Jason Taylor Interviewed By Joy Taylor On Cowherd

I hear ya. And of course I know Richard Gere's and his pretty women of the world exist. But believe it or not, many men don't care about that life. You might be a rich 'high value man' or whatever he called them - but at the end of the day, he's still paying $$$$$$ to have a ***** pretend to like him - not sure how long that takes to get old, but I imagine not long. It's not much different that **** IMO - it gets the job done, but it's not the same as being with someone who is wildly attracted to you and you are wildly attracted to her. Some spend all their time in life chasing the dollar - and more power to them, some men don't mind 'wasting time' in the chase of real companionship - its worth more than anything else IMO.
And I hear you. I never said every man wants that.

That is pretty much what all the "high value men" use this for though. Basically instead of going home and jacking off to ****, they just fly the pornstar or similar to them to bang. It beats their hand(in their opinion). A lot of these guys also have wives or girlfriends(some don't and some don't want them, they just want to enjoy a bunch of one night stands).

Generally you have 2 different groups. You have the guys under 35 or so. That have 0 interest in having a long term relationship and if they were just your average person, would be spending every weekend at the bar or club trying to pick up women. By using Trafficantes method, they can pick up hotter women much more often. Which is why they do it.

The other group is the older guys who have wives or girlfriends, but instead of going and jacking off to **** here and there to spice things up, they just go and bang hos instead.

Even though I am defending his point, because I know a lot of people that fall into those categories. I don't do it myself. For a handful of reasons, but a big one is, if I spent 30k per night on hookers, I would be broke pretty quickly. I may have a good job, but I am not worth 9 figures lmao.

Why does paying for it, if you can afford it, trigger a black man issue? I mean regardless of income level, or race, many of us have spent more time than we should have at some point in our lives being distracted by chasing after a woman or women.

That aside, It shouldn’t be a judgement thing anyhow. It’s preference. Like I understand if you have money where it doesn’t matter, and your thing is ***king as many physical dimes as you can - maximizing your time - then to me - what you do makes sense for you. Like I get it. I think others get it too.
This will be my final post in this thread.

It's a Black issue, because of the glorification & allure of Pimp-Hoe culture, along with the impact & influence of the Matriarchy within the community. That's why I brought up absentee fathers earlier in the thread, because 70% of children are born outside of wedlock. This is creating a situation where the men are receiving their sexual cues from women, instead of men, like it is in other communities. Because of this there's an overemphasis on caring about what women think. In this thread you have people repeatedly saying things like..

"These women are laughing all the way to the bank"

"I want women to lust after me, and like me for my looks, & personality"

Who tf cares what women think when they're not with you, if the goal you are trying to achieve is short term? Its a rental car that gets you from pt. A to B. The woman that you pay might end up having *** with her bf for free, but that dude has to spend all of his time with her. While you get to go on with your life, once the transaction is complete. Ultimately you're paying for discretion, and surgical efficiency. This insistence on ALWAYS having to seduce women is keeping these men on the "Game" plantation. While men in other communities can go to brothels, and have high end escorts, or whatever, without feeling shame, and looking down upon it.

I never once tried to say in this thread that someone should ALWAYS pay to play. What i'm saying is you should do BOTH. That's actually what I do, believe it or not. However, if you're a low value man, you're not in any position to 1.) maintain a hardline stance against paying to play, and 2.) judge other men who choose to do it, especially those who are higher value, and higher ranking than you. You can't be a beta-simp if you're literally running the fuggin world. I don't think these dudes understand, that many CEOs of fortune 500 companies, have mistresses, and escort clauses, written into their contracts.

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This will be my final post in this thread.

It's a Black issue, because of the glorification & allure of Pimp-Hoe culture, along with the impact & influence of the Matriarchy within the community. That's why I brought up absentee fathers earlier in the thread, because 70% of children are born outside of wedlock. This is creating a situation where the men are receiving their sexual cues from women, instead of men, like it is in other communities. Because of this there's an overemphasis on caring about what women think. In this thread you have people repeatedly saying things like..

