Jason Taylor Interviewed By Joy Taylor On Cowherd

IRL- in real life???

Kids and ex wife for starters. 2nd wife and step-kid.

2nd wife is 15 years younger than me and Latina and I’m very happy with her looks. Lol
Happy Philadelphia 76Ers GIF by NBA

Naaaah, I doubt it.
Dont be so sure man. I think after going through a few more divorces you'll finally knock American women off of their pedestal, and begin to value them properly. I am holding out faith & hope for you.
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I dont know what my man is talking about. I never said she was a 3. I said most of these dudes go home at night and lay with 3's or 4's, but believe they are actually higher on the scale. This in turn forces them to overvalue & overrate all other women. If you go home at night & lay with a 3 or 4, then you should actually have the humility to admit that, and stop lying to yourself. Thats all I was saying
I didn't even know who he was referring too lol. I wasn't trying to go back all those and see who was calling who a 3 lol. I agree with you though that most people do put puzzy on a pedestal and it causes these girls to get gassed up and have a very overrated opinion of themselves. Like you were saying before, if you like thick black women. Africa is filled with them. One of my favorite places to visit.
I didn't even know who he was referring too lol. I wasn't trying to go back all those and see who was calling who a 3 lol. I agree with you though that most people do put puzzy on a pedestal and it causes these girls to get gassed up and have a very overrated opinion of themselves. Like you were saying before, if you like thick black women. Africa is filled with them. One of my favorite places to visit.
As usual man, me and you see eye to eye. It's because you're one of the few posters on here that are able to separate emotions from facts, logic & reason. Conversely many of these other cats on here allow their emotions to cloud their judgement. Unfortunately, they are going to have to learn the hard way.

Market analysts talk about inflation, but this particular market is just rife with distortions. If a super model is a 10, then how tf can Joy ever be considered anything more than a 5 or 6? **** makes no sense. Just think about how distorted your perception of reality must be to think otherwise.

And bro..Africa is amaaaaaazing! Accra, Ghana, and Nairobi, Kenya are absolute gold mines for women. These beta-simps on here would lose their fuggin minds if they went there. Lol
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As usual man, me and you see eye to eye in this case. It's because you're one of the few posters on here that are able to separate emotions from facts, logic & reason. Conversely many of these other cats on here allow their emotions to cloud their judgment. Unfortunately, they are going to have to learn the hard way.

Market analysts talk about inflation, but this particular market is just rife with distortions. If a super model is a 10, then how tf can Joy ever considered anything more than a 5 or 6? **** makes no sense. Just think about how distorted your perception of reality must be to think otherwise.

And bro..Africa is amaaaaaazing! Accra, Ghana, and Nairobi, Kenya are absolute gold mines for women. These beta-simps on here would lose their fuggin minds if they went there. Lol
Of course my bro. I appreciate the compliment and I fully agree that, that is the reason why we see eye to eye on pretty much all the topics we end up discussing.

But you are 100% correct. Its funny you mention Accra because that is exactly the spot I was thinking of when I was talking about Africa. It is my favorite African city. Other are great too, like Nairobi. Kampala is another one. Another underrated one is Kigali Rwanda.

As far as this market, you are correct. These girls get gassed up by simps and thats why you have these fat 3s thinking they are super models when they were a belly shirt lmao. And that is exactly the reason, which you mentioned earlier, why the actual 10s are really only getting with VERY high value men. They have so many simps coming after them gassing them up, you have to really stand out to get a true dime. Not what most people refer to as dimes.
Unless you’ve seen her in person stfu.
These picks and tv make girls look bigger than they are.
I’ve worked in the beach and seen plenty of celebrities.
Serena Williams on tv looks like a **** wwe wrestler. In person she doesn’t look anywhere that big.
These girls on tv that have nice bodies are freaking toothpicks in person.

But I know some of y’all can’t handle anything g above a size 2.
Joy is a dime. y’all talking mad sht on here. If she was your next door neighbor you’d be closet jacking through the blinds.
Of course my bro. I appreciate the compliment and I fully agree that, that is the reason why we see eye to eye on pretty much all the topics we end up discussing.

But you are 100% correct. Its funny you mention Accra because that is exactly the spot I was thinking of when I was talking about Africa. It is my favorite African city. Other are great too, like Nairobi. Kampala is another one. Another underrated one is Kigali Rwanda.

