Jason Whitlocks prediction on next UM coach

Defense use to win championships...up until the point where they neutered the game. You've got all types of restrictions on hits to defenseless receivers. You've got all types of restrictions on hits to the quarterback. You've got 4,533,236 restrictions on what DB's CANNOT do to receivers anymore.

The game has evolved. The best defense is a good offense. You obviously still need a good defense and it can HELP SUPPLEMENT a win...but you absolutely must be able to score at a higher clip.

We need an offensive mind. I've been saying this for 10 years on both this site and Grassy and I'm still here saying the same thing. This is why a Strong hiring would likely cause me to vomit. It's also the reason why I'm not the biggest Butch supporter either. I have slightly more hope for Butch than Strong because he's proven to have an elite eye for talent AND assistant coaches...so that in theory could save him.

But again...Give me a Kelly type any day of the week. Those guys tend to be more aggressive overall...which I'm a huge fan of. I don't ever want to see us cross midfield and punt unless it's 4th and more than 5. Period. The game today is won by putting up points.

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Miami used to be innovative, now we are stuck in the past. It's weird
Kelly isn't really realistic at all... It'd be nice , but not in the realm of possibility .
Kelly isn't really realistic at all... It'd be nice , but not in the realm of possibility .

Well it's realistic for someone. If things keep going the way they are with the Eagles I have little doubt he'll be fired....that town is unique and results are demanded almost immediately, especially when you factor in what they're paying him and the hype he brought along with him.

If Miami is serious about winning...that's a bidding war that is worth entering. The second he returns to the college game he's immediately one of the top 3 coaches in the entire country alongside Saban and Meyer. The opportunity cost of passing up on something like that just hurts to even think about. His scheme, his mind...combined with the skill position players he could stock pile from South Florida could create something college football has never seen.

I'm sorry...but he's worth waiting for...inquiring about...begging for...and most importantly SPENDING for. I don't want to hear this crap about Miami not having money, that's the biggest bull**** excuse of all time. It's all about how funds are presented and the University as a whole is infamous for moving funds around and allocating them in a way to give the perception of a "poor athletic department"...but the reality is the umbrella of organizations are very well funded.
It is realistic.

1. Egomaniac who just found out he aint nothing but another coach on the hot seat in the NFL.

2. Coaches for the worst fans in all of sports.

3. He now likely appreciates that in College he is a god and in the pros, meh.

He could dump the Eagles and jet back to college just for those reasons alone.
Just like Saban. Coach K gets this as well.

If he comes back he will go to Texas, USC or Miami.
Those are the schools he would most likely succeed at and he aint coming back to be someones ******. He will come back to dominate. The only reason he didnt clean house last time is because of his talent pool.

Texas is not a sure shot. They treated Mack like shiat and have admin troubles. Have more comp in that state then ever but would break the bank to get him.

USC has and gets good recruits but good coaches have been failing there for some time. They will also break the bank. Will be playing Oregon every year. To dominate he would have to destroy his old school.

Miami is the number one hot spot for talent and has the ability to build the best team in College every single year. But will they pay him?
Chip Kelly ain't happennin' fellas. Somebody already rightly brought up the NCAA violations under his watch at Oregon. Why would anyone in their right minds even think he was a possibility given our recent NCAA skirmish. Move on.

Chip Kelly-era violations at Oregon punished by NCAA - NFL.com

His show cause was minor and has expired. If he is eliminated because of this then Butch is eliminated as well because his violations were more egregious in the court of public opinion, which is all that matters. The media would be all over Miami for Butch's history they would say nothing about Chip's.
Where is it against the rules to run an uptempo offense and have a good defense?

That is what makes the Miami job so unique. You can have the best of both worlds. Uptempo spread offense with a D built on pressure and turnovers would kill here.

If the playoff was around when Chip was at Oregon, they probably would have been in 4 straight years. At ****ing Oregon which has zero recruiting base.

ding ding ding....

People are comparing Chip at Oregon to a Chip at Miami when the talent level would be not even comparable. If Golden and Onion can avg higher ranked classes in Miami then Chip in Oregon then what do you honestly think Chip would do in Miami.

Seriously for all you guys questioning Chip.

What do you think his avg class would rank while at Miami? Be completely honest.
Defense use to win championships...up until the point where they neutered the game. You've got all types of restrictions on hits to defenseless receivers. You've got all types of restrictions on hits to the quarterback. You've got 4,533,236 restrictions on what DB's CANNOT do to receivers anymore.

The game has evolved. The best defense is a good offense. You obviously still need a good defense and it can HELP SUPPLEMENT a win...but you absolutely must be able to score at a higher clip.

