Tears Gator Tears

[MENTION=13137]Jaromir Jagr[/MENTION], do you have any good news for us...like something bad happening to the gaytors? Asking for a Gaytor-hating friend.


The top thread on their board right now is a volleyball thread, and they are arguing over who should start out of Franks, Trask, and Allen. They are also fighting over who is worse off, them or FSU.


They aren't crying about anything. They're actually having some success in recruiting this week. What else do you want me to post?

It's been a mixed week. They picked up a commit from Huggins and they think they're getting Emory Jones but they also lost Thornton to Baylor and they have expressed concern about Gouraige.
13 CB's for Emory Jones to UiF since Friday, the 15th with many coming today. It is what it is. We'll see what else they do. They think they're getting a Top 10 class. Plenty of room for them to be disappointed.
Program issues aside, why anyone would willingly choose to live in that cesspool of a town is completely beyond me.
13 CB's for Emory Jones to UiF since Friday, the 15th with many coming today. It is what it is. We'll see what else they do. They think they're getting a Top 10 class. Plenty of room for them to be disappointed.

The CB Stampini said is because guys that pi ked him to flip to Bama can't flip they're pick back to ohio state and since Bama said they were out for him they are moving their picks to Florida.

Like I said let them have Jones they didn't do anything special to recruit him. The kid just wants to start immediately instead of working for it.
13 CB's for Emory Jones to UiF since Friday, the 15th with many coming today. It is what it is. We'll see what else they do. They think they're getting a Top 10 class. Plenty of room for them to be disappointed.

The CB Stampini said is because guys that pi ked him to flip to Bama can't flip they're pick back to ohio state and since Bama said they were out for him they are moving their picks to Florida.

Like I said let them have Jones they didn't do anything special to recruit him. The kid just wants to start immediately instead of working for it.

Ok. I didn't know that it worked that way with flipping back. I agree that it's playing time and Mullet is dodging a bullet after he screwed up Corral.
whats going to be really funny is if they land emory jones and felipe franks still beats him out for the starting job
Osu taking a hit sheesh.... may lose 3 top 40 prospects within the last 3 weeks
Brenton Cox gone that’s 1, Jaiden Woodbey 5 star safety from Cali might flip to usc and Emory Jones will probably flip to uf