As far as this market, you are correct. These girls get gassed up by simps and thats why you have these fat 3s thinking they are super models when they were a belly shirt lmao. And that is exactly the reason, which you mentioned earlier, why the actual 10s are really only getting with VERY high value men. They have so many simps coming after them gassing them up, you have to really stand out to get a true dime. Not what most people refer to as dimes.
Exactly. That's where this whole trend of having only fans is stemming from. You have avg women who have been told over & over again that they are above avg, so they choose to monetize their physical assets by recording themselves. Then these same beta-simps pay these women to view them on video. LMAO. What a strange world we're living in man.

Last time I was in Africa I was only able to stay for 2 wks, and visited only Accra & Nairobi. I want to visit again soon and take a more comprehensive & thorough trip of the entire continent, including some of the places that you mentioned. I'm also thinking about buying some real estate in Accra too, for investment purposes. Next time I visit I want to get tailored for a traditional outfit like this..


The following is also a pretty good video travel blog of Accra for those who are wondering what it's like

My advice to all single American men is to travel and accumulate as many stamps in your passport as possible. Without doing so you're just going to end up further inflating the value of American women, which in the long run is only going to cause you more problems.
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Exactly. That's where this whole trend of having only fans is stemming from. You have avg women who have been told over & over again that they are above avg, so they choose to monetize their physical assets by recording themselves. Then these same beta-simps pay these women to view them on video. LMAO. What a strange world we're living in man.

Last time I was in Africa I was only able to stay for 2 wks, and visited only Accra & Nairobi. I want to visit again soon and take a more comprehensive & thorough trip of the entire continent, including some of the places that you mentioned. I'm also thinking about buying some real estate in Accra too, for investment purposes. Next time I visit I want to get tailored for a traditional outfit like this..

View attachment 185191

The following is also a pretty good video travel blog of Accra for those who are wondering what it's like

My advice to all single American men is to travel and accumulate as many stamps in your passport as possible. Without doing so you're just going to end up inflating the value of American women, which in the long run is only going to cause you more problems.

Great great advice. Have done before and going to start doing again.

It’s an uncomfortable truth in the United States: men clearly overvalue the majority of American women. A lot of it is out of fear (taboos, economic safety masquerading as ‘needing someone to relate to’…..bullshyt) and lack of self confidence to bet on one’s self.
If you continue to misrepresent & misconstrue what I say, im no longer going to reply, because I refuse to promote intellectual dishonesty. I dont know if you're just obtuse or intentionally doing it, but it has to stop.

We have drastically different perspectives on what qualifies as upper echelon. Tour college campuses for a summer?? LMAO. That tells me everything I need to know about you. No other assumptions or details need to be made or known about you. What you consider upper echelon, I consider to be basic & avg. And what I consider upper echelon you would consider to be super models. Me and you are playing different games homey. We're in different stratospheres. Trust me your arms are definitely way to short to box with god in this instance. Definitely trust me. The woman you go home to lay with every night, I would feed her chick fil-a, and fast food. I would treat her like a Thot, while you treat her as your queen. Lol

Lastly, you're struggling to understand basic supply & demand. The upper echelon women that I am referring to wouldnt be able to charge what they do, if there was no market. In this world everything is for sale, and theres a direct relationship between price & value. If you dont want to listen to me, then listen to people that actually maneuver in these sort of circles. Lupe Fiasco who's a celebrity and pretty smart guy, said the most beautiful women in the world are whores. And he's 💯percent correct with his assessment.
Lol keep falling for the facade man . Of course there’s a market for it . There’s always going to be men who pay for things they couldn’t otherwise get . Trust me you’re demonstrating that . You don’t seem to be able to wrap you head around the fact that those supermodel looking escorts you talking about had their bodies done, faces done , all that . Guess what they looked like before that ? Probably an average girl . They get some work done and then turn around and charge dumbasses like you $10k to touch your leg and you think you got some upper echelon pssy because you paid more money for it 😂

There’s millions of women in this world my guy . If you think the finest women of them are all strippers and escorts then idk what to tell you. “Upper echelon” lmao I’m still laughing at that , which Escort info page to read that off of ?
I really just can’t believe this . A dude that has to pay for pssy talking down on someone 😂 but I guess it is 2022
A dude that has to pay for pssy talking down on someone 😂 but I guess it is 2022
Whatever you say man. If you think just because you go home at night and lay with a 3 or 4 that you didn't have to pay to sleep with makes you an alpha, then more power to you. Lol. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

But for some reason you're still struggling to understand what makes an alpha. The quality of women that you lay with on a consistent basis determines whether you're an alpha, not whether you paid for it. The women that I'm talking about, you couldn't even afford, let alone get outright. That's what you're not understanding.
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Lol keep falling for the facade man . Of course there’s a market for it . There’s always going to be men who pay for things they couldn’t otherwise get . Trust me you’re demonstrating that . You don’t seem to be able to wrap you head around the fact that those supermodel looking escorts you talking about had their bodies done, faces done , all that . Guess what they looked like before that ? Probably an average girl . They get some work done and then turn around and charge dumbasses like you $10k to touch your leg and you think you got some upper echelon pssy because you paid more money for it 😂