We need an offensive mind. I've been saying this for 10 years on both this site and Grassy and I'm still here saying the same thing. This is why a Strong hiring would likely cause me to vomit. It's also the reason why I'm not the biggest Butch supporter either. I have slightly more hope for Butch than Strong because he's proven to have an elite eye for talent AND assistant coaches...so that in theory could save him.

But again...Give me a Kelly type any day of the week. Those guys tend to be more aggressive overall...which I'm a huge fan of. I don't ever want to see us cross midfield and punt unless it's 4th and more than 5. Period. The game today is won by putting up points.

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Miami used to be innovative, now we are stuck in the past. It's weird

defense still wins championships....get out of here with that nonsense. only auburn in 2010 had a mediocre defense Untitled.webp
Defense use to win championships...up until the point where they neutered the game. You've got all types of restrictions on hits to defenseless receivers. You've got all types of restrictions on hits to the quarterback. You've got 4,533,236 restrictions on what DB's CANNOT do to receivers anymore.

The game has evolved. The best defense is a good offense. You obviously still need a good defense and it can HELP SUPPLEMENT a win...but you absolutely must be able to score at a higher clip.

We need an offensive mind. I've been saying this for 10 years on both this site and Grassy and I'm still here saying the same thing. This is why a Strong hiring would likely cause me to vomit. It's also the reason why I'm not the biggest Butch supporter either. I have slightly more hope for Butch than Strong because he's proven to have an elite eye for talent AND assistant coaches...so that in theory could save him.

But again...Give me a Kelly type any day of the week. Those guys tend to be more aggressive overall...which I'm a huge fan of. I don't ever want to see us cross midfield and punt unless it's 4th and more than 5. Period. The game today is won by putting up points.

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Miami used to be innovative, now we are stuck in the past. It's weird

defense still wins championships....get out of here with that nonsense. only auburn in 2010 had a mediocre defense View attachment 33443

The question is why would his defense suck in Miami with the top recruits year in and year out.
Defense use to win championships...up until the point where they neutered the game. You've got all types of restrictions on hits to defenseless receivers. You've got all types of restrictions on hits to the quarterback. You've got 4,533,236 restrictions on what DB's CANNOT do to receivers anymore.

The game has evolved. The best defense is a good offense. You obviously still need a good defense and it can HELP SUPPLEMENT a win...but you absolutely must be able to score at a higher clip.

We need an offensive mind. I've been saying this for 10 years on both this site and Grassy and I'm still here saying the same thing. This is why a Strong hiring would likely cause me to vomit. It's also the reason why I'm not the biggest Butch supporter either. I have slightly more hope for Butch than Strong because he's proven to have an elite eye for talent AND assistant coaches...so that in theory could save him.

But again...Give me a Kelly type any day of the week. Those guys tend to be more aggressive overall...which I'm a huge fan of. I don't ever want to see us cross midfield and punt unless it's 4th and more than 5. Period. The game today is won by putting up points.

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Miami used to be innovative, now we are stuck in the past. It's weird

defense still wins championships....get out of here with that nonsense. only auburn in 2010 had a mediocre defense View attachment 33443

Yeah, I'm not buying all this innovative offenses...

Check it....Baylor, leads nation in scoring...how many chips they have?
Oregon, led nation in scoring, how many chips they have?

FSU won the title in 2013 w a great O and D
OSU won the title last yr w/ a great O and D
Bama have dominated the circuit w/ a great D
LSU won two chips w/ a great D
Auburn won w/ a stout D

You need defense to win titles. Ask the Seahawks, Ask the Pats, Ask the Steelers, Ask Urban, Ask Bellichick, Ask Saban....

You can put up pinball scores all you want, but when it comes down to the championship game....yeah, you need that D to win it.
The question is why would his defense suck in Miami with the top recruits year in and year out.

Because not one coach has figured out how to have a great offense AND a great defense on a consistent basis. The guys who put up the 60 point video game totals can only do so when they devote the program's entire load of resources on it. Do you think it's a coincidence that Briles, Patterson, Leach, C. Kelly, Fuente, etc., all have terrible defenses? And don't tell me that it's the players or a "good DC", because Patterson used to play defense. Now he can't find a way to do both.

Those guys put every ounce of energy into the offense and hope the defense can just make a stop every now and then.
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Defense use to win championships...up until the point where they neutered the game. You've got all types of restrictions on hits to defenseless receivers. You've got all types of restrictions on hits to the quarterback. You've got 4,533,236 restrictions on what DB's CANNOT do to receivers anymore.

The game has evolved. The best defense is a good offense. You obviously still need a good defense and it can HELP SUPPLEMENT a win...but you absolutely must be able to score at a higher clip.

We need an offensive mind. I've been saying this for 10 years on both this site and Grassy and I'm still here saying the same thing. This is why a Strong hiring would likely cause me to vomit. It's also the reason why I'm not the biggest Butch supporter either. I have slightly more hope for Butch than Strong because he's proven to have an elite eye for talent AND assistant coaches...so that in theory could save him.

