2025 Jaime Ffrench WR Mandarin

I don’t think anyone disagrees that at the end of the day it’s theses kids decision to do whatever they want. They are men. Most people don’t make sound financial decisions at this age. I don’t think most people on this site would, me included.

I think the point it’s the university and coaches responsibility to put these kids in the best position possible and mold them for their future. Always been the case. Add in now NIL, theirs even more responsibility to provide them the right resources.

I think there’s a big difference between getting a union job pay of a solid wage at 18 vs life changing money at 18. And how to keep life changing money just that, life changing. I also doubt your uncle had family, friends, and more asking for a piece.
You have a point but life changing is a relative thing. A union job was life changing to a brother from the Jim Crow South.

I don't understand why so many people talk about football players as if they are helpless children. They have agency. They are capable of making financial decisions. If they fail to do so appropriately, that's 100% on them.
You ever walked a day in your life as a young black male who happens to be a millionaire from one day to the next from more often than not some inner city neighborhood or other rural area? You have a clue what I'm speaking on when it relates to this? I'm asking you this cause I'm assuming your comment was geared towards me. I don't think they are clueless at all and I'm more than aware what they do on them. In this world you're either a predator or your prey. You take a kid who grew up inner city more than likely doesn't have the best group of friends around them or in many other instances even a support system and you give him this money with no responsibility you're just setting them up as prey.
how do u keep someone not from here HOME?.

Duval and South florida are too different spectrums

its a big deal if we even get a kid from their.

Compared to Texas and Louisiana, Miami is home, geographically speaking.
It’s time to take over the state and declare the entire state the State of SouFloriduh

You ever walked a day in your life as a young black male who happens to be a millionaire from one day to the next from more often than not some inner city neighborhood or other rural area? You have a clue what I'm speaking on when it relates to this? I'm asking you this cause I'm assuming your comment was geared towards me. I don't think they are clueless at all and I'm more than aware what they do on them. In this world you're either a predator or your prey. You take a kid who grew up inner city more than likely doesn't have the best group of friends around them or in many other instances even a support system and you give him this money with no responsibility you're just setting them up as prey.
I think one of the things we underestimate is the devastating effects of a poverty mindset. For those who don't have it, it's almost impossible to understand it. It's not limited to age or income...I just met with a 79 year old this morning who, after a lifetime of bad financial decisions, will have to work till she dies.

The poverty mindset is generational, to an extent cultural, and isn't cured by throwing money at it. If you put a hammer in the hands of a skilled individual (not even a professional), you can do some amazing things. But if you put that same hammer in the hands of a 2 year old (and that's the maturity level of a lot of folks), they'll kill themselves and someone else.
You ever walked a day in your life as a young black male who happens to be a millionaire from one day to the next from more often than not some inner city neighborhood or other rural area? You have a clue what I'm speaking on when it relates to this? I'm asking you this cause I'm assuming your comment was geared towards me. I don't think they are clueless at all and I'm more than aware what they do on them. In this world you're either a predator or your prey. You take a kid who grew up inner city more than likely doesn't have the best group of friends around them or in many other instances even a support system and you give him this money with no responsibility you're just setting them up as prey.
My comment is directed at most of the board, as my opinion appears to be in the minority, as I've observed over time.

Every person has the responsibility of managing his own money. Spending less than you earn isn't brain surgery. Opening a savings, brokerage, and checking account isn't postgraduate physics.

If someone becomes an overnight millionaire and then blows it, I'm not laying the blame at someone else's feet. I'm out of sympathy.
You ever walked a day in your life as a young black male who happens to be a millionaire from one day to the next from more often than not some inner city neighborhood or other rural area? You have a clue what I'm speaking on when it relates to this? I'm asking you this cause I'm assuming your comment was geared towards me. I don't think they are clueless at all and I'm more than aware what they do on them. In this world you're either a predator or your prey. You take a kid who grew up inner city more than likely doesn't have the best group of friends around them or in many other instances even a support system and you give him this money with no responsibility you're just setting them up as prey.
This is true especially about the friends that’s a tough spot for anyone that grew up around bad crowds
My comment is directed at most of the board, as my opinion appears to be in the minority, as I've observed over time.

Every person has the responsibility of managing his own money. Spending less than you earn isn't brain surgery. Opening a savings, brokerage, and checking account isn't postgraduate physics.

If someone becomes an overnight millionaire and then blows it, I'm not laying the blame at someone else's feet. I'm out of sympathy.
I don't think sympathy is what is needed, rather understanding. You're not wrong, just a bit harsh to me. But that's just my opinion.
My comment is directed at most of the board, as my opinion appears to be in the minority, as I've observed over time.

Every person has the responsibility of managing his own money. Spending less than you earn isn't brain surgery. Opening a savings, brokerage, and checking account isn't postgraduate physics.

