FLETCHER IS A FULL GO!! (updated, apologies)

Needs more muscle back on his legs imo. compare that picture with this last season.


He came in last year physically ready to handle a workload in college. I remember people highlighting his lower half (pause) and how he could churn out yac, which is all important for him since he’s not a blazer. Aligns with how Lake reported he’s not ready.

Again, still don’t think he’ll be ready by anytime before October…but it would be MASSIVE to get him back into the fold for the Louisville / FSU games (and beyond). Maybe more importantly, if Martinez starts to wear down later in the season and Fletcher can spell him more often…giving Martinez some fresher legs for the potential ACCCG.

Just please don’t rush him back like we need him asap, because we don’t. That’s why we went out to get Martinez.
could this be a function of stacking the box against him given the damage he had done earlier in a game? maybe the game context (blowout v close game) explains it?
We looked into that a little bit and it looks like he faced roughly the same types of looks throughout. No drastic changes. QB (DJU) production didn't go up much to reflect anything like that either. DJU was definitely his best in the 3rd quarter and worst in the 4th. But overall 1st half compared to 2nd are about the same for him.

Really looks like Oregon State as a whole was a team that was worn down as the game went on.. maybe I question their S&C.

For example - they were 19th in 1st quarter ppg allowed at 3.9 and then were 96th at 8.0 in the 4th quarter (66th in the 2nd quarter and 31st in the 3rd quarter). Meaning they rest up at the half and come out with some more juice in the 3rd quarter and Smith is a good HC known for making strong halftime adjustments.

But then on offense.. 39th in 1st quarter PPG, 61st in 2nd, 46th in the 3rd, and then 18th at 8.7 ppg in the 4th which doesn't match up with any of their other metrics unless its directly related to getting more possessions because their defense is gassed and giving up points more in the 4th. Their players all seem to regress in their 4th quarter splits. Might be skewed from scoring 21 in the 4th against Wazzu as well.
Pretty sure I’ve said this four score, 17 pages and 6 threads ago but again, holler at me when he’s not wearing a no-contact jersey and our defenders are tackling him. I couldn’t care less about any updates until then.

Also, planting my flag that Fletcher has a very pedestrian year, even if he does play. I sure hope I’m wrong and he wins the Doak Walker award, but to me, this was a year+ injury. Much like I told people all year last year to not pay attention to Arroyo. He wouldn’t be a factor in 2023. Same deal here. Even if he plays, and again I’m not trusting Mario for a ******* syllable on this, how much work has he gotten in since last December? Has he been squatting on that foot? Cleaning? Sprinting? Cutting? Dead lifting? How’s his running style now? Is he gonna have compensatory injuries to the other leg because he’s conscious about the bad foot?

My official prediction is Martinez gets 60% of the RB carries this year. Allen gets 15%. Lyle gets 15%. Johnson gets 10%.
Same here, even if he’s cleared I don’t think he’ll play much
Guy won't be playing in the 4th quarter against UF. He's probably 4th (at best) on the depth chart and it seems like Lyle has passed him as well.
CJJ's playing time won't be based on where he is in the depth chart. He's a completely different kind of back than the others and would be brought in situationally to mix things up not based on some "depth chart" position.
not a diss at all here - agree with you that we need fletch and he's huge for us.

Martinez "got worse" last year because of DJU. He was basically hucking it around for incompletions all year and Martinez had to bail him out time and time again into heavy fronts and just got more beat up last year.
Previous year the Beavs were a much more balanced attack/team and he didn't get slaughtered all game by inept QB play.

This is the reason imo the Noles are in for a very rude awakening

Let's hope he doesnt relive that experience....