But again...Give me a Kelly type any day of the week. Those guys tend to be more aggressive overall...which I'm a huge fan of. I don't ever want to see us cross midfield and punt unless it's 4th and more than 5. Period. The game today is won by putting up points.

I approve of this post.

Miami used to be innovative, now we are stuck in the past. It's weird

defense still wins championships....get out of here with that nonsense. only auburn in 2010 had a mediocre defense View attachment 33443

Yeah, I'm not buying all this innovative offenses...

Check it....Baylor, leads nation in scoring...how many chips they have?
Oregon, led nation in scoring, how many chips they have?

FSU won the title in 2013 w a great O and D
OSU won the title last yr w/ a great O and D
Bama have dominated the circuit w/ a great D
LSU won two chips w/ a great D
Auburn won w/ a stout D

You need defense to win titles. Ask the Seahawks, Ask the Pats, Ask the Steelers, Ask Urban, Ask Bellichick, Ask Saban....

You can put up pinball scores all you want, but when it comes down to the championship game....yeah, you need that D to win it.

exactly because when you get in a close game in any sport it comes down to who can stop who. if you cant stop anyone from scoring you cant win the game.
The question is why would his defense suck in Miami with the top recruits year in and year out.

Because not one coach has figured out how to have a great offense AND a great defense on a consistent basis. The guys who put up the 60 point video game totals can only do so when they devote the program's entire load of resources on it. Do you think it's a coincidence that Briles, Patterson, Leach, C. Kelly, Fuente, etc., all have terrible defenses? And don't tell me that it's the players or a "good DC", because Patterson used to play defense. Now he can't find a way to do both.

That's the whole point... Miami doesnt have to run out of resources. Miami can get the top big uglies and depth that none of those other schools can.

If we had recruiting classes that ranked in comparison to every other school on that list we would have shut the football program down.
The question is why would his defense suck in Miami with the top recruits year in and year out.

Because not one coach has figured out how to have a great offense AND a great defense on a consistent basis. The guys who put up the 60 point video game totals can only do so when they devote the program's entire load of resources on it. Do you think it's a coincidence that Briles, Patterson, Leach, C. Kelly, Fuente, etc., all have terrible defenses? And don't tell me that it's the players or a "good DC", because Patterson used to play defense. Now he can't find a way to do both.

That's the whole point... Miami doesnt have to run out of resources. Miami can get the top big uglies and depth that none of those other schools can.

If we had recruiting classes that ranked in comparison to every other school on that list we would have shut the football program down.

Quit living in the 1980's. TCU and Oregon can get whoever they **** well want. TCU is the king of Texas right now. Those coaches choose offense and put 95% of the program's focus on offense. Chip Kelly's mind is all about offense. But please, show me the list of coaches who are doing it both, year in and year out.
The question is why would his defense suck in Miami with the top recruits year in and year out.

Because not one coach has figured out how to have a great offense AND a great defense on a consistent basis. The guys who put up the 60 point video game totals can only do so when they devote the program's entire load of resources on it. Do you think it's a coincidence that Briles, Patterson, Leach, C. Kelly, Fuente, etc., all have terrible defenses? And don't tell me that it's the players or a "good DC", because Patterson used to play defense. Now he can't find a way to do both.

That's the whole point... Miami doesnt have to run out of resources. Miami can get the top big uglies and depth that none of those other schools can.

If we had recruiting classes that ranked in comparison to every other school on that list we would have shut the football program down.

Quit living in the 1980's. TCU and Oregon can get whoever they **** well want. TCU is the king of Texas right now. Those coaches choose offense and put 95% of the program's focus on offense. Chip Kelly's mind is all about offense. But please, show me the list of coaches who are doing it both, year in and year out.

Sadly, the only one that comes to mind is Urban. All the others are some anomaly of a superhero player on O (Vick, Cam Newton, Vince Young, crab legs)
Top scoring defenses for 2015:

