Typical ultra secret bs we're used to over the last decade. When you're good, you let the media and fans in. When you're not, this is what you get.
What's the advantage of letting fans/media in?
Any chance you get, you allow both in to build relationships with the public and start building hype for the upcoming season. We used to do this more when we were playing lights out, then it was locked down. I doubt any of the super secret practices have resulted in a win and all the paranoia about the guy in the bushes recording things is silly.
If FSU has always done this under Jimbo, obviously that's been his way all along.
Bowden let people see them all the time and basically had the idea of here we are, try and stop us.
More access today through pictures or internet, that's a given. As fans, yes Al has been a bit more accessible compared to Shannon, but not the guys before that. I'm talking about ground level, not as technology has increased, we're using it more.