"These women are laughing all the way to the bank"

"I want women to lust after me, and like me for my looks, & personality"

Who tf cares what women think when they're not with you, if the goal you are trying to achieve is short term? Its a rental car that gets you from pt. A to B. The woman that you pay might end up having *** with her bf for free, but that dude has to spend all of his time with her. While you get to go on with your life, once the transaction is complete. Ultimately you're paying for discretion, and surgical efficiency. This insistence on ALWAYS having to seduce women is keeping these men on the "Game" plantation. While men in other communities can go to brothels, and have high end escorts, or whatever, without feeling shame, and looking down upon it.

I never once tried to say in this thread that someone should ALWAYS pay to play. What i'm saying is you should do BOTH. That's actually what I do, believe it or not. However, if you're a low value man, you're not in any position to 1.) maintain a hardline stance against paying to play, and 2.) judge other men who choose to do it, especially those who are higher value, and higher ranking than you. You can't be a beta-simp if you're literally running the fuggin world. I don't think these dudes understand, that many CEOs of fortune 500 companies, have mistresses, and escort clauses, written into their contracts.

Nah. I doubt many here believe you... you're coming off as a blowhard sociopath. Just my low-value opinion.
I don't get bragging about trophy hunting over a baited field.. it's just not impressive to me.
Its not trophy hunting. Its just about the enjoyment. Its the difference between spending 15 dollars for a handle of popov and paying 250k on dalmore 62. If money wasn't an issue the dalmore 62 is more enjoyable.

Not to mention its WAY harder to get wealthy enough to be able to spend 50k a night on puzzy than it is to develop enough game to be able to land a few hot girls a week.
Its not trophy hunting. Its just about the enjoyment. Its the difference between spending 15 dollars for a handle of popov and paying 250k on dalmore 62. If money wasn't an issue the dalmore 62 is more enjoyable.

Not to mention its WAY harder to get wealthy enough to be able to spend 50k a night on puzzy than it is to develop enough game to be able to land a few hot girls a week.
I hear you but I don't think you're changing my mind. 'I bought a dime' reads like trophy hunting to me. If somebody was bragging just about the money I'd be way more impressed. I get so much of what you're saying, there's just a couple nuances that I don't agree with/get. All good tho, I'm not terribly invested in it.
Its not trophy hunting. Its just about the enjoyment. Its the difference between spending 15 dollars for a handle of popov and paying 250k on dalmore 62. If money wasn't an issue the dalmore 62 is more enjoyable.

Not to mention its WAY harder to get wealthy enough to be able to spend 50k a night on puzzy than it is to develop enough game to be able to land a few hot girls a week.
The whiskey analogy is backwards. There is no ***-with-a-***** that can compare with the organic, emotional and sexual attraction two people have for each other. There is literally no comparison. That spark is literally the essence of life.

What good is a 250k whiskey that leaves you still feeling empty inside?
The whiskey analogy is backwards. There is no ***-with-a-***** that can compare with the organic, emotional and sexual attraction two people have for each other. There is literally no comparison. That spark is literally the essence of life.

What good is a 250k whiskey that leaves you still feeling empty inside?
Its not backwards, because we aren't comparing "banging your wife to banging a supermodel that doesn't like you". its banging a supermodel that doesn't like you vs jerking off or going out and picking up a random girl at a club".

The guys doing this either have a wife aswell, or they have no interest in having a wife(ie. to young).
I hear you but I don't think you're changing my mind. 'I bought a dime' reads like trophy hunting to me. If somebody was bragging just about the money I'd be way more impressed. I get so much of what you're saying, there's just a couple nuances that I don't agree with/get. All good tho, I'm not terribly invested in it.
I am not either and I certainly am not trying to change your mind. Just wanted to provide some clarification for others. If they are buying dimes, purely to brag about it, than I agree. But if they are buying dimes, because they prefer a dime over a nickel and they have the money to do so, I can't fault them for that.
Its not backwards, because we aren't comparing "banging your wife to banging a supermodel that doesn't like you". its banging a supermodel that doesn't like you vs jerking off or going out and picking up a random girl at a club".

The guys doing this either have a wife aswell, or they have no interest in having a wife(ie. to young).
Nah. These 'men' don't have "real" wives at home... else they wouldn't be sniffing for whores. Or maybe the DO have real wives at home and they're just sociopaths... the most likely explanation.