1 Wisconsin 9 12 5 12 0 0 99 11.0
2 Michigan 8 11 5 10 0 0 91 11.4
3 Missouri 8 11 8 10 0 0 100 12.5
4 Boston College 9 12 12 12 0 0 120 13.3
5 Ohio State 8 15 6 13 0 0 121 15.1
6 Iowa 8 13 10 12 1 0 122 15.3
7 Florida 8 14 9 13 0 0 124 15.5
8 Appalachian State 8 16 5 14 0 0 125 15.6
9 Temple 8 14 10 12 0 0 126 15.8
10 Duke 8 15 9 10 1 0 129 16.1
10 Marshall 9 18 7 16 0 0 145 16.1
12 Alabama 8 15 9 14 0 0 131 16.4
13 Florida State 8 16 8 14 0 0 134 16.8
14 Washington 8 15 11 12 0 0 135 16.9
15 North Carolina 8 17 6 16 0 0 136 17.0
16 Penn State 9 19 7 19 0 0 154 17.1
17 Houston 8 18 4 18 0 0 138 17.3
18 Northwestern 8 16 10 13 0 1 141 17.6
18 Clemson 8 18 6 15 0 0 141 17.6
20 Mississippi State 8 13 17 13 0 0 142 17.8
21 Toledo 8 16 11 15 0 1 146 18.3
21 Boise State 9 21 6 21 0 0 165 18.3
23 Oklahoma 8 18 7 18 0 0 147 18.4
24 Vanderbilt 8 16 12 16 0 0 148 18.5
25 San Diego State 9 21 7 21 0 0 168 18.7

Top scoring offenses:

1 Baylor 7 59 5 57 1 0 428 61.1
2 TCU 8 50 12 47 2 2 391 48.9
3 Memphis 8 48 14 47 1 2 383 47.9
4 Texas Tech 9 56 11 53 2 0 426 47.3
5 Bowling Green 9 56 8 53 0 0 413 45.9
5 Houston 8 49 8 49 0 0 367 45.9
7 Oklahoma 8 47 12 47 0 0 365 45.6
8 Oklahoma State 8 46 11 41 0 1 352 44.0
9 Western Kentucky 9 50 11 48 1 0 383 42.6
10 Oregon 8 43 13 39 0 0 336 42.0
11 Clemson 8 41 13 38 0 1 325 40.6
12 Boise State 9 44 17 42 0 1 359 39.9
13 Mississippi 9 45 14 43 0 0 355 39.4
14 LSU 7 35 9 35 0 0 272 38.9
15 Appalachian State 8 40 10 40 0 0 310 38.8
16 Ohio State 8 41 7 41 0 0 308 38.5
16 Cincinnati 8 37 17 35 0 0 308 38.5
18 Louisiana Tech 9 42 16 42 0 1 344 38.2
19 Arizona 9 45 8 43 0 0 337 37.4
19 USC 8 40 7 38 0 0 299 37.4
21 North Carolina 8 36 14 33 2 0 295 36.9
22 Notre Dame 8 38 10 32 1 0 292 36.5
22 Stanford 8 37 11 37 0 0 292 36.5
22 Georgia Southern 8 37 11 35 0 1 292 36.5
25 Northern Illinois 9 42 12 38 0 0 326 36.2

I'd rather be Baylor, TCU, or Memphis, than be Wisconsin, Michigan, or Missouri.

But it also looks like there are a few teams that play offense AND defenses .... And surprise, surprise, those are the top ranked teams in the country.
Defense use to win championships...up until the point where they neutered the game. You've got all types of restrictions on hits to defenseless receivers. You've got all types of restrictions on hits to the quarterback. You've got 4,533,236 restrictions on what DB's CANNOT do to receivers anymore.

The game has evolved. The best defense is a good offense. You obviously still need a good defense and it can HELP SUPPLEMENT a win...but you absolutely must be able to score at a higher clip.

We need an offensive mind. I've been saying this for 10 years on both this site and Grassy and I'm still here saying the same thing. This is why a Strong hiring would likely cause me to vomit. It's also the reason why I'm not the biggest Butch supporter either. I have slightly more hope for Butch than Strong because he's proven to have an elite eye for talent AND assistant coaches...so that in theory could save him.

But again...Give me a Kelly type any day of the week. Those guys tend to be more aggressive overall...which I'm a huge fan of. I don't ever want to see us cross midfield and punt unless it's 4th and more than 5. Period. The game today is won by putting up points.

I approve of this post.

Miami used to be innovative, now we are stuck in the past. It's weird

defense still wins championships....get out of here with that nonsense. only auburn in 2010 had a mediocre defense View attachment 33443

Yeah, I'm not buying all this innovative offenses...

Check it....Baylor, leads nation in scoring...how many chips they have?
Oregon, led nation in scoring, how many chips they have?

FSU won the title in 2013 w a great O and D
OSU won the title last yr w/ a great O and D
Bama have dominated the circuit w/ a great D
LSU won two chips w/ a great D
Auburn won w/ a stout D

You need defense to win titles. Ask the Seahawks, Ask the Pats, Ask the Steelers, Ask Urban, Ask Bellichick, Ask Saban....

You can put up pinball scores all you want, but when it comes down to the championship game....yeah, you need that D to win it.

exactly because when you get in a close game in any sport it comes down to who can stop who. if you cant stop anyone from scoring you cant win the game.

Pats win more because of that guy # 12. Belichik without 12 has the same amount if sb' as I do.
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interesting who's on both lists so far