There’s millions of women in this world my guy . If you think the finest women of them are all strippers and escorts then idk what to tell you. “Upper echelon” lmao I’m still laughing at that , which Escort info page to read that off of ?
I really just can’t believe this . A dude that has to pay for pssy talking down on someone 😂 but I guess it is 2022
The power of POON , it launched a thousand ships and destroyed the Greek empire just one POON did this .

The male species is dominated by POON , Adam tried to tell Eve also stay away from that bad tree, don’t tell me what to do my POON knows better HUH then a hair flip and the rest is history.

I feel for Johnny Depp his POON went right to crying within seconds on the witness stand what a weapon she went nuclear quickly accessing POON power immediately.

Then Judge declared a (2) week recess with tears , tissues and running mascara on Juries minds.

I know Johnny’s innocent but a crying POON tough to beat .

Whatever you say man. If you think just because you go home at night and lay with a 3 or 4 that you didn't have to pay to sleep with makes you an alpha, then more power to you. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

But for some reason you're still struggling to understand what makes an alpha. The quality of women that you get to lay with determines whether you're an alpha, not whether you paid for it. The women that I'm talking about, you couldn't even afford, let alone get outright. That's what you're not understanding.
Wait a minute. Did you really just say that whether you’re an alpha or not depends on the quality of women you sleep with ? 😂😂😂😂 I won’t even waste time addressing that , holy sht

If I was going home to a 3 or 4 every night I wouldn’t even be in this thread lol . But I know you don’t know any better and I have nothing to prove to random internet folks so 🤷🏾‍♂️

I think I understand perfectly well lol. As I said, a dollar amount doesn’t change the attractiveness of a woman . That’s what you don’t seem to understand. I’m confused how you’re so well traveled but have the idea that the only “upper echelon” women you can get, you have to pay for . Oh and not just pay for, but more than the average person can afford as you keep saying. Falling for the facade and putting those fine *** prostitutes up on a pedestal
The power of POON , it launched a thousand ships and destroyed the Greek empire just one POON did this .

The male species is dominated by POON , Adam tried to tell Eve also stay away from that bad tree, don’t tell me what to do my POON knows better HUH then a hair flip and the rest is history.

I feel for Johnny Depp his POON went right to crying within seconds on the witness stand what a weapon she went nuclear quickly accessing POON power immediately.

Then Judge declared a (2) week recess with tears , tissues and running mascara on Juries minds.

I know Johnny’s innocent but a crying POON tough to beat .

Poon is just a funny *** word
If I was going home to a 3 or 4 every night I wouldn’t even be in this thread lol . But I know you don’t know any better and I have nothing to prove to random internet folks so 🤷🏾‍♂️
All you should really be concerned about is whoever I lay with, will ALWAYS end up being higher quality than who you get to lay with. Period

I never said that I always pay for anything. This is just you once again deliberately misrepresenting & misconstruing what I said.
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Do you not have instagram? Just scroll down the explore page. You will find 10 hotter girls in 30 seconds. The only reason people think she is more attractive than she is,is because she is into sports.
But wouldn't you agree there is something to be said for that? Kinda gives her at least a point or point and a half?
All you should really be concerned about is whoever I lay with, will ALWAYS end up being higher quality than what you get to lay with on a nightly basis. Period.

I never said that I always pay for anything. This is just you once again deliberately misinterpreting & misconstruing what I said.
Huh ? Why would I be concerned about who another man is lying up with ? Yal some straight weirdos 😂
Poon is just a funny *** word
POON is an abbreviation from the word POONTANG from the ancient Hillbillies text found buried in the Smoky Mountains burial grounds pertaining to the ****** or Papaya ( Spanish translation) and the power it generates in the never ending male pursuit in obtaining it fruits and it’s grip on all the male specie it encounters.

How’s that , does it help 😅

POON is an abbreviation from the word POONTANG from the ancient Hillbillies text found buried in the Smoky Mountains burial grounds pertaining to the ****** or Papaya ( Spanish translation) and the power it generates in the never ending male pursuit in obtaining it fruits and it’s grip on all the male specie it encounters.

How’s that , does it help 😅

I’m more of a PUNANI man myself but , I can’t fault those partaking in the POON or the POONTANG 🤷🏾‍♂️