Jason Whitlocks prediction on next UM coach

You might get away with winning a lot of games with an offense but you definitely win the championships with the defense

Ohio State gave up 24 points or more 9 times last year. They gave up 27 or more 6 times. That's far from a great D.

They won with offense.

That's an interesting stat - thanks for providing. They do have a lot of studs on that defense, though. It's littered with 4-5 stars.

They have a ton of talent, but the game has changed. No one is shutting great offenses down consistently anymore. Play enough defense to win championships. I'm not advocating that Kingsbury **** where they couldn't tackle a crippled old hag.

Play enough D to win championships. Get a few stops here and there. Force some turnovers. That's good D these days.

Those 1980s and early 90s UM defenses are gone. Not happening anymore.
Oregon: 45 PPG, scored 20 against Ohio State
Wisconsin: 35 PPG, scored 0 against Ohio State

They won with defense.

So you are going to omit the Alabama and Michigan State games when they scored 35 & 37 points to fit your narrative?
For all you "defense wins championships" honks, go talk to Gary Patterson. He had that same philosophy until last year until he realized he was winning 4 games with it and had to adapt to modern college football.

One of the best coaches in football realized that defense is nice but you ain't winning **** today with a defense-first, conservative approach.
Oregon: 45 PPG, scored 20 against Ohio State
Wisconsin: 35 PPG, scored 0 against Ohio State

They won with defense.

So you are going to omit the Alabama and Michigan State games when they scored 35 & 37 points to fit your narrative?

Those were pretty normal games for those offenses. Please, out yourself as someone who thinks it's all about offense. I'm dying to post the scoring defense leaders in 2013, 2012, and 2011 to see how you respond.
For all you "defense wins championships" honks, go talk to Gary Patterson. He had that same philosophy until last year until he realized he was winning 4 games with it and had to adapt to modern college football.

One of the best coaches in football realized that defense is nice but you ain't winning **** today with a defense-first, conservative approach.

LMAO, and Gary Patterson was eliminated because he gave up 61 points in one game. PHENOMENAL EXAMPLE!!!!!!!
Oregon: 45 PPG, scored 20 against Ohio State
Wisconsin: 35 PPG, scored 0 against Ohio State

They won with defense.

So you are going to omit the Alabama and Michigan State games when they scored 35 & 37 points to fit your narrative?

And he's including Wisconsin like they were some high-flying offense. They had a QB who couldn't throw a forward pass and were completely one-dimensional. Slow down Gordon and beat them.
For all you "defense wins championships" honks, go talk to Gary Patterson. He had that same philosophy until last year until he realized he was winning 4 games with it and had to adapt to modern college football.

One of the best coaches in football realized that defense is nice but you ain't winning **** today with a defense-first, conservative approach.

LMAO, and Gary Patterson was eliminated because he gave up 61 points in one game. PHENOMENAL EXAMPLE!!!!!!!

Eliminated? They were top 4 going into the final week and blew out their final opponent. So they weren't "eliminated". They got jobbed.

They got jobbed because the committee saw a team full of 2 and 3 star talent and thought OSU would be a sexier higher ratings draw. The fact that TCU should have been in the playoff last year coming off a 4-8 season when it took the "defense first" approach should make you see the light if you're half as bright as you think you are.

4-8 in 2013 with a defense first approach; 11-1 in 2104 and jobbed out of a playoff spot with an emphasis on offense with a new system in place. Which results look better to you, genius?
For all you "defense wins championships" honks, go talk to Gary Patterson. He had that same philosophy until last year until he realized he was winning 4 games with it and had to adapt to modern college football.

One of the best coaches in football realized that defense is nice but you ain't winning **** today with a defense-first, conservative approach.


Everyone seems to know this except for the handful of guys around here . The rules are for offense . The spread offense mixed with the new day rules have changed everything. It's easier to win with offense/ qb play. Not everyone can have five straight recruiting classes like Bama, and the best staff money can buy. And yet they still struggle.

I use them since that's all these Defense guys have left to hang their hat on.
Oregon: 45 PPG, scored 20 against Ohio State
Wisconsin: 35 PPG, scored 0 against Ohio State

They won with defense.

So you are going to omit the Alabama and Michigan State games when they scored 35 & 37 points to fit your narrative?

Those were pretty normal games for those offenses. Please, out yourself as someone who thinks it's all about offense. I'm dying to post the scoring defense leaders in 2013, 2012, and 2011 to see how you respond.

Ohio State's defense averaged 22 points allowed last year. How is giving up 35 & 37 normal?

You're the only one trying to make it all or nothing. It should go without saying that franchise, cribby, diegocane, etc. all think we need to stockpile talent on D. Having the Joey Bosas of the world on your squad is vital come playoff time. Nevertheless, the cfb landscape has dramatically switched in favor of putting up a large amount of points.
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Oregon: 45 PPG, scored 20 against Ohio State
Wisconsin: 35 PPG, scored 0 against Ohio State

They won with defense.

