Very selective and completely ignores my original point which was the state of the program when they took over.
Mario followed Helfrich (never coached again) and Taggart (

) and the program was 20-18 the previous 3 seasons.
Mario rebuilt the program, majorly upgraded recruiting, won 2 P12s , a Rose Bowl and beat OSU in the Shoe his last season without the aid of the best NIL and without unfettered college FA.
Lanning then took that over, didn’t win a P12 in 2 seasons where he had a 1st round QB and a big talent advantage over every single team he played not named UGA.
Now in his 3rd year he did win the B10 and deserves credit for a great year.
But your “point” is completely missing context and ignores the state of the program. See Lincoln Riley at OU vs USC.