Jarren Williams Suspended

They are still adults. I’m not giving the coaching staff a pass — they have really hurt this team. However, the players, instead of trying to make the best of the situation, are quitting. Zero self pride. It’s embarasing.
What’s pride going to do when you’ve got the worst offensive coaching staff in the country leading you?

When no one in the fan base respects you, in game commentators are ****ting on you, and everyone in the nation seeing how poor the offense is ran, don’t be surprised when the players don’t respect you either
The younger guys are laughing at the coaches at this point. They preach accountability & effort on every play, but during film of the GT game it was abundantly clear that M. Jackson simply made up his mind to protect himself. Dude couldn’t get off a block to make a tackle to save his life & not a word was muttered.
Yeah. It was pretty obvious from the live action that Jackson wasn’t even trying.
I’m convinced Richt is trying to compete with California for the worst ******* fire going on right now.

Between roster mis-management, recruiting failures, the game time performance, play calling, and suspensions this program is burning.

******* R I C H T

as someone who lives in Southern California I should be greatly offended by this post....

But it made me chuckle....
Seriously, what the F is wrong with team? It’s just unbelievable. Are the inmates running the asylum? Or Richt suspend kids for any minor infraction? This **** is getting crazy. That makes every QB has recruited being suspended at one time or another.
Only a fool would believe that on a team of 85 scholarship athletes that the only ones getting suspended are the QBs!! How gullible can some of you guys be?!!

If you're still buying Richts BS then you might as well get in line to purchase Ocean front property in Oklahoma!!

Weldon got suspended early on, Perry got suspended just when he could start a QB controversy with Rosier, Now Rosier is no longer an issue and the train has moved on from him here we are with the next guy that could start a QB controversy with Kosi and for some odd reason JW suspension is perfect timing to cut him out of the conversation, therefore eliminating a QB controversy!!

Can someone tell me please.....who's still buying Richts BS?? Then again, a sucker is born everyday!
Only a fool would believe that on a team of 85 scholarship athletes that the only ones getting suspended are the QBs!! How gullible can some of you guys be?!!

If you're still buying Richts BS then you might as well get in line to purchase Ocean front property in Oklahoma!!

Weldon got suspended early on, Perry got suspended just when he could start a QB controversy with Rosier, Now Rosier is no longer an issue and the train has moved on from him here we are with the next guy that could start a QB controversy with Kosi and for some odd reason JW suspension is perfect timing to cute him out of the conversation, therefore eliminating a QB controversy!!

Can someone tell me please.....who's still buying Richts BS??

All Richt is at this point IS BS...
That’s not why he was suspended, Jarren didn’t do normal weekly things that are asked for all players to do to play so it’s his fault. Maybe he’s checked out but this is on him and any coach would have suspended him.

So Richt gave you details of Williams' suspension. Strange.
That’s pathetic and what’s worse is adults on here thinking this is ok.

It all turns back on Richt. This is Year 3. These are his hand-picked players. If the team has been lost, it reflects on the guy making $4 million a year whose job it is to prevent it from happening.

The blame the players narrative was baseless under Golden and it would be baseless now. Richt brought them in. This is on him.
The QB room is such a joke. Malik is a baseball player, Perry is dumb as rocks, Cade is a frat star, and Jarren is trending in the wrong way. Oh, and the group is led by the biggest joke in Jon Richt.

WOW. This is probably the most objective thing I have ever read on this board. Spot on. Why would anybody downvote this?