Tears Gator Tears

In the voice of Morgan as God or as Red in Shawshank?
I Dont Morgan Freeman GIF
Slippery slope my friend…. Is Life Wallet not a legitimate business? Can most influential donors find a legitimate company to donate through? Stop trying to limit or control somebody else’s paper. That’s the problem I have with your statement above. What constitutes a “SUSTAINABLE“ business? GTFOH with that ****. Ford has been around for 100 years so that’s definitely sustainable, but I’d check on Tesla. Those cats only been here for a minute. Not sure if the money they are putting into marketing is sustainable. Where do you draw that line and again WHY DO YOU WANT TO LIMIT ANOTHER MANS EARNING POTENTIAL???
I’m no lawyer, but i define legitimate business as one that has business and would survive without having any skin in the football game. It’s above my pay grade to figure out the way to do it. But I don’t believe the collective model should exist in NIL. It’s not about limiting a persons earnings. If I had my way with collegiate athletics, then every athlete would be getting paid by the university. That’s all I have to say on the matter, get back to enjoying gator tears.
Slippery slope my friend…. Is Life Wallet not a legitimate business? Can most influential donors find a legitimate company to donate through? Stop trying to limit or control somebody else’s paper. That’s the problem I have with your statement above. What constitutes a “SUSTAINABLE“ business? GTFOH with that ****. Ford has been around for 100 years so that’s definitely sustainable, but I’d check on Tesla. Those cats only been here for a minute. Not sure if the money they are putting into marketing is sustainable. Where do you draw that line and again WHY DO YOU WANT TO LIMIT ANOTHER MANS EARNING POTENTIAL???
This is nonsense. I don't think the OP is stating that they should limit the earnings but that the source of the NIL earnings come from legitimate on-going organizations. And a legitimate organization is easily discerned.

It also doesn't matter that Tesla has "been around for a minute". The fact is that Tesla is a legitimate business that exists to produce a product for profit. If, how much, and in what way they spend on marketing and promotion resources is a business decision they make based on a cost benefit analysis.

I contrast that with a "collective of fans" that pool their resources for the purpose of inducing an athlete to commit to their school. There is no intent for ongoing operation to produce a profit.
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I’m no lawyer, but i define legitimate business as one that has business and would survive without having any skin in the football game. It’s above my pay grade to figure out the way to do it. But I don’t believe the collective model should exist in NIL. It’s not about limiting a persons earnings. If I had my way with collegiate athletics, then every athlete would be getting paid by the university. That’s all I have to say on the matter, get back to enjoying gator tears.
Survivability should not be a criteria. There are poorly run organizations that file for chapter 11 bankruptcy every year. Do you expect the NCAA to get into the minds of business management and assess if they are making and executing sound business strategy? Thay have enough trouble managing their own affairs.
We all have different experiences and are exposed to very minor sample sizes of people from all walks of life.

I interacted with many UM students from the northeast who I found to be extremely accepting. I also now live on the gulf coast, no longer in South Florida and have already seen obvious prejudice in person. That said, I can differentiate that while I’ve seen it, I won’t assume everyone else in the area is like that.

I say this not to say that you’re wrong to defend the people you’ve encountered in Central Florida, but that it does no help to defend them by placing the blame on a different group of people.

Generalizations are a dangerous slippery slope because there are bad apples among all groups, while the majority who are not bad apples suffer from perpetuated stereotypes.

That’s my 2 cents- also gators suck.
Excellent perspective--I grew up in central Florida. The valedictorian of my high school and I both ended up at UM. I thought I had died and found paradise. He left after a year because "there were too many Cubans and Jews." The difficult thing is that there is often some strand of real experience behind some stereotypes, but every single human deserves to be treated as an individual. Except Gators. Putting on that brand makes you a lizard, and all rules are suspended.
@TpaBayFlyFisher , how’s our favorite Bull Gator Partner holding up with this Rashada stuff? 😂
Just spent 30 mins with him. He says that it seems that the "Collective" is crap. He called the 27 year old who runs it incompetent. I asked if he had his JD/BBA from UF and he game me the middle finger. He also said that without Rashada the gators will certainly finish under .500. I blurted out "AGAIN!" He has reached out to others to see if there is anything that they can do. But, it may take a long time to either establish another NIL collective or replace leadership of this one. For a guy who usually gets his way, he is not taking this very well. As he walked out of my office [I have a much better view], I asked "Are you going to some of the hoops tournament games?" another finger! Now if we could only get a new OC.
At this point Im not sure what I want to happen here? On one hand Rashada spurning them would give a flood of immediate tears but on the other hand if he attend there, it could lead to even more tears down the road.
What a day!!
So not only are they still convincing themselves that Rashada is a martyr of capitalism just because he so badly wants to be a gator (despite literally not enrolling),

but also that this doesn’t make him any worse for the team culture they’re trying to build (because of course, if he “wants” to be a Gator it’s impossible to be a bad culture fit).

That’s Gaytor Logixz for you.
The mental gymnastics that fan base comes up with is something else.

I’m absolutely loving this Rashada/UF fiasco.
They will lose their minds, if they can’t seal the deal.
My Central Florida redneck family ...

Unless they're transplants, that would be "Redneck-lite" JTF ;) :LOL:

You probably know Florida from top to bottom as well as anybody on this site. Gotta make it up to Daytona, Ocala and all points north for Florida's RDR's — real deal rednecks
Unless they're transplants, that would be "Redneck-lite" JTF ;) :LOL:

You probably know Florida from top to bottom as well as anybody on this site. Gotta make it up to Daytona, Ocala and all points north for Florida's RDR's — real deal rednecks
Realistically, my extended family there are Ultra Light.
I’m absolutely loving this Rashada/UF fiasco.
They will lose their minds, if they can’t seal the deal.

Don't worry ... Gators ain't fixing this mess because they have no real plan. Been half-assing their NIL "strategy" from day one :LOL:

Always remember: At the end of the day, Noles are dumb-asses and Gators are full of ****.
