Jason Taylor Interviewed By Joy Taylor On Cowherd

To each his own. Makes me happy to see a bunch of people in here who may not have started with much but have put themselves in a good position to afford things.

Most importantly to me, all who do what they do to support their families, whatever you earn or don’t earn, but who try to be good parents who are there for their kids.

God bless you all.

Real **** dude. Well said.

These dudes are still not understanding that we are talking about short term *** as the goal. We're not talking about trying to find your next ex-wife.

Think about how delusional someone must be to think the avg American woman who would be willing to give you a one night stand hasn't been "ran through". Smh

We're talking about women that only deal with the top 5% of all men, and have very limited clientele lists. But yet somehow these women have been more "ran through" than the rachet *** hoes these cats would try to lay with at the club. Fugg outta here bro

The same dudes that are against paying to play, will try to go to the club with a $300 shirt, $600 sneakers, and attempt to buy the bar out, with the hope of trying to impress some girl so they can take her home. And many times these cats fail, so they ended up wasting their money & time. The woman they wanted ended up leaving with some old cat, who had the bag. LMAO

So what I'm saying is, if you're a low value man it makes absolutely no sense for you to maintain a hardline stance against paying to play. Doing so only sends a clear message that you don't value your time. What you value is protecting & preserving your ego & small bank account.
Its not even top 5% of people. Its really top .01%. The top 1% makes I believe 600k a year. With 600k a year, you can't buy ***** like that on even a semi regular basis.
Most of these girls have gotten fvcked less than a girl that has had a steady BF at one point in their life. Think about when you have a girl, how often your smashing her. There is a big difference between what he is talking about and a girl tricking for 100 bucks on the corner that fvcks 10 guys a day. Most of the IG models that get flown to dubai are not ******* that often. I never bought and OF, but from what I have been told, some OF girls even do "fake ***" where they aren't even ******* in the videos. Just have a soft dude pretending to hit it from the back.
Bro lol we are still talking about women that are paid to have ***. Why does the dollar amount they charge or how fine they are make you think they barely been touched ? They don’t just spawn out at 30k a night worth . They sck and fck their way up , then when they have enough bread they upgrade the body face if needed and charge double. I ain’t saying this is the case for all or even a lot of them , because obviously I wouldn’t know personally . But man it just sounds crazy to think that they’re somehow less ran thru than a woman with a job that doesn’t involve getting paid to fck
No lie for example a girl u know for 5 years plus is way more of a freak because she knows you and trust you built up that mental connection, vs a freak who you just called or got a one night stand with that's just going thru the motions no mental connections
Bro lol we are still talking about women that are paid to have ***. Why does the dollar amount they charge or how fine they are make you think they barely been touched ? They don’t just spawn out at 30k a night worth . They sck and fck their way up , then when they have enough bread they upgrade the body face if needed and charge double. I ain’t saying this is the case for all or even a lot of them , because obviously I wouldn’t know personally . But man it just sounds crazy to think that they’re somehow less ran thru than a woman with a job that doesn’t involve getting paid to fck

It doesn't, but the more you charge, the less you have to fvck. Schit I used to know some real crackhead hos from my building that you could get down to 2-3 bucks for head. They would be slurping and ******* all day. You have to, if you want to survive off a few bucks per fvck.

But if you charge 30k a night and you work 2x a month. Thats 720k untaxed income. Plus most of them have other jobs. Supermodels(who get paid well). Some have OFs etc. So they don't need to fvck multiple times a day or even a week. Meanwhile, your average girl with a boyfriend is ******* 10+ times a week.

Some did you what you are talking about. They fvcked their way up, got BBLs and schit. A lot of the Onlyfan girls are like that and ya they are ran through, but you also have the ones that are just legit bad no surgery. and they started out charging a ton of money. These are the girls that were supermodels first(or similar) then got approached to do it.

You also have a lot of girls that aren't really Hos and just because of IG they started sayig fvck it. If this dude is going to fly me out and schit for 30k, I am going to do it, but its not going to be a regular thing.
No lie for example a girl u know for 5 years plus is way more of a freak because she knows you and trust you built up that mental connection, vs a freak who you just called or got a one night stand with that's just going thru the motions no mental connections
Of course, no is disagreeing, but isn't whats being discussed here. We are talking about picking up a girl for a one night stand.

