MEGA Frenk Out - Who Next?

this was the runner up for President. a limpwrist mexico-german academic or a war fighter?

no way the Marxist faculty would have accepted the war fighter, but he was the RIGHT choice. amirite @Empirical Cane @TheOriginalCane ??

You are correct.

No need for all that language, but basically correct. The belief was that Julio would help the med school rankings more than the Admiral would. The juice wasn’t worth the squeeze.

This is as spot on as it gets. Without Covid, he was a goner. Was on the rocks big time pre-Covid. This is great news for the university as he was a terrible president and literally every aspect of the school worsened under his leadership.

Three law school deans want their jobs back…
He's Gone. Just got announced as Chancellor of UCLA. Hopefully the next president makes our move to the P2 more of a priority.
Thank ******* God. I will give him credit for navigating through Covid with his public health background, but from an academic side there have been some bad hires at the school president level for individual schools, the U.S. News & World Report rankings dropped about 20 spots or so under his watch some of which is attributable to how they calculated private schools which affected everyone in a private category, but Miami was disproportionately hit. And I’m not gonna suffer anybody talking about how he invested in athletics as if he wasn’t forced to being pressured internally and nationally on TV and a concerted plan to fix things.

Look, he may go onto to do great things at Ucla, but I’m glad he’s ******* gone and I’m glad right now that the interim president is who he is with his passion for sports even if not infallible in that regard. Probably not the best idea for him to be the president in the long run but right now I only care about a president gets us the **** out of the ACC and not the big 12.
Promote from within and Miami guys until the programs and school rot to the core
Relax it’s interim and I’m fine with that for now. Get through realignment start a good search with someone who can get the academics back up and value athletics and is on board with both plans. And yes, they should ultimately land on somebody outside of the school, but people need to stop freaking out out 2 hours after an announcement came.

This is what we need to start on a multi step process overall for the university and yes, I care about academics too
Herbie definitely embarrassed him on national TV.. but it got a reaction and Frenk went public with it and addressed it and actions were taken.

For that... even if it wasn't him... I can't complain. At the end of the day he came here thinking football was soccer and couldn't even tell you the most basic information about the sport.
My point is/was simple - Frenk was clueless, tone deaf and completely lacked self-awareness. It took a public spanking to get him to do something.

And literally every other aspect of the university got worse on his watch. So F him.
My point is/was simple - Frenk was clueless, tone deaf and completely lacked self-awareness. It took a public spanking to get him to do something.

And literally every other aspect of the university got worse on his watch. So F him.
Joe Biden GIF by Election 2020
Presidents for sure get involved in athletics.

Like I’ve said many times before, the majority of our fan base only appears to follow Miami, doesn’t watch any other games, and has a terrible grasp on the CFB landscape generally
They get involved(Depends on the school as to how much), but the BULK of the heavy lifting is done by the AD and donors, who are the financial muscle. Honestly, most Presidents let their ADs do their jobs with minimal interference, they are there to support and lend their expertise when requested. Unfortunately, the typical Miami fan believes that a University exists to service the Athletic Department, which isn't the case.

Should a University President be receptive to the AD and willing to help? Yes, but if you are looking to hire a University President, "Liking sports" is far down on the list of attributes. Fundraising is Job 1, ability to build a team that attracts and retains high end research and teaching talent is Job 2. Keep in mind, there has and likely will always be some tension between academia and athletics, and in this big money landscape, that tension has likely gotten significantly worse.
He will be replaced with another corpse who doesn’t at all care about athletics.

And the Columbus Mafia retains real control.

Don’t get yourselves excited for nothing. We know how this ends
Again, the school doesn't exist solely to service the Athletic Department. We should all want a University President that is a high end fundraiser and can build an administrative team that attracts and retains high end faculty.

Miami has a solid, experienced AD, he just needs to team with the donors and rein them in from their excesses(Stop letting them pressure him into "Miami Guy, Bro" hires, IE JD). If the President has some political pull, that may help with the realignment talks, but bringing the money helps a whole lot more. Miami getting into the AAU was a big deal for expansion, combine that with UHealth continuing to rake in the dollars(Which then helps the entire University, especially the athletic department), that will get Miami in the room.
Thank ******* God. I will give him credit for navigating through Covid with his public health background, but from an academic side there have been some bad hires at the school president level for individual schools, the U.S. News & World Report rankings dropped about 20 spots or so under his watch some of which is attributable to how they calculated private schools which affected everyone in a private category, but Miami was disproportionately hit. And I’m not gonna suffer anybody talking about how he invested in athletics as if he wasn’t forced to being pressured internally and nationally on TV and a concerted plan to fix things.

Look, he may go onto to do great things at Ucla, but I’m glad he’s ******* gone and I’m glad right now that the interim president is who he is with his passion for sports even if not infallible in that regard. Probably not the best idea for him to be the president in the long run but right now I only care about a president gets us the **** out of the ACC and not the big 12.
It always seemed like he and his wife had their own agenda.... Very nice people, but...
People hate to hear this...and I am not saying its right. But Win football games and applications go up. Applications go up you get more selective. More selective better more successful students and then graduates. Better academics you get stronger candidates to teach.

Hence why a few SEC schools and Clemson who have won over the last 20 years are now looked at stronger academically. Also newer nicer dorms. Better academic buildings.

Everything improves. Miami's football team likely paid for most of what people see on and around campus the last 30 years.

We win over the next 2-3 years and watch the difference in the school in 5-6 years.
Pretty naive to think one person can unify a broken campus. Students today are governed by social media. Whether it be true or false it’s their main source of cess pool anti American anti establishment and hate current events. The government has failed them the school has failed them and this diverse hire will not change a thing.