2025 Jaime Ffrench WR Mandarin

Pants down time????
Abc Love GIF by The Bachelorette

Bro they made an entire documentary (BROKE) about ADULTS blowing everything in spectacular fashion. And I guess that **** was an hour long, they could’ve made it a week long with how many examples there are. Now we’re going it with 14 year olds? I’m with El here that this is America and if it’s available, they should get it. We just gotta accept that it’s gonna end REALLY poorly for the vast, vast majority. That is, unless something changes RE: education.
I offered to do a presentation for the players on avoiding financial fraud (i was going to do it with another SEC attorney who is also an adjunct). We have a powerpoint we do (and show clips from Broke). They said it sounded great and said they would get right back to us. Crickets. I mean, I represent scammers and victims who get caught up in investment scams for a living, and wanted to help the kids look for red flags and learn from others mistakes. Smh
Commits on Augusst 30th , which is his mom's birthday. According to one of Ferman's recruiting guys, connection with his family will play a large role. After speaking with Ffrench at the bbq, he thinks Miami is in it far more than other national people give credit for....
There have been teens making a lot and I mean a lot of money in sports. It just hasn’t been under the ncaa umbrella.

Plenty of teens sign soccer contracts in Europe. Cavan Sullivan is 14 years old and signed with the Philadelphia union. Christian pulisic was playing in Germany as a 16 year old and flew a private jet back home for prom. He drove in a convertible Porsche.

Golf, tennis, and European basketball also have huge payouts for teens.
There are teens here in America in shooting who are sponsored by Remington, Glock, Winchester etc…

We’re just not used to it in college athletics. This is a **** of a lot better than paper bags and a set of Keyes to a charger parked at the airport.

Treat a young person like a pro with contracts based on performance and you’ll see who’s gonna handle it or not.
Do I really have to be the one to say it?!? Let's just stop with this conversation please Kind sir. For numerous reasons. #1 THIS thread is about French & just my 2 cents but I think our fans should be paying plenty of attention to him & not because of some chain or anything else.

#2 people are missing the point in this completely and as a result it's turned into an entirely different conversation. Myself is just rather stay out of it from here. Hope all is well with you brother.
I offered to do a presentation for the players on avoiding financial fraud (i was going to do it with another SEC attorney who is also an adjunct). We have a powerpoint we do (and show clips from Broke). They said it sounded great and said they would get right back to us. Crickets. I mean, I represent scammers and victims who get caught up in investment scams for a living, and wanted to help the kids look for red flags and learn from others mistakes. Smh
How to Say No is probably more impactful than recognizing frauds/scams tbh. Though the frauds/scams are probably bigger dollar amounts. Both would be helpful/should be mandatory tbh.
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I saw school daze, do the right thing, she’s gotta have it, house party and all those breakin movies back in the 80’s.

I was off to a good start.
I remember when “hitting a lick” meant a robbery/burglary or some other way to make money illegally.