie Robinson out there either. Sam definitely deserved this award. Kelly should have got the Perseverance award (But Stuart Scott is going through similar stuff too.)

False. All sins carry the same weight bro. Mike being ***, and me day dreaming of banging another women while married holds the same weight.

Issue here is we are awarding a blatant sin. Sandusky made his love interest known, where he at right now?

This has turned from "Jim Kelly deserves the award over Sam because he was a better player" to comparing being *** to what Sandusky did? WTF?!?! That's a dumb post.

*** being considered a sin is what bible thumpers use as an excuse to hate. Being *** doesn't make you a child molester, that is just stupid.

Sandusky has sexual preference that isn't popular right? Nor is homosexuality. Didn't compare being *** to JS molesting children. Simply implying their sexual preferences. Read then react.

And "Bible Thumpers" don't use homosexuality as a reason to hate. I'm a Christian, I teach Sunday school, and I'm trying to become the AD at my church. I haven't said one bad thing about homosexuality. From my belief system, being *** is a sin. Sandusky sexual desires of children is a sin. Me stealing is a sin, murdering, a sin, and so on and so forth. "Bible Thumpers" are upset at the fact that society is glorifying sin. Simple as that. I don't like it either. We don't glorify any other sin, the way homosexuality is being glorified right now. And it's sickening how it's shoved down our throats. I don't have to like a **** thing if I don't want to. Giving him an award? What kind of crap is that. Did we give ARod and award for admitting to using PEDs? Nope. But being coming out of the closet gets you an award? Where is Jason Collins award at? ARods?
The fact that you'd compare being *** to forcibly raping children says all you need to know about the kind of backward *** hat you are.
I think some of you are overestimating how much being homosexual is accepted. I think something like 75% of Americans are Christian, and homosexuality is something the bible doesnt speak fondly of. Thats a large segment of the population who is taught to think being *** is wrong. Im happy for Michael Sam, he broke a barrier that somebody needed to break. in the end it doesnt need to be either or, im happy for Sam, and i hope Kelly beats his fight with cancer.

Correct, I dug this up.

The Bible doesn't speak of homosexuality very often; but when it does, it condemns it as sin. Let's take a look.

•Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."1
•Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them."
•1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
•Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

The thing is we all sin, and no sin is greater than another.

My issue again, is I don't care to have what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom driven down my throat by the left leaning media outlets. I surely don't know of any other sin that is praised and approved of as being a homosexual. Look at how politicians are crucified for extra marital affairs, or whatever Congressman Weiner was caught doing.

I surely don't need the the media outlets telling me what is right and wrong and what I have to accept.

Some sins are definitely greater than others, such as murder for instance. You are correct that Christianity views homosexuality as a sin. However just because 3/4 of all Americans believe it's a sin doesn't mean that those people are homophobic; After all Half America is Liberal also. Still this was important, not because of how it will affect the team and the NFL, but how it affects those that are ***, and feel that they can't be themselves because they won't be accepted. They see that this *** guy playing the most manly sport in the world is being accepted by his teammates, and maybe that will give them the confidence to come out, and stop hiding who they are. But this really won't affect the NFL, I mean it might be different to get used to at first, but it's not like he's Jackie Robinson out there either. Sam definitely deserved this award. Kelly should have got the Perseverance award (But Stuart Scott is going through similar stuff too.)

False. All sins carry the same weight bro. Mike being ***, and me day dreaming of banging another women while married holds the same weight.

Issue here is we are awarding a blatant sin. Sandusky made his love interest known, where he at right now?

You sond so stupid. First of all you are flat oug wrong. Some sin carry more weight than others, such as Murder. That is known as a mortal sin. Gossiping would be a lesser sin, i think its cald venial sin, ehich is not nearly as bad. And secondly, it doesn't matter if he is commiting a sin to you or me. This is America and he has the freedom to do what he wants, as long as he abides by the law.