Tears Gator Tears

Unfortunately his lack of options probably saves them. If not Florida, who else?

Oregon, LSU and A&M already signed a QB. Besides, they weren't even willing to meet his Miami number much less his UF number. Same with Cal. As posted above, his brother entered the portal last month. So Ole Miss is probably out too.

That doesn't leave him any options.

Have to go outside the box, so I'll throw ASU out there again. They didn't sign a QB. Rashada has a relationship will Dillingham. And they've supposedly got money to spend. But that's still a reach.
I know people catch feelings on here.
We keep labeling these young men as Divas and cancers.
Idk if Rashada fits that mold.
He wasn’t out there trolling anyone on Twitter. Or talking sht about UM.

I remember Hunter and Donnell Harris.
And others that were on social media constantly throwing shade.

To me, Rashada took the bag or went after the bag. But it seemed like all the moves were done by whoever was handling him. Either his dad or nil lawyer or whoever.

To me, he can sling it. The problem for any school isn’t gonna be his talent. It’s gonna be his camp.

So sick of grown men who can’t stay out of the way of a young man’s talent.

Kid would likely be moving in right now and working out at our facility.
I know people catch feelings on here.
We keep labeling these young men as Divas and cancers.
Idk if Rashada fits that mold.
He wasn’t out there trolling anyone on Twitter. Or talking sht about UM.

I remember Hunter and Donnell Harris.
And others that were on social media constantly throwing shade.

To me, Rashada took the bag or went after the bag. But it seemed like all the moves were done by whoever was handling him. Either his dad or nil lawyer or whoever.

To me, he can sling it. The problem for any school isn’t gonna be his talent. It’s gonna be his camp.

So sick of grown men who can’t stay out of the way of a young man’s talent.

Kid would likely be moving in right now and working out at our facility.
Not to mention the obvious facts that college players have been greatly underpaid for decades and even for high blue chip prospects like Rashada the NFL chances are still low.
I know people catch feelings on here.
We keep labeling these young men as Divas and cancers.
Idk if Rashada fits that mold.
He wasn’t out there trolling anyone on Twitter. Or talking sht about UM.

I remember Hunter and Donnell Harris.
And others that were on social media constantly throwing shade.

To me, Rashada took the bag or went after the bag. But it seemed like all the moves were done by whoever was handling him. Either his dad or nil lawyer or whoever.

To me, he can sling it. The problem for any school isn’t gonna be his talent. It’s gonna be his camp.

So sick of grown men who can’t stay out of the way of a young man’s talent.

Kid would likely be moving in right now and working out at our facility.
He plays games, but he stayed respectful. I’m not a fan of how he handled his recruitment, but I wouldn’t bash him for it.
Insert @PIPO showdown gif
Not to mention the obvious facts that college players have been greatly underpaid for decades and even for high blue chip prospects like Rashada the NFL chances are still low.
Underpaid and underprepared for nil.
The ncaa couldn’t even get it right despite the writing on the wall since the O’Bannon suit and subsequent verdict.
For the attorneys here on CIS.


If an athlete (minor or adult at signing) based their NLI signature on NIL contracts (not promises), then said NIL falls through...

What happens?

I'm inclined to think NLI is binding and too vad so sad you are playing with us kitten.

What say you??
Just spent 30 mins with him. He says that it seems that the "Collective" is crap. He called the 27 year old who runs it incompetent. I asked if he had his JD/BBA from UF and he game me the middle finger. He also said that without Rashada the gators will certainly finish under .500. I blurted out "AGAIN!" He has reached out to others to see if there is anything that they can do. But, it may take a long time to either establish another NIL collective or replace leadership of this one. For a guy who usually gets his way, he is not taking this very well. As he walked out of my office [I have a much better view], I asked "Are you going to some of the hoops tournament games?" another finger! Now if we could only get a new OC.
Jerry Seinfeld Lol GIF
Yeah, the view here is different. Sticking with Life Wallet as an example, we have a supporter of UM who compensates players for NIL work/usage as part of promoting his business enterprise. The gator Collective is not a traditional business enterprise. From what I can see, they also often spend less earlier on and at less optimum times than Life Wallet.

That board is crying for limiting spending amounts and timing because that’s killing them. We now, also can compete with schools we previously had no shot against in the bag game, including the gator.

A lot of us also understand that these are supposed to be based on marketability as determined by what the market will pay so there’s no cap the NCAA can institute and congressional involvement would also bring in to question why the law targets one group (young athletes) differently than the rest of society. To that end - and I’ll defer to @TheOriginalCane - given that the majority of the beneficiaries are young black men, I think that would call into question a constitutionally protected class being effectively discriminated against more than the majority - with a higher level of protections that some Supreme courts would find issue with were such a law to be passed.

Thank you, sir, for your deference.

It's always funny to read Gaytor Logicz. That collection of dopes spends more time and words coming up with their "genius solutions" to problems that cannot be solved. I especially like the guy who said "the NFL has a salary cap", while ignoring (a) that NFL players are employees, (b) the NFL has a collective bargaining agreement, and (c) there is no cap on ENDORSEMENT deals (you know, "NIL").

The other area in which I like to laugh at Gaytors involves their laser-guided targeting of John Ruiz. As has been discussed a million times previously, Mr. Ruiz is actually ONE OF THE FEW who is actually following through on the INTENDED promise of NIL. The Gaytor fans can't seem to grasp that Mr. Ruiz has chosen to devote his advertising budget towards young athletes. Which is totally legit.

Or, to put it another way, what if Phil Knight was 50 years younger and still in control of Nike, and he decided to pay about 120 Oregon athletes to wear his company's shoes. THERE'S LITERALLY NOTHING THAT COULD BE DONE TO STOP IT. And I think it's that aspect that is driving the Gaytors to insanity, they cannot find a single articulable ground on which to find Mr. Ruiz's business practices to be any sort of NCAA violation.

BUT THEY HATE HIM, ALRIGHT. Look at the languge that one Gaytor douchebag uses. "Destroy". He wants to "destroy" John Ruiz "and others of his ilk".


The Gaytors got nothing. Figuratively AND literally.

Whether the Gaytors try to imagine bizarre legal/judicial methods for limiting a particular CLASS of income, or a TYPE OF PERSON receiving such income (male athletes in one particular sport who skew towards one particular ethnicity), I think they will be disappointed to come up short once again in a legal sense.


For illustrative purposes only (do not read while operating heavy machinery):
They don’t understand what NIL is…still. It’s not a payment for playing football. It’s a payment for NAME IMAGE and LIKENESS. There is no salary cap on how much endorsement money NFL players can make.

It’s funny how they want some type of socialist system governing NIL money but are perfectly OK with accepting the HUGE SEC television contract money. How about you get the same TV deal as teams in the Mountain West? I mean, íts unfair that SEC teams get such a huge payout when other teams get a tiny TV contract payout.

So you are saying you are SHOCKED at the brilliant Gaytor who suggested outlawing "pay-for-play"? Which is and always has been illegal?

Yeah, whether disguised or not, pay-for-play is illegal, and that Gaytor is none too bright.

I should point out that gambling was already illegal in this town too, they didn't actually have to pass a new law to make it so...
For the attorneys here on CIS.


If an athlete (minor or adult at signing) based their NLI signature on NIL contracts (not promises), then said NIL falls through...

What happens?

I'm inclined to think NLI is binding and too vad so sad you are playing with us kitten.

What say you??
They can't. NLI is run by NCAA.
NIL is not.

They have nothing to do with each other and can't be legally tied to each other.