Jason Taylor Interviewed By Joy Taylor On Cowherd

But wouldn't you agree there is something to be said for that? Kinda gives her at least a point or point and a half?
Personally no. Because I wouldn't want to talk to my girl about sports lol. But I understand why others would give her a couple points up for that. For me, when I rank a girls attractiveness level its 100% about looks.

Exactly. That's where this whole trend of having only fans is stemming from. You have avg women who have been told over & over again that they are above avg, so they choose to monetize their physical assets by recording themselves. Then these same beta-simps pay these women to view them on video. LMAO. What a strange world we're living in man.

Last time I was in Africa I was only able to stay for 2 wks, and visited only Accra & Nairobi. I want to visit again soon and take a more comprehensive & thorough trip of the entire continent, including some of the places that you mentioned. I'm also thinking about buying some real estate in Accra too, for investment purposes. Next time I visit I want to get tailored for a traditional outfit like this..

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The following is also a pretty good video travel blog of Accra for those who are wondering what it's like

My advice to all single American men is to travel and accumulate as many stamps in your passport as possible. Without doing so you're just going to end up further inflating the value of American women, which in the long run is only going to cause you more problems.

Thats facts bro. I would never pay for **** lmao. I have been to Africa a bunch of times. Always was an amazing experience, from what I have been reading Accra is only going to get more and more expensive so, RE in Accra sounds like a great idea.
The only way it’s alpha and upper echelon is if you’re worth like $50+ mil and legit don’t want to spend time and can buy insta hotties who aren’t normally hookers.

Believe it or not I actually had *** with a prostitute once for free. Met her at my gym and found out after we had hooked up. She told me all about it. She said most of them were weirdos and many don’t even have *** with her cause they’re too shy and just want company. She said one guy recently had paid her to come over 3 times and they hadn’t had *** yet. She charges $700/hr 💀 Apparently all those guys are more alpha than all of us? **** I shoulda paid her
Smdh that’s crazy but at the same time not hard to believe at all ! Those the same type of dudes making these OnlyFans girls rich lol just sad

And yea like I told him if you wanna pay for *** to each his own , but don’t come on here talking down on people like you a big dawg for doing so 😂 goofy as ****
Thats facts bro. I would never pay for **** lmao. I have been to Africa a bunch of times. Always was an amazing experience, from what I have been reading Accra is only going to get more and more expensive so, RE in Accra sounds like a great idea.
LOL..at these hoe *** beta-simps in this thread tryna @ me. These morons actually think I would have to pay to lay with their women. Smh. As I told my man earlier in the thread, all I would do is feed them Chick-fil-a & fast food, and it would be a wrap. While these dudes have to wine & dine their women just to go home & lay with a 3 or 4. LMAO

They are struggling to understand 2 main concepts about the men that typically pay for services from these women:

1.) They already know how to get laid quickly and with reasonably beautiful women, without having to pay for it (other than the usual dating expenses)

2.) They make more than enough money and have little debt where paying for it does not damage their finances and long-term financial goals.

We're talking about high value men. Not ninjas who struggle to make 60k a yr. What I'm saying is never going to register because I'm operating in a different tax bracket than them.

Since you're a Wall.St guy, can you please briefly try to explain to these dudes what kind of men pay for services from these sort of women? Because they're clueless
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LOL..at these hoe *** beta-simps in this thread tryna @ me. These morons actually think I would have to pay to lay with their women! As I told my man earlier in the thread, all I would do is feed them Chick-fil-a & fast food, and it would be a wrap. While these dudes have to wine & dine their women just to go home & lay with a 3 or 4. LMAO

They are struggling to understand 2 main concepts about the men that typically pay for the services of these women:

1. They already know how to get laid quickly and with reasonably beautiful women, without having to pay for it (other than the usual dating expenses)

2. They make more than enough money and have little debt where paying for it does not damage their finances and long-term financial goals.

We're talking about high value men. Not ninjas who struggle to make 60k a yr. What I'm saying is not registering because I'm in a different pay grade than these cats.

Since you're a Wall.St guy, can you please briefly try to explain to these dudes what kind of men pay for the services of these sort of women? Because they're clueless. Smh
You know how it is bro. When you are talking to people online, they just assume everyone is some nerdy dude afraid to approach women lol. So when there is a dude like you, that actually knows what he is talking about regarding women, they just assume they don't know what they are talking about.

But I can confirm everything you are saying is accurate, and that you know a **** of a lot more about picking up beautiful women, then you are getting credit for. A lot of people could learn a lot from you if, they just read your posts and applied it to their everyday life.

As far as WS guys picking up women. Your first point is spot on. You can take some nerdy guy who is shy af around women and give him a ton of money and his caliber of women he gets will go up (unless he is like serial killer level of creepy), but the guys who are landing the legit dimes. Were pulling puzzy their entire life. Had game even when they were young. They are in good shape, have good fashion sense, good hygiene, most importantly a ton of confidence, great at talking to girls, and then on top of all that they have a job that provides them with a ton of money and influence. But even without that job, they would still be pulling a ton of girls, based on their other characteristics. The money just bumps up the girls attractiveness a few levels.

And exactly like you said, these are not guys making 500k a year, spending 250k a year on women. Its guys making 8-9-10 figures a year, who can spend whatever they want on girls and not have to worry the slightest bit about it.

Not to mention its not only "whores" in the traditional sense. These guys aren't walking in the red light district picking up toothless whores off the corner. Some will get with traditional very high class prostitutes. Like the ones with milllions of followers on IG, that you have to fly in, and have millions of other dudes paying for their Onlyfans content or jacking it to their IG posts.