So you are going to omit the Alabama and Michigan State games when they scored 35 & 37 points to fit your narrative?

Those were pretty normal games for those offenses. Please, out yourself as someone who thinks it's all about offense. I'm dying to post the scoring defense leaders in 2013, 2012, and 2011 to see how you respond.

Ohio State's defense averaged 22 points allowed last year. How is giving up 35 & 37 normal?

What's funny is 20 ppg is considered elite now. Lol.
For all you "defense wins championships" honks, go talk to Gary Patterson. He had that same philosophy until last year until he realized he was winning 4 games with it and had to adapt to modern college football.

One of the best coaches in football realized that defense is nice but you ain't winning **** today with a defense-first, conservative approach.

LMAO, and Gary Patterson was eliminated because he gave up 61 points in one game. PHENOMENAL EXAMPLE!!!!!!!

Eliminated? They were top 4 going into the final week and blew out their final opponent. So they weren't "eliminated". They got jobbed.

They got jobbed because the committee saw a team full of 2 and 3 star talent and thought OSU would be a sexier higher ratings draw. The fact that TCU should have been in the playoff last year coming off a 4-8 season when it took the "defense first" approach should make you see the light if you're half as bright as you think you are.

4-8 in 2013 with a defense first approach; 11-1 in 2104 and jobbed out of a playoff spot with an emphasis on offense with a new system in place. Which results look better to you, genius?

Patterson has said multiple times that he had to change his style of coaching and how he went about winning.
Ohio State is 7th in the nation in opponents yards per play. They were 11th in the nation last year.

Anybody who watched them could see the impact of their speed and talent on defense. That's why they beat Oregon.
Ohio State is 7th in the nation in opponents yards per play. They were 11th in the nation last year.

Anybody who watched them could see the impact of their speed and talent on defense. That's why they beat Oregon.

Almost 500 yards of offense, and another 100 yards in drops. Oregon left points on the field , not because of Osu D.

Not sure if y'all actually watched that game.

Their D does have a bunch of talent and speed, but they still got chopped up a lot of times . Which makes my point about defense .

The big 10 is an awful offensive conference that runs out dated offense. So the defensive numbers are inflated.

Ohio State is the only really good offense . It's all grind it out 80's football , with bad qb play.

Even a team with elite defensive talent and speed gave up 22 ppg in a crappy offensive conference. Chew on that.
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Honest question.

If Chip comes back to college will he become the highest paid college coach in history?

I say yes. What do you say?

Very possible...but on a temporary basis.

10 minutes after Kelly's contract is announced Saban would ask Bama to rip up his contract and bump it up.
Defense use to win championships...up until the point where they neutered the game. You've got all types of restrictions on hits to defenseless receivers. You've got all types of restrictions on hits to the quarterback. You've got 4,533,236 restrictions on what DB's CANNOT do to receivers anymore.

The game has evolved. The best defense is a good offense. You obviously still need a good defense and it can HELP SUPPLEMENT a win...but you absolutely must be able to score at a higher clip.

We need an offensive mind. I've been saying this for 10 years on both this site and Grassy and I'm still here saying the same thing. This is why a Strong hiring would likely cause me to vomit. It's also the reason why I'm not the biggest Butch supporter either. I have slightly more hope for Butch than Strong because he's proven to have an elite eye for talent AND assistant coaches...so that in theory could save him.

But again...Give me a Kelly type any day of the week. Those guys tend to be more aggressive overall...which I'm a huge fan of. I don't ever want to see us cross midfield and punt unless it's 4th and more than 5. Period. The game today is won by putting up points.
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Defense use to win championships...up until the point where they neutered the game. You've got all types of restrictions on hits to defenseless receivers. You've got all types of restrictions on hits to the quarterback. You've got 4,533,236 restrictions on what DB's CANNOT do to receivers anymore.

The game has evolved. The best defense is a good offense. You obviously still need a good defense and it can HELP SUPPLEMENT a win...but you absolutely must be able to score at a higher clip.

We need an offensive mind. I've been saying this for 10 years on both this site and Grassy and I'm still here saying the same thing. This is why a Strong hiring would likely cause me to vomit. It's also the reason why I'm not the biggest Butch supporter either. I have slightly more hope for Butch than Strong because he's proven to have an elite eye for talent AND assistant coaches...so that in theory could save him.

But again...Give me a Kelly type any day of the week. Those guys tend to be more aggressive overall...which I'm a huge fan of. I don't ever want to see us cross midfield and punt unless it's 4th and more than 5. Period. The game today is won by putting up points.

Yes sir. It's just what the game is now.
Where is it against the rules to run an uptempo offense and have a good defense?

That is what makes the Miami job so unique. You can have the best of both worlds. Uptempo spread offense with a D built on pressure and turnovers would kill here.

If the playoff was around when Chip was at Oregon, they probably would have been in 4 straight years. At ******* Oregon which has zero recruiting base.