Golden with Joe Rose 11/18

Summary from the WEZ:

-Brought team in yesterday to review dilm. Didn't want loss lingering
-Team off today
-Mental or physical when giving up that many rushing yards to Duke? It's all of it. Missing tackles we weren't missing earlier this season
-They were good in the redzone. Our redzone D isn't as good as it was before
-Too many 3rd and shorts.
-Their running attack ended up resembling Florida in that they were just gonna line up and run it (LULZ)
-Is it DTs or what causing the problems? It's a combination of things. All 11 guys that have to be on the same page
-This **** just said Highsmith played well
-Porter played one of his best games of the year
-Does he worry about confidence when guys miss tackles and aren't having success? Absolutely he says. Says he'd be worried if they weren't frustrated
-Game starts off good then for whatever reason the team isn't playing as well
-Says the seniors have been through a lot and we need to support them. They haven't won a bowl-game. Whoa is me bull****
-Is D getting through to guys, do we have enough talent? Again, it's a all of us. It's not coaches vs players or players vs coaches. It's not one position group. It's everybody
-Says the breakdown of releasing crossing routes didn't happen this week. It was something else. (Yeah our run D you ****)
-Do you sit down with D'ohno and how much time does he spend with D'ohno talking defensive stuff? Says he's involve with all three units. If there's something that he doesn't like or needs fixing then goes off on some bull**** about Kamalu and Elder. Says he has conversations about guys needing to play more. (That's why he brought up Elder and Kamalu)
-Does he have enough guys playing "well?" He's gonna acknowledge the guys that play well and not the guys who didn't play well. In the media I'm assuming (I agree. Don't call out your players in the media)
-Get ready for a Virginia team that has been a problem for us recently (Kill me)
-Offense had 600 yards of offense. Says we didn't go into this game thinking we'd have to win a shootout like last year
-It ended up being a shootout and we didn't convert enough
-Duke converted in the redzone and we did not convert well enough on top of not getting stops on the other end (bull**** about this being a team loss, also blames special teams)
-Crawford ran hard, some positive bull**** about Morris, Herb Waters played at a high level
-Linder's performance one of the best he's ever seen from a lineman
-Dorsett gonna make a go of it this week against UVA
-Rose pumping up receiver core. Golden says Hurns operating at a different level
-Gonna need Sandland to step up with receiver depth hurt with injuries
-How does Golden rally everyone after 3 straight losses? It's gonna be a tough week and it's about moving forward.
-Porter said it best, "Let's focus on the things we want and not on the things we don't want" (I don't even know WTF that means-loser talk)
-Gotta block out external and team needs to learn to block out the negative just like they did the positive when they were 7-0
-How does D'ohno handle negatives? At the end of the day it's Golden's responsibility. Says he doesn't talk to D'ohno about that negative stuff. They're discussing personnel, not outside stuff.
-If he listened to that stuff he wouldn't have gone to Temple.
-Appreciates and is grateful of fans' passion. Says we're working real hard to move forward.
-Verbal commits-what percentage of them stick? Says retention rate of verbals will be a lot higher and remain high compared to last 2 years with 'that' hanging over our head. (THE CLOUD!)
-He said the cloud!
-Says they were holding out for some local kids waiting for their announcement last year. They'll tell you they're coming to your school then the next time you see them on TV they're pulling out another hat

Joe Rose also just dropped this gem.

"If the AD goes to Golden and says, you need to make a change at defensive coordinator. Then Golden would say, you need to make a change at head coach."


anybody else think that he is only playing/praising highsmith at this point as a middle finger to the fan base????

No, I think he's trying to protect a 20 year old kid who is under his wing.

I thought dorito was in his 40's?

Lol Donofrio will be let go, that is something they have to do and I think the university and al golden understand that. But you guys need to get it through your heads - it is not going to happen DURING the season.

These people don't make emotional decisions like you knuckleheads do. It's all about planning and strategy and what is better for the program in the long run.

The kids on the team need to learn to finish, to follow through with the process good times and bad, etc. they don't need the wheels to fall off the bus just because you or I happen to be mad and demanding action.

The right time to go shopping for coordinators is during the offseason. They don't need the distraction that would cause right now.
