MEGA Frenk Out - Who Next?

the commissioners who approved the deal were paid off by Samson. also the county would have never built UM a stadium. DS tried to get a combined FIU/Miami stadium at tropical but FIU wanted their own on campus stadium instead.

Sounds like FIU had a better university president than we did. Sucks for us.

If the commisioners were paid off for their vote, then that's fraud. If Shalala knew about that, that's even more reason she should have fought.

And the county would never willingly build UM a stadium.... until we're about to take their *** to court for damages due to their corruption and fraud. The possiblity of losing your next election at best, or going to jail at worst... well what's a stadium compared to that? A pretty good motivator, in my book.

Pretty naive to think one person can unify a broken campus. Students today are governed by social media. Whether it be true or false it’s their main source of cess pool anti American anti establishment and hate current events. The government has failed them the school has failed them and this diverse hire will not change a thing.
Wow, nice porst.

I'll concede there are a couple nuggets of truth in there, however they have NOTHING to do with Frenk's abject failure as president.

Unify a broken campus? Things got WORSE on his watch. The government has failed them? Really? How is that? Are you familiar with the socio-economic status of the the vast majority of families who attend UM? The school has failed them? Who was the head of that school? Do those students hold ANY accountability whatsoever for their outcomes, or is that all put on someone or something else?
Sounds like FIU had a better university president than we did. Sucks for us.

If the commisioners were paid off for their vote, then that's fraud. If Shalala knew about that, that's even more reason she should have fought.

And the county would never willingly build UM a stadium.... until we're about to take their *** to court for damages due to their corruption and fraud. The possiblity of losing your next election at best, or going to jail at worst... well what's a stadium compared to that? A pretty good motivator, in my book.

Define “better president”.

FIU has more students and land. FIU is nearly in the Everglades. FIU is right off the Turnpike Extension.

They still have a tiny, ****** stadium, far worse than what they could have had. You are talking about the same school and president who tried to build a pedestrian bridge and put so much emphasis on aesthetics over safety that the **** thing collapsed and killed a bunch of innocent people.
UCLA is ranked as the #15 overall in the nation in academics, & T-1st for public universities w/ Cal.
Yes and they are paying him less than Miami did.

Their athletic department budget is a financial mess and their campus erupted in riots throughout this spring over the Middle East issues.

Otherwise it’s a great job.
If I were in her shoes, I would have fought. Hard. Get on TV, get in the papers, and tug at the heartstrings of the people of the city talking about the historic site that is the Orange Bowl, all the great history there, etc. I would take the city/county to court over the referendum. Sue the Marlins. Hold up the demolition for years tying them up in court.

And then I would fundraise on the back of that. "Save our stadium" is a nice rallying cry.

And if at the end of that, you end up losing, you take the goodwill and the money and you build a new stadium using the money you've fundraised and whatever settlement you get from the city.

One thing I would NOT have done is just take it lying down and sign a lease with Stephen Ross or wayne huizenga or whoever the **** owned Dolphins stadium at the time.

I hate FSU but Miami could take a page from that book from time to time... sometimes you gotta stir **** up and fight back. Miami was criminally quiet and complacent during that era and it cost us something we can never get back or replace.
Sometimes you've got to know when a battle is winnable and when you're just tilting at windmills. The forces behind the Marlins had resources that would have taken a lot of money to battle with a slim chance of success. It wasn't going to happen and given the state of the OB, the money to fix it never would have happened either. Those same people pushing for the Marlins would have become the biggest opponents to public funding of stadiums had they lost.

There is no scenario where we would have a renovated Orange Bowl and decent parking.
Look, I do not disagree with you, in theory.

But we were not an equity partner, we were a tenant.

And the **** new tenant was the Marlins. We lose that battle 101 times out of 100.

I hate it. I hate the Marlins. I hate Luria. I hate Samson.

But those ****ers cut up the body in the dark. No witnesses. No warning. No evidence. We know what happened, but Donna couldn’t stop that freight train.

And for the record, while El Herald was powerful enough to bring down Gary Hart in ‘88, they are pretty powerless in this millennium.

Even if that were true, I would have forgiven her if she would have fought. At least go down swinging.

I get why people defend Donna Shalala. She is a nice lady. It's like being mad at your grandma. Everybody loves grandma. The best light I can paint her in is to say maybe she was just the wrong leader for Miami at the wrong time. We needed someone who could take this to the mat, and we didn't have it.

But, for the record, I don't agree that we lose that fight to the Marlins if we take it up. Whether it's the Herald or some other way, the fight is ultimately won in the court of public opinion. And I just happen to believe that the local hometown university, who at that time were national championship contenders every year, is a far more sympathetic and likeable actor than the billionare New Yorker Jeffrey Loria and a bunch of crooked politicians.

"Save our stadium from the politicians and the outsiders who want to rip it down." That should be the easiest fight ever. But we didn't even throw a punch. I think we could easily have made it a political fight that was winnable.