Plus some dudes get bored of girls, no matter how freaky they are. Schit I never had a 5 year relationship. not even close lol, but the girls I banged for a few months, the *** 100% got better over time. No question. As you learn what they like and they learn what you like.
Bro lol we are still talking about women that are paid to have ***. Why does the dollar amount they charge or how fine they are make you think they barely been touched ? They don’t just spawn out at 30k a night worth . They sck and fck their way up , then when they have enough bread they upgrade the body face if needed and charge double. I ain’t saying this is the case for all or even a lot of them , because obviously I wouldn’t know personally . But man it just sounds crazy to think that they’re somehow less ran thru than a woman with a job that doesn’t involve getting paid to fck
I know this one girl for years and years and she is medium fine but absolutely banging body with fattest booty just straight video model type, but years ago I overheard her arguing with her friend about selling kitty & getting money and how she has 5 plus orgies a day doing whatever to get the money, to this day she probably has a few hundred bodies on her and the whole city goes crazy over looks and having no idea about how many miles on her. Point is some people don't care if the girl has 3 bodies or 300 they will pay whatever if she looks good. For me I just got to have that mental connection and not just physical
I know this one girl for years and years and she is medium fine but absolutely banging body with fattest booty just straight video model type, but years ago I overheard her arguing with her friend about selling kitty & getting money and how she has 5 plus orgies a day doing whatever to get the money, to this day she probably has a few hundred bodies on her and the whole city goes crazy over looks and having no idea about how many miles on her. Point is some people don't care if the girl has 3 bodies or 300 they will pay whatever if she looks good. For me I just got to have that mental connection and not just physical
Thats because she is just medium fine. So she can't charge a lot so needs to resort to letting anyone hit. If she had that booty with a fire face. She could charge some rapper whatever she wanted. James Harden, paid Jenna shea 20k to pipe and she doesn't have the fattest booty or a fire face.
And some guys are getting lazy with everything too taking the easy way out paying for some quick kitty instead of putting in the work, when in fact like I was saying before ladies get more wild the more comfortable you are with each other. I could fly Vida Guerra out spend 20k to **** a hour be cool just physical since we just met, or I could spend 20k on this girl I known for months fly her to Dubai and do her on a balcony and I know for a fact it's gonna be a better hookup than Vida Guerra because of the connection.
It doesn't, but the more you charge, the less you have to fvck. Schit I used to know some real crackhead hos from my building that you could get down to 2-3 bucks for head. They would be slurping and ******* all day. You have to, if you want to survive off a few bucks per fvck.

Plus most of them have other jobs. Supermodels(who get paid well). Some have OFs etc. So they don't need to fvck multiple times a day or even a week. Meanwhile, your average girl with a boyfriend is ******* 10+ times a week.
Exactly. Many of these women have other well paying jobs, are highly educated, and very cultured. They don't stay in this line of work long term. So the amount of turnover here is extremely high. New girls are always coming & going. These dudes are acting like these women stay in this line of work long term in order to collect a 401K or Pension. Lol
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And some guys are getting lazy with everything too taking the easy way out paying for some quick kitty instead of putting in the work, when in fact like I was saying before ladies get more wild the more comfortable you are with each other. I could fly Vida Guerra out spend 20k to **** a hour be cool just physical since we just met, or I could spend 20k on this girl I known for months fly her to Dubai and do her on a balcony and I know for a fact it's gonna be a better hookup than Vida Guerra because of the connection.
Fvck that. I am banging Vida Guerra every time. Laziness doesn't mean schit though. Thats like me saying "your just lazy for flying to Dubai, you should walk there".
Exactly. Many of these women have other well paying jobs, are highly educated, and very cultured. They don't stay in this line of work long term. So the amount of turnover here is extremely high. New girls are always coming & going. These dudes are acting like these women stay in this line of work long term in order to collect a 401K or Social Security. Lol
LMAO exactly. Some of them won't even trick more than a few times. They get the constant DMs from guys, then eventually she finds one dude who is like "ill pay you 100k" and shes like. **** I can't turn that down.
LMAO exactly. Some of them won't even trick more than a few times. They get the constant DMs from guys, then eventually she finds one dude who is like "ill pay you 100k" and shes like. **** I can't turn that down.
Only thing is whether it's a girl who post *** ads online or a video model who got bribed into *** because of a deal she couldn't refuse, either way it most likely won't be that amazing because she'll be reserved and not 100% open to you because you're a stranger and it's just a business transaction so she'll be going thru the motions.