These 'men' are not 'alphas'... they're manlets, they're degenerates with money. They can't attract real women, so they pay for it. The higher their wealth... the higher the instagram ***** they can obtain.
Nah. These 'men' don't have "real" wives at home... else they wouldn't be sniffing for whores. Or maybe the DO have real wives at home and they're just sociopaths... the most likely explanation.

These 'men' are not 'alphas'... they're manlets, they're degenerates with money. They can't attract real women, so they pay for it. The higher their wealth... the higher the instagram ***** they can obtain.
I don't use the alpha/beta label myself, but I don't really see how you can say they're degenerate manlets with money. Just because you are hard working and smart enough to make hundreds of millions does not mean you are automatically a massive nerdy puzzy. A lot of these guys were pulling hot girls their entire, while working very hard in school and at work, so that one day they could give their kids the lives they always dreamed of.

A lot of them(the ones I know, can't speak for them all) do have great wives that love them and they do it in ways that the wives have no idea about it.

They aren't banging whores in their bedroom, while the wife cries down stairs, saying "if you dare divorce me and try to take my money, you are going to end up suiciding yourself". I am sure there are some of them, and they are true sociopaths, but the majority just think, if the wife doesn't know it won't hurt her. I mean Orangeman(as you like to call him) is one of them, and I wouldn't consider him a sociopath.
Just because you are hard working and smart enough to make hundreds of millions does not mean you are automatically a massive nerdy puzzy.
These nerds are few and far between. And they're certainly paying for it.
A lot of these guys were pulling hot girls their entire, while working very hard in school and at work, so that one day they could give their kids the lives they always dreamed of.
If these guys are real family-men then they aren't paying for whores, if they are they're POS's.
A lot of them(the ones I know, can't speak for them all) do have great wives that love them and they do it in ways that the wives have no idea about it.
I do feel sorry for their wives - but likely they knew what they were getting into by marrying a sociopath for money and clout.

It's a losing battle to sugarcoat this bull**** - and I think you know this. If clout is all you're worried about... go for it it. But it ain't going to keep you warm at night.
It's easy for you to say that, when your community doesn't have an avg salary in this country of $40-50k.

By and large, Black men in this country are spending way too much time chasing ***, and trying to become masters of "game". The negative stigma towards paying to play, makes no sense, when the overwhelming majority of men are low value. No other group of people think this way except them.

Think about how much of a troglodyte someone must be, to go to some rachet ***, grimey club, in their 50's, in order to "GeT SoMe ***** OFf ThE LiP"
big bang boomerang GIF
I don't use the alpha/beta label myself, but I don't really see how you can say they're degenerate manlets with money. Just because you are hard working and smart enough to make hundreds of millions does not mean you are automatically a massive nerdy puzzy. A lot of these guys were pulling hot girls their entire, while working very hard in school and at work, so that one day they could give their kids the lives they always dreamed of.

A lot of them(the ones I know, can't speak for them all) do have great wives that love them and they do it in ways that the wives have no idea about it.

They aren't banging whores in their bedroom, while the wife cries down stairs, saying "if you dare divorce me and try to take my money, you are going to end up suiciding yourself". I am sure there are some of them, and they are true sociopaths, but the majority just think, if the wife doesn't know it won't hurt her. I mean Orangeman(as you like to call him) is one of them, and I wouldn't consider him a sociopath.

Swingers are open and honest when it comes to banging other people.

Cheaters have to lie and are inherently dishonest because they commit to one but are untruthful.

This **** blew my mind when I thought about it like that.

Idk, I'm just parroting some interesting perspective I saw on a YouTube documentary.
These nerds are few and far between. And they're certainly paying for it.

If these guys are real family-men then they aren't paying for whores, if they are they're POS's.

I do feel sorry for their wives - but likely they knew what they were getting into by marrying a sociopath for money and clout.

It's a losing battle to sugarcoat this bull**** - and I think you know this. If clout is all you're worried about... go for it it. But it ain't going to keep you warm at night.
Ya the nerdy guys for sure are paying for it. No question lmao. Even if they aren't straight up paying for it. They are only getting puzzy because of their money. No question..

I agree with you too about the wives. They knew what they were getting into 9/10x. And I agree with you that, they don't care about their wives. A lot see them as a vessel to have children. They do care about their kids though and are good family men in that aspect.

Now is that trashy behavior, to cheat on your wife with hos? Sure it is I don't disagree with that.