Marriage is hard, bro, even for the best of them. My parents have a great relationship, but even w/ that being said, I recall being put in the middle of things as a youngster. But they worked through the storm & hit 40 yrs of being together.
However, as someone who’s going through a divorce, I can unequivocally tell u that basing things off looks, only, is a no-no. Looks will get u, but the beauty inside will keep u. Unfortunately, I allowed lust to blind logic. I was gaslit for 12 yrs of my life, til I finally woke up & realized how, literally, my love for her was causing me an early death.
My saving grace, & it might sound funny, but was my pull out game. It remained A+ even in marriage b/c something wouldn’t allow me to fully commit, by sealing my fate having children w/ her. Everybody would say “oh ya’ll would have beautiful children” & in the back of my mind I was like, ‘but I can’t.’ I knew having children would morally lock me down b/c I would sacrifice my happiness & mental health to make sure my children know I’m there. I talk a lot of chit on here, but my loyalty compass is

. My boys on here know I stay solid, right or wrong. I was built like that.
I’m hoping all goes well w/ u bro; not sure if u guys have done some open counsel w/ an unbiased party or not, but I applaud u for sticking it out. Hoping ur bond gets back tight, & u can share stories w/ grandchildren, together, in the future. Love is a two way street, but so is respect. I had neither; I was just good D & $$ in her eyes (her words, actually). I’m not bitter though. I just wasn’t being player on that situation looking for the total package. BVD told me back in the 90’s, never trust a big butt & a smile. Lol.
Wishing u & ur entire situation the best.