Tears Gator Tears

Our final wager means that he must wear, at all times while in the office, one of my Cane jerseys ONE DAY FOR EVERY POINT IN THE MARGIN OF VICTORY! Twenty four days life will be glorious.
del bosque soccer GIF by Fusion

Nope. No one deserves an easy out from that ***** storm. Let her stay till the very bitter end and suffer every last embarrassment to be had.
She looks like the kind of ***** that waves that ***** pass around when she gets backed into the corner. idc, keep her--fire her... who gives a ****. That whole program is poverty status now.
Naaaaah bruh lol, chillllll!!! Katie is LEGIT LEGIT at what she does. She has done phenomenal with how much bs she gotta deal with behind the scenes

Look, I can respect your feelings.

But she laid hands on opposing players and coaches. Multiple times. Screaming at them too. That is Woody Hayes territory.

That **** was the job of the state troopers, not Katie ******* Turner.

Nobody put a gun to her head and said "put all the recruits in the first row next to the Miami fans". She made that huge mistake because she mistakenly thought Florida was going to win.

**** her and her Karen routine.

Naaaaah bruh lol, chillllll!!! Katie is LEGIT LEGIT at what she does. She has done phenomenal with how much bs she gotta deal with behind the scenes
I have no idea how good she is at her job.

But as an assistant AD, these videos of her are embarrassing and unprofessional. She looks like she's on a power trip throwing a temper tantrum.
I have no idea how good she is at her job.

But as an assistant AD, these videos of her are embarrassing and unprofessional. She looks like she's on a power trip throwing a throwing a temper tantrum.

I would also add...many of the Florida-area recruits are related, or are friends, or are former teammates. Some of these guys have known each other for most of their lives. It's not like our players were trying to smuggle contraband to incarcerated criminals. They were just high-fiving guys (though a couple of our players were talking too).

Sooooo...either Florida is recruiting the most malleable and influence-able recruits, who will melt over one or two sentences or a high-five with a Miami player...or else she is FREAKING THE **** OUT over a nothing-burger, and making herself (and her university) look like over-sensitive Karens in the process.

Either way, it's a terrible look, and will have a much different impact than the one she intended.
Marcus Freeman is Black, there's no way the Bull Gators would even consider him, and honestly, he's at a school that runs circles around UF in regards to support and resources. One thing I've learned from my trip to Gainesville is that UF justifies their entire existence through an accident of geography and history. Their SEC membership is literally ALL THEY HAVE. You talk to their fans, that's the thing they lead with. Not their titles, not their Heisman winners, them being in the SEC.

It's almost like they know that they are the third most relevant program in the state historically, and they have to talk about the one thing that FSU and Miami most likely will never have to assuage their egos.
I have no idea how good she is at her job.

But as an assistant AD, these videos of her are embarrassing and unprofessional. She looks like she's on a power trip throwing a temper tantrum.
Homegirl is a glorified hostess, most of these "Recruiting Coordinators" are chicks the staff pass around like a blunt. There's a reason why at most schools it's always some relatively hot chick in those roles, not actual football people. You can't even say "There aren't good female coaches" anymore, because the NFL is starting to crank out some solid coaches through their initiatives.
Marcus Freeman is Black, there's no way the Bull Gators would even consider him, and honestly, he's at a school that runs circles around UF in regards to support and resources. One thing I've learned from my trip to Gainesville is that UF justifies their entire existence through an accident of geography and history. Their SEC membership is literally ALL THEY HAVE. You talk to their fans, that's the thing they lead with. Not their titles, not their Heisman winners, them being in the SEC.

It's almost like they know that they are the third most relevant program in the state historically, and they have to talk about the one thing that FSU and Miami most likely will never have to assuage their egos.

Pretty spot-on.

For much of its history, the University of Florida was the school for white males. White females had to go to F$U. Blacks had to go to FAMU. As such, neither school could compete in Division I-A football, the only competition that The Gator had in-state was the University of Miami. And when Miami, in a budgetary crisis, tried to open a conversation about becoming a state school (as some private schools in other states had done), we got vetoed by the University of Florida, (in part) since AT THE TIME Miami was probably a more recognizable geographic name than Florida was. And Florida does NOT like to be eclipsed by any other institution.

So, yes, Florida clings to being "the flagship". To being "the first". To being pre-eminent. To being the only AAU school in Florida for nearly 4 decades. To being in a conference that has become powerful due to southeastern migration and the rapid growth of populations in nearly every SEC footprint state.

I can respect academic excellence. Harvard is great. Yale is great. Stanford is great. But they didn't become great by sucking a disproportionate amount of state funding away from all the other state schools, as Florida did until recently.

So, yeah, I'd EXPECT a flagship state school in a southern state that for most of its history did not admit women or blacks and which siphoned off most of the state funding for over 100 years to be AWESOME.
Jedd Fisch would take that job today if it was offered to him...
I don't think so. Him taking the UDub job was him admitting that he isn't getting the UF job. That and that he likely no longer wants it. He could have stayed at UA and had another big year and been the odds on favorite for the UF job, he took the UDub job because I'm convinced he now knows that the UF job is trash. UF is being exposed as a school that talks a big game but isn't truly committed to winning in the modern era. NIL game is trash, collective game is mediocre at best. You aren't winning diddly in the SEC with their approach.
Naaaaah bruh lol, chillllll!!! Katie is LEGIT LEGIT at what she does. She has done phenomenal with how much bs she gotta deal with behind the scenes
When things don't go your way, people reveal their true self. She did that on Saturday and there is no way to justify that.
I would say that her actions would justify termination or some type of lesser punishment, but she will get away with what she did because she is in a work environment that is conducive to those kinds of actions.