Jason Taylor Interviewed By Joy Taylor On Cowherd

She's got a good personality.

She likes whatever.

She's handy.

She's into sports.

None of that stuff makes someone more attractive, not to me. That's chick stuff. I wasn't attracted to them until I got to know them, they've got a great personality and are now attractive.
Exactly. Very well said.

Exactly. Very well said.

That's the type of stuff men say to try and justify their average to decent looking girl or Wife. There's no reason to do that, you picked her because of whatever and she may be the baddest ***** on the planet to you. Your ride or die you wouldn't trade for anyone.

Don't get me wrong, people fall in love with all kinds of women for a ton of various reasons. I would sacrifice some of my Wife's looks for a better personality and more common ground at this point.

I went with hot though and maybe time has changed this, but I wish I loved her like some of my friends and coworkers do their significant others. If it wasn't for the kids, I don't even think we'd be together.

So hit Wife, but what's it matter. Find what matters to you and be good with it.
That's the type of stuff men say to try and justify their average to decent looking girl or Wife. There's no reason to do that, you picked her because of whatever and she may be the baddest ***** on the planet to you. Your ride or die you wouldn't trade for anyone.

Don't get me wrong, people fall in love with all kinds of women for a ton of various reasons. I would sacrifice some of my Wife's looks for a better personality and more common ground at this point.

I went with hot though and maybe time has changed this, but I wish I loved her like some of my friends and coworkers do their significant others. If it wasn't for the kids, I don't even think we'd be together.

So hit Wife, but what's it matter. Find what matters to you and be good with it.
Straight facts. I said something like this earlier in the thread. You see it all the time "I love her for her personality". But 99/100 times they didn't hit on her the first time because of her personality.

I agree though, I am at the point in my life, where I am just trying to fvck, so for me, its 100% about looks. But when I actually get married, hopefully I will find a girl that I actually enjoy being around, while also being hot. Sorry about your marriage though bro, I hope things get better with your wife.

I don't have nearly as much experience as you or have as much wisdom, but I will say this. As someone who has been around a ton of parents who "should have been divorced". Its great that you are sticking together for the kids, but make sure you aren't letting your kids see that. I have seen a lot of kids end up very fvcked up because they noticed their parents didn't love each other and the tension between the 2. Even if you aren't getting into arguments in front of the kids. They still pick up on little things. Not recommending you get a divorce just that you try to at least pretend like there is no issues between you 2 infront of your kids. Save that for behind closed doors.
Straight facts. I said something like this earlier in the thread. You see it all the time "I love her for her personality". But 99/100 times they didn't hit on her the first time because of her personality.

I agree though, I am at the point in my life, where I am just trying to fvck, so for me, its 100% about looks. But when I actually get married, hopefully I will find a girl that I actually enjoy being around, while also being hot. Sorry about your marriage though bro, I hope things get better with your wife.

I don't have nearly as much experience as you or have as much wisdom, but I will say this. As someone who has been around a ton of parents who "should have been divorced". Its great that you are sticking together for the kids, but make sure you aren't letting your kids see that. I have seen a lot of kids end up very fvcked up because they noticed their parents didn't love each other and the tension between the 2. Even if you aren't getting into arguments in front of the kids. They still pick up on little things. Not recommending you get a divorce just that you try to at least pretend like there is no issues between you 2 infront of your kids. Save that for behind closed doors.

That last part is something I'm constantly aware of and try to mitigate as much as possible and also fail at as well. Had a great time with those two yesterday picking out a bunch of stuff (they pick some things out as do I) for this particular day.

I truly feel the best thing is for me to be here at this point for various reasons I'm not going to get into. She knows that as well and that's why we stay at it. Who knows, maybe it all ends up roses and sunshine one day.

Just enjoying every day with them as imagining a day where I don't wake up under the same roof as them isn't something I want at all.
That last part is something I'm constantly aware of and try to mitigate as much as possible and also fail at as well. Had a great time with those two yesterday picking out a bunch of stuff (they pick some things out as do I) for this particular day.

I truly feel the best thing is for me to be here at this point for various reasons I'm not going to get into. She knows that as well and that's why we stay at it. Who knows, maybe it all ends up roses and sunshine one day.

Just enjoying every day with them as imagining a day where I don't wake up under the same roof as them isn't something I want at all.
Ya I fully agree. The best possible situation is you to mitigating it as much as possible and sticking together. Kids don't want to have to deal with divorces either. So if you can stick together and mitigate it, you are better off.

