Official Fall PractiSe #2; Wednesday, August 2nd

2 days of fall camp and we are already comparing him to a dude who has an elite record at the university of Miami.

why not?

99.9% of this board was in love with Jake Garcia, the gunslinger, and crowned him the next Vinny Testaverde .... which was totally justified and understandable, because Jake went to 5 different high schools in 4 months and was on an ESPN documentary.

everyone knows that CIS is just a bunch of highly respected NFL scouts who cover what's happening with UM football in their spare time.


disappointed the wire GIF
why not?

99.9% of this board was in love with Jake Garcia, the gunslinger, and crowned him the next Vinny Testaverde .... which was totally justified and understandable, because Jake went to 5 different high schools in 4 months and was on an ESPN documentary.

everyone knows that CIS is just a bunch of highly respected NFL scouts who cover what's happening with UM football in their spare time.
Which was based off his spring game performance which I never understood. Had it been game conditions he would have been murdered and taken a half dozen or more sacks because he was holding onto the ball way too long.