Not gonna lie, the "jorts" comments made me giggle.
I'm not debating the back story. Assuming what you said is true, and I have no reason to doubt you; at best, it's a complete lack of situational awareness on her end. I will say though that photo is her legacy in my mind and the minds of thousands of other alumni. Regardless of planned, choreographed, orchestrated, etc, it's a BAD look. Like really bad. It also illuminates to me at least, the lack of street smarts that oftentimes accompany academics. I realize you can pick that sentence apart, so you don't have to. I know it's a generalization and unfair in some cases. Again, the optics are horrible and I bring up the lack of street smarts because no one vetted this guy, or at least didn't report anything. I'm certain there are examples of people in their early 30's who have the capabilities to write 7 figure checks. However, no one seemed to stop and ask "Why is this person (who is not an alum) donating so much money? Who is this person? Why is he looking to kiss up to all the players? How did he acquire this money?" I get that those questions can come off as tacky when accepting a donation, but not nearly as tacky as being outed on national TV as being a school that accepts donations from a Ponzi sc;emer. Lastly, I'm aware that hindsight is 20/20. Looking at this photo after 2010 makes it really easy to say look at the greed.
I hope you're picking up what I'm putting down without feeling like I'm putting you down. Again, I know better than to argue with a tax attorney.