Already been announcedWait until I tell you who the Interim will be…
Already been announcedWait until I tell you who the Interim will be…
Haha nice find.A graphic I found online of acting President Joe Echevarria. It's notable that not only is he a UM alum but says his only passions are his kids and Miami sports. This was made while he was still Deloitte CEO before being hired here.
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@TheOriginalCane I know you were bullish on Joe Echevarria during the Mario/AD search. Are you sentiments the same a couple years later?
We know who it is. You're behind.
Now is it good or bad?
Plenty of time for a good write up. That storm isn't ending anytime soon.****, I’m stuck in the MIA hellscape right now. Flights getting cancelled left and right.
I think Joe is good news. We needed a tight team of silent assassins who are on the same page.
I actually posted it as a joke before I realized they even promoted from within. It just worked out that way.
I know Joe's background as far as Deloitte and public accounitng career is very good. Smart dude.
The MAGA in me though... finding it hard to look over the time he spent as an advisor for Obama and being on Phizer's BOD.... those 2 facts completely nullify any success he's had anywhere else.
Curious of how the UHealth has transformed since he's been President. Aside from the spike during the 1.5 years of peak covid where $300M hit the bottom line or whatever it was that was exponentially higher than prior periods.
Rudy Fernandez just re-tweeted this
Wait, is Joe any better? Wasn’t he practically the mouth piece & Frenk’s henchman?
Want @TheOriginalCane thoughts on Frenk leaving and Echevarria taking over
I think the consensus with every alum I’ve ever spoken to was Frenk is and has been a terrible president for the university. Rankings plummeted, the law school is as bad as it’s ever been or at least in recent memory, athletics are stale. He has been absent and defers most hard work and decisions to others below him for years now… including Echevarria.
The sentiment is that Covid saved his presidency and he would have been gone after his 5 year tenure if it wasn’t for Covid. I guess people saw him qualified to lead the university through the scamdemic because of his health administration background.
Herbie definitely embarrassed him on national TV.. but it got a reaction and Frenk went public with it and addressed it and actions were taken.I didn't think it was possible, but this guy was an immensely larger **** than Shalala was. Total token hire who is completely clueless on so many levels. Aside from Herbstreit EMBARRASSING him on national TV to get him and the Athletic Department to move their azses to start fixing football, **** near everything else got worse on his watch. Law School has continuing issues. Academics slipping. National ratings (academically) slipping. Baseball program....ugh. Good riddance.
This is a classic example of both the Peter Principle and failing up. Thank you UCLA....thank you.