But you also have ones that essentially turn girls into prostitutes. Like they will find a very hot stripper, who doesn't trick, but the dude spends enough money on her that she ends up ******* him for it. Or guys that will find a girl on IG, that doesn't trick, but he offers to fly her across the planet, and put her up in a 5 star hotel, and pay for her expenses while she is down their and she bangs him. Or he sees a beautiful girl on the street, he walks up to her picks her up, brings her to a 3 star Michelin restaurant and pipes her on the way home. Pretty much all of those, besides the traditional whores will still require some amount of game, looks, fashion sense, etc. To pull off.

People will say "ya but he is wasting his money", but he doesn't care. Pretty much anyone here would spend 10 bucks to go fly the hottest girl on IG they could find to come fvck them. But 10 dollars for a regular dude is the equivalent of what the high level WS guys are paying for their girls. Its a drop in the bucket and worth it for them to have a great time.
We Did It Impeachment GIF by FX Networks
LOL..at these hoe *** beta-simps in this thread tryna @ me. These morons actually think I would have to pay to lay with their women. Smh. As I told my man earlier in the thread, all I would do is feed them Chick-fil-a & fast food, and it would be a wrap. While these dudes have to wine & dine their women just to go home & lay with a 3 or 4. LMAO

They are struggling to understand 2 main concepts about the men that typically pay for the services of these women:

1. They already know how to get laid quickly and with reasonably beautiful women, without having to pay for it (other than the usual dating expenses)

2. They make more than enough money and have little debt where paying for it does not damage their finances and long-term financial goals.

We're talking about high value men. Not ninjas who struggle to make 60k a yr. What I'm saying is not registering because I'm in a different pay grade than these cats.

Since you're a Wall.St guy, can you please briefly try to explain to these dudes what kind of men pay for the services of these sort of women? Because they're clueless
All that cash and no class.

LOL..at these hoe *** beta-simps in this thread tryna @ me. These morons actually think I would have to pay to lay with their women. Smh. As I told my man earlier in the thread, all I would do is feed them Chick-fil-a & fast food, and it would be a wrap. While these dudes have to wine & dine their women just to go home & lay with a 3 or 4. LMAO

They are struggling to understand 2 main concepts about the men that typically pay for the services of these women:

1.) They already know how to get laid quickly and with reasonably beautiful women, without having to pay for it (other than the usual dating expenses)

2.) They make more than enough money and have little debt where paying for it does not damage their finances and long-term financial goals.

We're talking about high value men. Not ninjas who struggle to make 60k a yr. What I'm saying is never going to register because I'm in a different pay grade than them.

Since you're a Wall.St guy, can you please briefly try to explain to these dudes what kind of men pay for the services of these sort of women? Because they're clueless
How much do you make?
Lol you’re doing exactly what you said in your 2nd sentence in that dissertation you wrote above .
Ya but I actually know for a fact trafficante gets a ton of very beautiful girls. And only a hater would say "ya you get a ton of hot girls, but you have no class. HAHA!". The odds are very very high that he is not getting the same caliber of girls as @Trafficante .
LOL..at these hoe *** beta-simps in this thread tryna @ me. These morons actually think I would have to pay to lay with their women. Smh. As I told my man earlier in the thread, all I would do is feed them Chick-fil-a & fast food, and it would be a wrap. While these dudes have to wine & dine their women just to go home & lay with a 3 or 4. LMAO

They are struggling to understand 2 main concepts about the men that typically pay for the services of these women:

1.) They already know how to get laid quickly and with reasonably beautiful women, without having to pay for it (other than the usual dating expenses)

2.) They make more than enough money and have little debt where paying for it does not damage their finances and long-term financial goals.

We're talking about high value men. Not ninjas who struggle to make 60k a yr. What I'm saying is never going to register because I'm in a different pay grade than them.

Since you're a Wall.St guy, can you please briefly try to explain to these dudes what kind of men pay for the services of these sort of women? Because they're clueless
“They already know how to get laid quickly” doesn’t match up with what you said last night lmao but go off. When you’re “wasting time” TRYING to seduce girls to have *** with you, that doesn’t sound like a guy that knows how to get laid quickly. And you getting defensive as **** which is what people typically do when they get some facts laid on em they wasn’t ready for. Keep paying for that overpriced pssy bro no need to get emotional about it that’s your choice
LOL..at these hoe *** beta-simps in this thread tryna @ me. These morons actually think I would have to pay to lay with their women. Smh. As I told my man earlier in the thread, all I would do is feed them Chick-fil-a & fast food, and it would be a wrap. While these dudes have to wine & dine their women just to go home & lay with a 3 or 4. LMAO

They are struggling to understand 2 main concepts about the men that typically pay for the services of these women:

1.) They already know how to get laid quickly and with reasonably beautiful women, without having to pay for it (other than the usual dating expenses)

2.) They make more than enough money and have little debt where paying for it does not damage their finances and long-term financial goals.

We're talking about high value men. Not ninjas who struggle to make 60k a yr. What I'm saying is never going to register because I'm in a different pay grade than them.

Since you're a Wall.St guy, can you please briefly try to explain to these dudes what kind of men pay for the services of these sort of women? Because they're clueless
But some will still debate smh
Ya but I actually know for a fact trafficante gets a ton of very beautiful girls. And only a hater would say "ya you get a ton of hot girls, but you have no class. HAHA!". The odds are very very high that he is not getting the same caliber of girls as @Trafficante .
That’s not what he said tho . Why change his statement when you just quoted it lol