Well that.... and you sue. We should have **** well sued.
That hasn't stopped schools like A&M and Nebraska. They've done well in other sports and they certainly have a wealthy alumni.
They’re actually not broke just how the school is determining their budget and how they’re wanting to allocate numbers across everything. They can wipe the deficit away tomorrow if the school administration chooses to accountt things differently.
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Define “better president”.

FIU has more students and land. FIU is nearly in the Everglades. FIU is right off the Turnpike Extension.

They still have a tiny, ****** stadium, far worse than what they could have had. You are talking about the same school and president who tried to build a pedestrian bridge and put so much emphasis on aesthetics over safety that the **** thing collapsed and killed a bunch of innocent people.

I forgot about that bridge. That's on their president too - hey well at least I'm consistent. I see it as... you're the boss, the buck stops there. You get the big bucks and your face on the front page, but you also own it when **** hits the fan and you don't get to blame circumstances. That's the deal, in my view.

But to be honest, I'd rather have their ****** on campus stadium than our deal where we rent from the Dolphins. It's not the answer long term, and I hope Miami can right the wrong at some point and get us a permanent home. It won't be the OB, but as long as it's ours we'll make it great.
Sounds like FIU had a better university president than we did. Sucks for us.

If the commisioners were paid off for their vote, then that's fraud. If Shalala knew about that, that's even more reason she should have fought.

And the county would never willingly build UM a stadium.... until we're about to take their *** to court for damages due to their corruption and fraud. The possiblity of losing your next election at best, or going to jail at worst... well what's a stadium compared to that? A pretty good motivator, in my book.
they had the land. we dont. they built their stadium on campus. that will always hinder UM.
It’s time to throw Frenk’s throne on a bonfire, cut the Centennial Celebration budget in half, and shift that money to a search firm. Plus an environmental company to steam clean the president’s house. Julio probably walks around there like Winnie the Pooh, sitting his bare *** on the sofa while he watches a Real Housewives marathon…

@JG13 would like to volunteer his services

Cleaning Up Magic Mike GIF by ADWEEK
Sometimes you've got to know when a battle is winnable and when you're just tilting at windmills. The forces behind the Marlins had resources that would have taken a lot of money to battle with a slim chance of success. It wasn't going to happen and given the state of the OB, the money to fix it never would have happened either. Those same people pushing for the Marlins would have become the biggest opponents to public funding of stadiums had they lost.

There is no scenario where we would have a renovated Orange Bowl and decent parking.
they were never gonna renovate the OB even if we said yes. as TOC said, we didnt own it. we were tenants to the county. the land was predetermined to build a new baseball stadium
Even if that were true, I would have forgiven her if she would have fought. At least go down swinging.

I get why people defend Donna Shalala. She is a nice lady. It's like being mad at your grandma. Everybody loves grandma. The best light I can paint her in is to say maybe she was just the wrong leader for Miami at the wrong time. We needed someone who could take this to the mat, and we didn't have it.

But, for the record, I don't agree that we lose that fight to the Marlins if we take it up. Whether it's the Herald or some other way, the fight is ultimately won in the court of public opinion. And I just happen to believe that the local hometown university, who at that time were national championship contenders every year, is a far more sympathetic and likeable actor than the billionare New Yorker Jeffrey Loria and a bunch of crooked politicians.

"Save our stadium from the politicians and the outsiders who want to rip it down." That should be the easiest fight ever. But we didn't even throw a punch. I think we could easily have made it a political fight that was winnable.

Well that.... and you sue. We should have **** well sued.
Cool and you, Sue and what happens when they don’t follow through just like they didn’t follow through on the agreement when they’re the city and you’re just a tenant. Have you ever been to Miami and understand what’s going on or are you just gonna keep saying the same **** every post.
they were never gonna renovate the OB even if we said yes. as TOC said, we didnt own it. we were tenants to the county. the land was predetermined to build a new baseball stadium
Sometimes you've got to know when a battle is winnable and when you're just tilting at windmills. The forces behind the Marlins had resources that would have taken a lot of money to battle with a slim chance of success. It wasn't going to happen and given the state of the OB, the money to fix it never would have happened either. Those same people pushing for the Marlins would have become the biggest opponents to public funding of stadiums had they lost.

There is no scenario where we would have a renovated Orange Bowl and decent parking.

I think it was winnable. I might be the only one who believes that and that's fine, but dammit we should have fought.

I would rather have a dilapidated Orange Bowl held together by toothpicks and chewing gum than be in our current situation renting a field in Miami Gardens.

They've done a great job investing in the Hurricanes ever since they decided to go all in and hire Mario. They've got the right mindset now, and that's a huge step forward.

They've got to accomplish two things, in my mind, to bring this program back to what it was. They need to win a natty.... and I think they'll do that. And of course, that's more important than anything else from a football perspective. But also, eventually they need to build a stadium and get us somewhere permanent.

Losing the OB is a wrong that has never been righted. We won't be made whole until we get one back.