Glad to hear that you have a great relation with your kids though and I will be hoping you do end up rekindling your relationship and it ends up roses and sunshine.
That last part is something I'm constantly aware of and try to mitigate as much as possible and also fail at as well. Had a great time with those two yesterday picking out a bunch of stuff (they pick some things out as do I) for this particular day.

I truly feel the best thing is for me to be here at this point for various reasons I'm not going to get into. She knows that as well and that's why we stay at it. Who knows, maybe it all ends up roses and sunshine one day.

Just enjoying every day with them as imagining a day where I don't wake up under the same roof as them isn't something I want at all.
Man, real human talk here. Not easy to open up personal feelings on a forum of Jackals.

probably a lot here can relate. Hang in there brother. You have a level approach and your hearts in the right place.
That last part is something I'm constantly aware of and try to mitigate as much as possible and also fail at as well. Had a great time with those two yesterday picking out a bunch of stuff (they pick some things out as do I) for this particular day.

I truly feel the best thing is for me to be here at this point for various reasons I'm not going to get into. She knows that as well and that's why we stay at it. Who knows, maybe it all ends up roses and sunshine one day.

Just enjoying every day with them as imagining a day where I don't wake up under the same roof as them isn't something I want at all.

Marriage is hard, bro, even for the best of them. My parents have a great relationship, but even w/ that being said, I recall being put in the middle of things as a youngster. But they worked through the storm & hit 40 yrs of being together.

However, as someone who’s going through a divorce, I can unequivocally tell u that basing things off looks, only, is a no-no. Looks will get u, but the beauty inside will keep u. Unfortunately, I allowed lust to blind logic. I was gaslit for 12 yrs of my life, til I finally woke up & realized how, literally, my love for her was causing me an early death.

My saving grace, & it might sound funny, but was my pull out game. It remained A+ even in marriage b/c something wouldn’t allow me to fully commit, by sealing my fate having children w/ her. Everybody would say “oh ya’ll would have beautiful children” & in the back of my mind I was like, ‘but I can’t.’ I knew having children would morally lock me down b/c I would sacrifice my happiness & mental health to make sure my children know I’m there. I talk a lot of chit on here, but my loyalty compass is 💯. My boys on here know I stay solid, right or wrong. I was built like that.

I’m hoping all goes well w/ u bro; not sure if u guys have done some open counsel w/ an unbiased party or not, but I applaud u for sticking it out. Hoping ur bond gets back tight, & u can share stories w/ grandchildren, together, in the future. Love is a two way street, but so is respect. I had neither; I was just good D & $$ in her eyes (her words, actually). I’m not bitter though. I just wasn’t being player on that situation looking for the total package. BVD told me back in the 90’s, never trust a big butt & a smile. Lol.

Wishing u & ur entire situation the best. 🙏🏾🙏🏾
I promise u, if u f’ing w/ women of the night, my g, the only “plant based diet” they on is eggplant.
Yeah, you're right. But it's MY eggplant ONLY.

This is the problem with CIS. In most discussions this forum is unable to interject any nuance, and only sees things in black & white.

You of all people, who's a fan of CFB, should be able to understand that American society is divided into hierarchical arrangements based on wealth, educational attainment, occupation, income, and membership in social networks. Basically, we're not all playing the same game, nor are we experiencing equal qualities of life. Stratification as a phenomenon is something we should all be very familiar with.

This universal precept applies within the market for women as well. Why would anyone think otherwise? As you move up the tiers & levels, what you will end up finding out, is that women in the upper echelon not only are some of the most beautiful in the entire world, but also have been ran through much less than the avg women these dudes make their wives & queens. The only way this doesn't hold to be true, is if these dudes end up marrying their high school or college sweetheart, but that's extremely rare today, due to the default mating strategy of women, which is hypergamy.

So you see..My g, in the end I always end up winning on both fronts. Whether I get women the traditional way, or procure services, I always curb stomp the bum *** ninjas on this forum. There's a reason why I chose the avatar pic that I did, because I'm a Made Man in this muh****a.
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That last part is something I'm constantly aware of and try to mitigate as much as possible and also fail at as well. Had a great time with those two yesterday picking out a bunch of stuff (they pick some things out as do I) for this particular day.

I truly feel the best thing is for me to be here at this point for various reasons I'm not going to get into. She knows that as well and that's why we stay at it. Who knows, maybe it all ends up roses and sunshine one day.

Just enjoying every day with them as imagining a day where I don't wake up under the same roof as them isn't something I want at all.
As you well know, life is about choices - good, bad, and somewhere in between. I admire that you’ve chosen to do all you can to preserve your family as difficult as it may be at this point in your life.

