2024 Jeremiah Smith 2.0 ,,, Signs with Taint

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I know we shouldnt be getting our hopes up, but god it would be hard to say no to winning with your buddies at Miami.

I think it comes down to does Jeremiah think all his friends are talented enough to win here. And then he would have to think, god what if they won a title at Miami without me.

How much would it suck if 7-8 guys you grew up with and you were probably better than all won a title for the home team and you were up in Ohio watching. Obviously hes got to take care of himself first, but i would imagine there is a pull there to try to win it with your friends with the hometown team.
if anyone said we were loaded with Knighton Franklin and Chaney then I want what they were having

- TreVonte' Citizen - #8 RB
- Henry Parrish - Portal (local)

- Mark Fletcher - #6 RB (local)
- Chris Johnson - #25 RB (local)
- Ajay Allen - Portal

- Kevin Riley - #5 RB
- Chris Wheatley-Humprhrey - #81 RB (local)
- Probably getting Jordan Lyle - #12 RB (local)

that's the best RB room we've had in a long time, do you disagree?

I'm not sure what point you're trying to get at, when Knighton was here our OL was **** - and lashlee struggles to call an efficient ground attack, now we have one of the best OL in the country and it's showing it's dividends. if this is because we don't have a feature back, then that's by design because we are RB by committee
People were definitely arguing we were loaded. With Harris some argued it was a top 5 room. Itā€™s why there is a contingent of posters to come off negative but they have been around and have seen that same song and dance now for nearly 20 years.
Probably not gonna hear a peep. Iā€™d bet Mario saves his for right after his FSU OV.
Agree,we saw pics last ntght where Dawson and Beard visited Chance.No doubt Mario is waiting til the last minute for his visit.
šŸ¤” who we getting from the portal that makes you that confident lol
He always says vague **** like this that would make it look like hes connected but never says anything concrete. His guess is probably as good as yours. If he is plugged in he never puts his nutz out there with a prediction
I know we shouldnt be getting our hopes up, but god it would be hard to say no to winning with your buddies at Miami.

I think it comes down to does Jeremiah think all his friends are talented enough to win here. And then he would have to think, god what if they won a title at Miami without me.

How much would it suck if 7-8 guys you grew up with and you were probably better than all won a title for the home team and you were up in Ohio watching. Obviously hes got to take care of himself first, but i would imagine there is a pull there to try to win it with your friends with the hometown team.
Hence why I made the chess gif when they offered Bailey. Itā€™s hard to say no to that. But, weā€™ll see if it works.
Wait what??? šŸ˜® šŸ¤£

Those O-Hā€¦ā€¦I-O snapperheads said heā€™s broke? Like no money or a broke down car????

Thatā€™s so stupid either way.
Yea there is a YT video with OSU fans and from a podcast saying that. I havenā€™t watched the video but there is a YT video where a cane fan calling it out. I was like yo they are bugging. U can say UM is dropping bags thatā€™s fine but to say yo heā€™s poor as a way to say we paying is a stupid move.
Gang bang?
Dwight Howard Smile GIF by UFC
Is this cat worth all of this. We have a good receiver class. I rather stack quality players. Just calling it like I see. You should never put all your eggs n one basket. If he comes he comes. If he don't he don't. Nothing against the young man.
Worth all what exactly? Us discussing him on the board or the coaches continuing to recruit him? Also how are we putting all of our eggs in one basket while simultaneously having a good WR class??

For the record, I think we have a great WR class, far surpassing my expectations and are basically playing with house money now. It hurts nothing for the coaches to continue to recruit him. As you stated, if he comes he comes but thereā€™s no harm in the continued pursuit.
he doesnā€™t have to name drop.

any fan should be able to put it together.
1. We kept TVD from bama.
2. We know we need to upgrade at QB.
3. We clearly have good NIL because we just landed a 5 star committed to OSU.
4. We arenā€™t done on the HS front.
5. Mario has said we would be aggressive in the portal for QB, S, and DT

Mario has shown he can win the offseason awards. With a stacked roster and a cupcake schedule in 2024, I would expect a good runā€¦preferably CFP since it is a 12 team playoff.
Thinking Think GIF by Rodney Dangerfield
Worth all what exactly? Us discussing him on the board or the coaches continuing to recruit him? Also how are we putting all of our eggs in one basket while simultaneously having a good WR class??

For the record, I think we have a great WR class, far surpassing my expectations and are basically playing with house money now. It hurts nothing for the coaches to continue to recruit him. As you stated, if he comes he comes but thereā€™s no harm in the continued pursuit.
Okay. I can buy that for right now. But if the signs are pointing he's not coming. We just move on. Agreed šŸ‘
People were definitely arguing we were loaded. With Harris some argued it was a top 5 room. Itā€™s why there is a contingent of posters to come off negative but they have been around and have seen that same song and dance now for nearly 20 years.
Sir not sure if youā€™re aware but if we can name all of the scholarship players in a particular position group it automatically means that room is loaded
Worth all what exactly? Us discussing him on the board or the coaches continuing to recruit him? Also how are we putting all of our eggs in one basket while simultaneously having a good WR class??

For the record, I think we have a great WR class, far surpassing my expectations and are basically playing with house money now. It hurts nothing for the coaches to continue to recruit him. As you stated, if he comes he comes but thereā€™s no harm in the continued pursuit.
Exactly. It would suck losing the kid but itā€™s different than missing Innis last season. Three really good guys coming in, Smith would be the gravy.
I know we shouldnt be getting our hopes up, but god it would be hard to say no to winning with your buddies at Miami.

I think it comes down to does Jeremiah think all his friends are talented enough to win here. And then he would have to think, god what if they won a title at Miami without me.

How much would it suck if 7-8 guys you grew up with and you were probably better than all won a title for the home team and you were up in Ohio watching. Obviously hes got to take care of himself first, but i would imagine there is a pull there to try to win it with your friends with the hometown team.
The influential decision we make at the QB position portal/crooting weighs heavily imo
Winston made that team run, Jimbo a lot of money and we've been hearing we are only a QB away.... so that is where I am going...

"Loaded" in what way? I am not seeing our RBs be the difference makers I am seeing in other games... been hearing about it being loaded, not been seeing the difference maker output ....

Look forward when assessing our RBs (not at this past season even though we were 15th in ypc). Chaney put on weight post-injury (understandable) which likely helped him prevent re-injury but also cost him a step. He was still good nonetheless. Parrish has never been a real home run threat but was consistent & highly productive. Fletcher was very good for a freshman & will only get better. CJ not playing much at all this yr limited the number of explosive plays at the position.

CJ has potential to be an absolute superstar with his world class speed, quick feet, cuts & vision. His PT was only limited this yr due to his need to become a better blocker, a little stronger & the fact that we had a stable of more experienced backs. He can be an absolute superstar running behind our line.

Citizen is also more explosive than any of the other backs (other than CJ) that played this yr. He will provide some explosive runs.

Kevin Riley is a home run hitter.

Brashard can be used as a RB. Heā€™s an explosive play waiting to happen.

Fletcher will continue to get stronger & faster.

Other incoming players could be very good for us also.

This group has real potential to be special & itā€™s a great mix of power backs & speed backs.
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