FLETCHER IS A FULL GO!! (updated, apologies)

I'm with you but let's see how fall practice unfolds. If Fletch is playing with the 2s and even alternating with the 1s through fall camp, he's playing UF game. However, if he has that red jersey thing for the entire fall camp, I can see the coaches holding off playing him until game 3-4. JMO.
Could be a blessing in disguise

I despise running back by committee. Let Martinez do work and be in rhythm against UiF and compliment with guys like Allen and CJ

And when we get to some softer parts of the schedule give Martinez some breathers and use Fletch if possible
not a diss at all here - agree with you that we need fletch and he's huge for us.

Martinez "got worse" last year because of DJU. He was basically hucking it around for incompletions all year and Martinez had to bail him out time and time again into heavy fronts and just got more beat up last year.
Previous year the Beavs were a much more balanced attack/team and he didn't get slaughtered all game by inept QB play.
Oh no doubt... He was that entire offense a year ago. 8 YPC in the first quarter is insane but he couldn't do it for 4 quarters.

Whole point of my post is that he's probably even better and more effective than the 194 carries, 1,185 yards, 9 TDs, and 6.1 ypc suggests. If he's getting spelled throughout the game and averages 12-15 touches and is fresh in the 4th like he was in the 2nd quarter... he might end up closer to 7 YPC.
You posted that lol so it must’ve been worth it. Do you know something that nobody else does or that most people don’t know? Just a serious question.

You know the answer but I’ll give you what you want. The “lol” is for anyone listening to our HC comments when it comes to injury timelines, they mean nothing.
You know the answer but I’ll give you what you want. The “lol” is for anyone listening to our HC comments when it comes to injury timelines, they mean nothing.

Well, of course they don’t. That’s just common sense. Most coaches aren’t going to give you a real timeline in a situation like this, especially right before crucial game which Mario knows he needs to win. He’s going to spit out misinformation if possible. Whether that helps or not, who knows? I would say probably not.
Mario? Who cares what Mario said? This is about what @ageezy said.. and @ageezy said Fletcher is a full go.

Mario wears @ageezy underoos
Showtime Recording GIF by CBS
Man, I feel bad for teams in the 4th quarter after getting leaned on by the OL and getting pummeled by Martinez for three quarters.. here comes Fletcher!!

Oh wait, no the **** I don't. If they die they die.
He’s still in that non contact jersey. If he’s not out of that this week, I don’t see how he plays Week 1.
He’s still in that non contact jersey. If he’s not out of that this week, I don’t see how he plays Week 1.

Pretty sure I’ve said this four score, 17 pages and 6 threads ago but again, holler at me when he’s not wearing a no-contact jersey and our defenders are tackling him. I couldn’t care less about any updates until then.

Also, planting my flag that Fletcher has a very pedestrian year, even if he does play. I sure hope I’m wrong and he wins the Doak Walker award, but to me, this was a year+ injury. Much like I told people all year last year to not pay attention to Arroyo. He wouldn’t be a factor in 2023. Same deal here. Even if he plays, and again I’m not trusting Mario for a ******* syllable on this, how much work has he gotten in since last December? Has he been squatting on that foot? Cleaning? Sprinting? Cutting? Dead lifting? How’s his running style now? Is he gonna have compensatory injuries to the other leg because he’s conscious about the bad foot?

My official prediction is Martinez gets 60% of the RB carries this year. Allen gets 15%. Lyle gets 15%. Johnson gets 10%.
I'm an idiot couch coach just shooting the ****, but assuming a guy like him is full go, and we have a stable of backs that can do damage, does it make any sense to let you #1 back get the majority of the reps for 3 quarters, and keep your also great #2 completely fresh until you throw him in for the majority of the reps starting in the 4th? And just have him run over a completely gassed defense. You avoid switching guys in and out as well.
David Lake reported today that he’s still not full go but all indications are that he’s on track to be available at some point this season. Doesn’t know if he will be back for UF, still on the table but there’s plenty of confidence he’ll be back for VT.
David Lake reported today that he’s still not full go but all indications are that he’s on track to be available at some point this season. Doesn’t know if he will be back for UF, still on the table but there’s plenty of confidence he’ll be back for VT.
CJJ, your time has come
Really big deal. Been diving in some with a friend in the analytics space and we looked into some splits of Martinez and Fletcher.

Martinez splits (in terms of YPC) his first year by quarter showed he was his best in the 4th, then 3rd, then 1st, then 2nd. Basically got stronger as the game went on.

Then last year he was his best in the 1st averaging over 8 YPC and progressively got worse into the 4th where he barely averaged 3 YPC.

Fletcher was by far at his best in the 3rd quarter at 7 YPC and then was at 4.2 in the 4th, 4.0 in the 1st, and then 3.6 in the 2nd. At his best in the 2nd half.

Ajay Allen was also a better 2nd half runner. Spelling each other and staying fresh, especially with the main 2 at 225-230 pounds and an OL that averages 330 pounds 7-8-9 deep.... I'm really not sure how anyone stops it. Doesn't even add in the possibility of having to chase a 10.3 100M track guy to the sideline or in space a couple times a game.

We were 20th in the country in YPC in 2023 at 5.0 with a pretty average backfield. Add in a much more mobile QB. Not sure how this team wouldn't sit around 5.6-6.0 YPC. That would be easily top 4-5 in the country.

could this be a function of stacking the box against him given the damage he had done earlier in a game? maybe the game context (blowout v close game) explains it?