Golden still in play at PSU!

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Are you just sorta patrolling the boards, making sure to refute any post asserting that Golden didn't get an offer?

LMFAO. Love how many "sources" there are on here now. Something that is usually kept very tight between the individuals, the committee of the other school, family and agents, is just all common knowledge around here.

No more so than the other @sshats that have to pop into every thread to trash the staff, and anyone who tries to even interject some reason or common sense into the discussion. For WHATEVER reason, it seems AG is staying here. NONE of us know what actually happened. From a recruiting standpoint, this is a positive development for us, and if you doubt that, I suggest you go look at the comments the recruits have made since the annoucement came out. From a "fan" perspective, the next big and most important thing is NSD. On that front, we are still in decent shape, and SO FAR, this is being taken as Golden TURNED DOWN PSU. It has created some positive buzz with some of our recruits.

On a personal level, I think its JUST as likely he did get some kind of offer, and turned it down after mulling it over with his family, as it is that he got NO offer. Either way, none of us know D*CK, so why keep looking for any reason to spin this in a negtive light for the program? Do YOU really think that there are people on this board with "sources" that know just how things went down? Because I dont. There were highly respected PSU followers and journalists who INSISTED that Golden was offered. But instead we should chose to focus on only the negative, becuase it just reinforces the negative circle jerk that has been going on here for weeks. Anything to bash the staff and Golden more and more, and engage in more and more egregious vitriol and personal insults. Frankly, I dont understand how this is being allowed on here. Its one thing to be a harsh critic of his coaching, and argue that he's failed, will fail, or that he's wrong for this team, but the personal insults and trashing of the guy have reached new lows on here, and frankly, cheapen the site, and make those spewing them look like @ssclowns.

Its enough already.

Is that somehow in dispute? Has anyone here claimed all is well, or that we dont have a serious problem on defense? The question is, CAN Golden get it fixed? I realize many "experts" on here have already deemed it impossible and thus will be actively rooting for total failure and losses for our team for the next year or two so they can say "I WAS RIGHT", but Im not totally convinced. Moreover, as a fan of the program, Im going to HOPE for the best and hope that AG CAN get the defense fixed. Because you can take that chart you just posted, and you can line it up right next to our recruiting classes and the significant drop off in talent we have had here during the same time frame. So is it PURELY a coaching issue? Or talent? Or both? I suspect its both, and that at a MINIMUM, we need to be rooting for strong recruiting classes, so even if AG DOES fail, he will leave the program well stocked with talent for the next coach who comes along, rather than the "slash and burn" mentality of some of you, who will see us in shambles in two years, so another coach can come in and have to start "rebuilding" all over again.

he didn't have an offer. its pretty obvious he wanted one. read my post above. there are only a few guys you fly into meet with offer in hand and Al just isn't one of them.
Per my sources, Golden was never offered. Plain and simple. They allowed him the dignity of "withdrawing from consideration" but he was never offered. Period.

Of course he was never offered. what happened here is clear as glass. Al wanted the job but the PSU committee had no authority to offer it to him. they had to interview others for political as well as due dilligence reasons. Al wanted and demanded an immediate offer as he couldn't afford a prolonged period with the **** storm brewing in miami. basically Al was forced to withdraw from consideration. I like Al golden but he isn't nick saban, les miles or urban meyer. those are the guys you come to see with offer in hand.

I always find this interview process for college coaches a bit ridiculous. Unlike the real world where a prospective employer has nothing to go by except a resume and recommendation, college coaches at major programs are known commodities. Between the talk shows, banquets, social media, and, of course, game performance, there is more than ample information to go off. Only the pseudo-intellectuals who actually take part in these hiring committees really think the interviews are of any use.
he didn't have an offer. its pretty obvious he wanted one. read my post above. there are only a few guys you fly into meet with offer in hand and Al just isn't one of them.

You mean the way UM went right after Schiano when they canned Randy and made him an offer right out of the gate? Or the way UM went right after Wannstache when Butch left and made him an offer right out of the gate?
Per my sources, Golden was never offered. Plain and simple. They allowed him the dignity of "withdrawing from consideration" but he was never offered. Period.

Of course he was never offered. what happened here is clear as glass. Al wanted the job but the PSU committee had no authority to offer it to him. they had to interview others for political as well as due dilligence reasons. Al wanted and demanded an immediate offer as he couldn't afford a prolonged period with the **** storm brewing in miami. basically Al was forced to withdraw from consideration. I like Al golden but he isn't nick saban, les miles or urban meyer. those are the guys you come to see with offer in hand.

I always find this interview process for college coaches a bit ridiculous. Unlike the real world where a prospective employer has nothing to go by except a resume and recommendation, college coaches at major programs are known commodities. Between the talk shows, banquets, social media, and, of course, game performance, there is more than ample information to go off. Only the pseudo-intellectuals who actually take part in these hiring committees really think the interviews are of any use.

They are NOT real interviews, which is why this discussion is silly. The only team you really have an "interview" process, is when the school strikes out with their "wish list" and has to sit down and decide among the viable options. ADs ALWAYS have a "wish list" to go to in the event they need to go after a new coach. UM has had them before, all programs do. If AG was interviewed before any other coaches, that means he had to be right at, or near the top of the PSU wish list. His agent would not have let this speculation swirl, nor would PSU have come all the way down for a meeting with so much media buzz, with no intention of offering him. This isnt a regional sales rep position at Goodyear Tires. They know who AG is. They know his background. They likely had already had preliminary discussions with is agent behind the scenes.

And if this really was his "Dream Job", that he was SO desperately trying to get, why did he bow out? They rejected him right after the interview? Why? He showed up drunk? They came all the way down here and then said "Nah, you know what, your not what we are looking for". Does that make any sense?