The choice you’ve made will strengthen your character and that of your children as they see their father persevere through a difficult time. Your wife may also come to admire that character building perseverance. She may already.

I’m currently married to my 3rd wife going on 25 years. After the first 2, it took me a while to understand that those choices were not in vain and helped create the man that I am today. I’ve also learned to not dwell on those questionable choices but to learn from them, put them in the past, and be content with my life as it is today.

As time moves along, your life as it is today, will become a blip on your radar as you go through the journey of the rest of your days. Take solace in knowing that today won’t last forever and the choices your making today will surely bring you brighter days ahead.
Yeah, you're right. But it's MY eggplant ONLY.

This is the problem with CIS. In most discussions this forum is unable to interject any nuance, and only sees things in Black & White.

You of all people, who's a fan of CFB, should be able to understand that American society is divided into hierarchical arrangements based on wealth, educational attainment, occupation, income, and membership in social networks. Basically, we're not all playing the same game, nor are we experiencing equal qualities of life. Stratification as a phenomenon is something we should all be very familiar with.

This universal precept applies within the market for women as well. Why would anyone think otherwise? As you move up the tiers & levels, what you will end up finding out, is that women in the upper echelon not only are some of the most beautiful in the entire world, but also have been ran through much less than the avg women these dudes make their wives & queens. The only way this doesn't hold to be true, is if these dudes end up marrying their high school or college sweetheart, but that's extremely rare today, due to the default mating strategy of women, which is hypergamy.

So you see..My g, in the end I always end up winning on both fronts. Whether I get women the traditional way, or procure services, I always curb stomp the bum *** ninjas on this forum. There's a reason why I chose the avatar pic that I did, because I'm a Made Man in this muh****a.

Hold up; u said u pay for ***, no? If I misread ur post, then I apologize. But if I read correctly, then I can guarandamntee u that it’s not ur egg plant, only. Idgaf what she says or how she makes u feel, if she’s professionally paid, she belongs to the streets.

Listen, I don’t judge. Do u; whatever u like, have at it. I got boys who make trips to Nevada all the time for that. I’m just saying if u tryna smash, and u got $$, it’s really not hard to do that.
I love the weird rabbit holes CIS threads go down.
Hold up; u said u pay for ***, no? If I misread ur post, then I apologize. But if I read correctly, then I can guarandamntee u that it’s not ur egg plant, only. Idgaf what she says or how she makes u feel, if she’s professionally paid, she belongs to the streets.

Listen, I don’t judge. Do u; whatever u like, have at it. I got boys who make trips to Nevada all the time for that. I’m just saying if u tryna smash, and u got $$, it’s really not hard to do that.
My focus is on being with perfect 10's. That means sometimes I am able to get them outright, and sometimes I procure services from them.

What I was saying is when you get to a certain level & tier, those women have more leverage than the rest. What this means is those women actually end up having lower body counts, than the avg women most dudes on here end up marrying. Only a very small percentage of men can get these women. Either because their bank account is not big enough, or because the women can afford to be selective with who they make their client. When you're at this level, you can make arrangements with these women where you are their sole client. That's what I meant by one eggplant only.

I agree with you, most avg women that you would pay to lay with are for the streets, but that's not what we're talking about here. This is an entirely different world. We're not talking about women in Vegas, who some avg guy lays with on vacation.
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My focus is on being with perfect 10's. That means sometimes I am able to get them outright, and sometimes I procure services from them.

What I was saying is when you get to a certain level & tier, those women have more leverage than the rest. What this means is those women actually end up having lower body counts, than the avg women most dudes on here end up marrying. Only a very small percentage of men can get these women. Either because their bank account is not big enough, or because the women can afford to be selective with who they make their client. When you're at this level, you can make arrangements with these women where you are their sole client. That's what I meant by one eggplant only.

I agree with you, most avg women that you would pay to lay with are for the streets, but that's not what we're talking about here. This is an entirely different world. We're not talking about women in Vegas, who some avg guy lays with on vacation.

Man this thread went from Jason Taylor to Joy Taylor to now yall talking about buying *****
Marriage is hard, bro, even for the best of them. My parents have a great relationship, but even w/ that being said, I recall being put in the middle of things as a youngster. But they worked through the storm & hit 40 yrs of being together.

However, as someone who’s going through a divorce, I can unequivocally tell u that basing things off looks, only, is a no-no. Looks will get u, but the beauty inside will keep u. Unfortunately, I allowed lust to blind logic. I was gaslit for 12 yrs of my life, til I finally woke up & realized how, literally, my love for her was causing me an early death.

