Look, I understand what you are saying, and you are not completely wrong in certain aspects.
But here's the thing. By current-day standards, Rice would likely be considered a moderate. And on her most right-leaning positions (foreign policy), I actually think that she is a pretty good fit for UM and the SoFla community as a whole. I was a UM Political Science major (School of Business, I was also a Finance double-major) and I was a graduate assistant for two Politics professors while I was doing my MBA. I was also friends with Jose Mas as an undergrad, and his father was Jorge Mas-Canosa, who led the Cuban American National Foundation.
So I'm not sure why you think that a foreign policy hawk would be such a bad cultural fit in anti-Communist, anti-Castro Miami.
And, look, with all due respect to my law school brother,
@rsa coral gables , I do not see "Marxists" around every corner. I'm sure if he saw my voting record, he might give me some side-eye. But I was an officer of College Republicans in the 1980s, and my best friend from law school was the president of Students for America. We are both quite moderate (overall) and have a mix of somewhat conservative and somewhat liberal positions. If a person like myself (who has been forced to vote for Democrats for 25 years) can tell you that Rice is the best candidate at this time, then I certainly would not worry about "good cultural fit".
Bottom line, Foote leaned right of center even though his father-in-law was Democrat Senator William Fulbright (of "the Fulbright scholarship"). And regardless of Donna's earlier (and later) work with the Clintons (and I know
@rsa coral gables thinks that all kinds of crimes were committed in Arkansas and elsewhere), she was pretty moderate as an educator too.
So let's all relax. Let's put aside the politics, there will be plenty of opportunity for that in the next few months. Let's just pick a president who is qualified for the job and JUST MIGHT be able to get us into the Big 10.