If someone becomes an overnight millionaire and then blows it, I'm not laying the blame at someone else's feet. I'm out of sympathy.
Just a cynical and naive mindset.
I think that NIL should at least match a 401K contribution. If the player chooses not to invest, what can you do. But 3 years in college, 22 years old. you are starting with 120K+ in investment that could grow for 40 years for your retirement. If you can just keep your hands off it.
I think that NIL should at least match a 401K contribution. If the player chooses not to invest, what can you do. But 3 years in college, 22 years old. you are starting with 120K+ in investment that could grow for 40 years for your retirement. If you can just keep your hands off it.
I love the idea, but I don't see how it's feasible under current rules. 401k matches are through employers, which, as I understand it, NIL sources are not classed as employers (that could change in different jurisdictions, of course).

Secondly, financial institutions generally require 1 year of employment before eligibility for the 401k. If your employment begins after June 30, that'll end up being 1.5 years, as you won't be able to start until the first day of the year AFTER your 1 year anniversary.

So, you'd likely have to find a different vehicle.
I think one of the things we underestimate is the devastating effects of a poverty mindset. For those who don't have it, it's almost impossible to understand it. It's not limited to age or income...I just met with a 79 year old this morning who, after a lifetime of bad financial decisions, will have to work till she dies.

The poverty mindset is generational, to an extent cultural, and isn't cured by throwing money at it. If you put a hammer in the hands of a skilled individual (not even a professional), you can do some amazing things. But if you put that same hammer in the hands of a 2 year old (and that's the maturity level of a lot of folks), they'll kill themselves and someone else.
Without putting too much of myself into this, I grew up in a challenging situation. Culturally, socially, financially **** was rough. We'd act a fool when dope boys(John Doe,bud,ant,chill will, pops)would come out and shoot us 20 bucks as a lil jit in pop Warner and give our people a few hundred to make sure we were straight. That couple of bucks was a big deal for us. I got to high school and the same people would give us a lil more. (Don't know if most understand the gambling that goes on with those crowds over sports with kids that age)got to college and we didn't have enough money to eat half the **** week and we'd have to rely on our coaches or other dope boys to get by. Or in some instances some of us(obviously not myself)would terrorize cars in the gables for lap tops or radios. But that's what we did to get by. Our financial aid would come in and we thought we came up. We'd all just take that couple grand we'd get in for the semester mind you and go straight to banana Joe's,Union lounge,Charlie Brown's,(i can't remember the name of the other one we all went to that was other than banana Joe's our main spot)& we'd act a fool. We thought we ran the world to have a couple thousand bucks in our pockets and have all these chicks tryna suck us up and all these dudes sweatin us. When I left school and got drafted I was just turning 21. I remember clear as day what it was and some of the lessons I had to learn REAL QUICK when I signed my contract & woke up the next day to see my account with several million in it... So you all can go acting like this is how it should be and it's no big deal. But to be a child, a teenager & within 24 hrs go from food stamps,allowance poverty or anything similar to several hundred thousand in your account and your ole girl, your pops,your brother,your chick,all your boys, those same dope boys that used to shoot you a few bucks as a jit all acting brand new and expecting hand outs... That **** changes you in a way that I don't envy for anyone. I lost a lot of people from my life because I had to LEARN how to say no. Should you feel bad for them? **** no. It's amazing the opportunity they're getting now. But they need help with all of this for their own sake. Otherwise everyone of them is being set up for catastrophic failure
Without putting too much of myself into this, I grew up in a challenging situation. Culturally, socially, financially **** was rough. We'd act a fool when dope boys(John Doe,bud,ant,chill will, pops)would come out and shoot us 20 bucks as a lil jit in pop Warner and give our people a few hundred to make sure we were straight. That couple of bucks was a big deal for us. I got to high school and the same people would give us a lil more. (Don't know if most understand the gambling that goes on with those crowds over sports with kids that age)got to college and we didn't have enough money to eat half the **** week and we'd have to rely on our coaches or other dope boys to get by. Or in some instances some of us(obviously not myself)would terrorize cars in the gables for lap tops or radios. But that's what we did to get by. Our financial aid would come in and we thought we came up. We'd all just take that couple grand we'd get in for the semester mind you and go straight to banana Joe's,Union lounge,Charlie Brown's,(i can't remember the name of the other one we all went to that was other than banana Joe's our main spot)& we'd act a fool. We thought we ran the world to have a couple thousand bucks in our pockets and have all these chicks tryna suck us up and all these dudes sweatin us. When I left school and got drafted I was just turning 21. I remember clear as day what it was and some of the lessons I had to learn REAL QUICK when I signed my contract & woke up the next day to see my account with several million in it... So you all can go acting like this is how it should be and it's no big deal. But to be a child, a teenager & within 24 hrs go from food stamps,allowance poverty or anything similar to several hundred thousand in your account and your ole girl, your pops,your brother,your chick,all your boys, those same dope boys that used to shoot you a few bucks as a jit all acting brand new and expecting hand outs... That **** changes you in a way that I don't envy for anyone. I lost a lot of people from my life because I had to LEARN how to say no. Should you feel bad for them? **** no. It's amazing the opportunity they're getting now. But they need help with all of this for their own sake. Otherwise everyone of them is being set up for catastrophic failure
And that’s just turning 21. We’re talking about 17-18 yr olds. Helluva lot harder to say no when you’re 17-18.