My saving grace, & it might sound funny, but was my pull out game. It remained A+ even in marriage b/c something wouldn’t allow me to fully commit, by sealing my fate having children w/ her. Everybody would say “oh ya’ll would have beautiful children” & in the back of my mind I was like, ‘but I can’t.’ I knew having children would morally lock me down b/c I would sacrifice my happiness & mental health to make sure my children know I’m there. I talk a lot of chit on here, but my loyalty compass is 💯. My boys on here know I stay solid, right or wrong. I was built like that.

I’m hoping all goes well w/ u bro; not sure if u guys have done some open counsel w/ an unbiased party or not, but I applaud u for sticking it out. Hoping ur bond gets back tight, & u can share stories w/ grandchildren, together, in the future. Love is a two way street, but so is respect. I had neither; I was just good D & $$ in her eyes (her words, actually). I’m not bitter though. I just wasn’t being player on that situation looking for the total package. BVD told me back in the 90’s, never trust a big butt & a smile. Lol.

Wishing u & ur entire situation the best. 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Went through a divorce last year myself

No matter what, it’s not easy. Even though it was the right thing to do and life is 100x better now, I should have done a better job talking to people about it

You don’t want to be a burden, and we’re guys so you know you’ll be fine and all that, but it still needs processed. Don’t do the dumb thing I did and just act like it didn’t matter
Went through a divorce last year myself

No matter what, it’s not easy. Even though it was the right thing to do and life is 100x better now, I should have done a better job talking to people about it

You don’t want to be a burden, and we’re guys so you know you’ll be fine and all that, but it still needs processed. Don’t do the dumb thing I did and just act like it didn’t matter

100% truth bro. Glad u’re in a better space now. Ppl act like divorce only affects women; chiiit, that bull chit affects us too, just in different ways. I’m just glad I handled my biz so I wouldn’t be bitter & categorize all females the same.
I've been single for six years now and I don't really plan on ending it soon. Not that I **** a lot, I actually enjoy being single and alone at times. I don't have the time to sustain a relationship. I work, I play soccer 3-4 times a week and I work out as well on the other remaining days. The little time I got I get to spend them with my friends or with video games. And I am perfectly fine with that.

Our lifes purpose changes from time to time. At the end of the day, we all seek happiness and marriage is one of these things. But if its not for you, its not for you. Right now, I am and feel happy and thats not a given. I used to believe my lifes purpose is to get a girl, get kids and all that stuff. My lifes purpose is to be happy doing things that I love to do.

I hope all of your divorces aren't/weren't too bad and I hope they made you stronger.
Marriage is hard, bro, even for the best of them. My parents have a great relationship, but even w/ that being said, I recall being put in the middle of things as a youngster. But they worked through the storm & hit 40 yrs of being together.

However, as someone who’s going through a divorce, I can unequivocally tell u that basing things off looks, only, is a no-no. Looks will get u, but the beauty inside will keep u. Unfortunately, I allowed lust to blind logic. I was gaslit for 12 yrs of my life, til I finally woke up & realized how, literally, my love for her was causing me an early death.

My saving grace, & it might sound funny, but was my pull out game. It remained A+ even in marriage b/c something wouldn’t allow me to fully commit, by sealing my fate having children w/ her. Everybody would say “oh ya’ll would have beautiful children” & in the back of my mind I was like, ‘but I can’t.’ I knew having children would morally lock me down b/c I would sacrifice my happiness & mental health to make sure my children know I’m there. I talk a lot of chit on here, but my loyalty compass is 💯. My boys on here know I stay solid, right or wrong. I was built like that.

I’m hoping all goes well w/ u bro; not sure if u guys have done some open counsel w/ an unbiased party or not, but I applaud u for sticking it out. Hoping ur bond gets back tight, & u can share stories w/ grandchildren, together, in the future. Love is a two way street, but so is respect. I had neither; I was just good D & $$ in her eyes (her words, actually). I’m not bitter though. I just wasn’t being player on that situation looking for the total package. BVD told me back in the 90’s, never trust a big butt & a smile. Lol.

Wishing u & ur entire situation the best. 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Lots of real talk in this discussion. Love it. @SayWhat … your approach seems sensible and seems like you and the wife both know things aren’t 💯 between you and her, but being there for the kids is top priority. One thing for you to keep an eye on for yourself is understanding “if you are there when you are there” and what version of you is it.
- simply: if you are with them a 100% of the time, but the marriage dynamic grows toxic, are the kids getting the best you and best version of your wife? OR if you saw them 50% of the time and that time was always the best version of you, and your wife, is that better?
- relationship math…sucks to even talk about it

Good luck and stay positive!