Official Fall PractiSe #2; Wednesday, August 2nd

He's always appeared like "a problem."

I was a huge fan of him going into last season. Unfortunately, he got injured. But, thought he was poorly utilized even prior to the injury.

Hope we send him on more seam and corner routes. His hands are clean and he naturally boxes defenders out.
That could go for pretty much everyone in our Broyles Award winning
For sure

Still. It’s been a long time since there’s been any excitement about the football team. People have been at eachothers throats over recruiting all summer

I say **** it be excited and say as much wild **** as you want life’s too short

Pass me a 40oz of Kool-Aid sir
CIS is difficult right now because there seems to be 2 distinct camps that are driving each other crazy. Some can’t contain their excitement, and some can’t help but sh*t on every quote we receive. Neither is probably correct. Personally I wish both camps would temper their reactions. IMO, we should be a good team, and while I do enjoy the reports during a very, very boring time of the sports year, I also try to take all reports with a grain of salt.
Who even cares how the QBs look throwing balls into a net?

We all know that Cristobal will force Dawson to call 100% run plays from the Power-I formation.
@TouchMoney26 Hey brother! @rok is confirming what he saw in practiCe today. We're running from the I formation
This is what we'll look like this season.

College Football Win GIF by Boomerang Official
CIS is difficult right now because there seems to be 2 distinct camps that are driving each other crazy. Some can’t contain their excitement, and some can’t help but sh*t on every quote we receive. Neither is probably correct. Personally I wish both camps would temper their reactions. IMO, we should be a good team, and while I do enjoy the reports during a very, very boring time of the sports year, I also try to take all reports with a grain of salt.
I see some maturity with James Williams he said it’s time to face reality and realize the type of body he haa..idk if Guidry finally sold him on not just boxing hisself into playing Safety but I’m happy to hear this
I really hope this translates to not making unnecessary personal fouls. I get playing tough, but the majority of the flags thrown against him were for hitting players way out of bounds and/or well after the play was over often when they weren't expecting it. That's not playing tough, but rather the equivalent of a sucker punch.
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I really hope this translates to not making unnecessary personal fouls. I get playing tough, but the majority of the flags thrown against him were for hitting players way out of bounds and/or well after the play was over often when they weren't expecting it. That's not playing, but rather the equivalent of a sucker punch.
Yeah he's done some dumb stuff over the years. I still remember him batting the ball out of a Virginia players hands right in front of the ref after the TD was called and the play was way over.
CIS is difficult right now because there seems to be 2 distinct camps that are driving each other crazy. Some can’t contain their excitement, and some can’t help but sh*t on every quote we receive. Neither is probably correct. Personally I wish both camps would temper their reactions. IMO, we should be a good team, and while I do enjoy the reports during a very, very boring time of the sports year, I also try to take all reports with a grain of salt.
Totally with ya

Getting a little older I don’t get excited about the team for my benefit anymore, I get excited for the kids on the team. It’s not really about how they play that benefits me anymore.

Last year was tough to watch for me because it felt like the coaches weren’t doing their jobs putting the kids in the best position to succeed and I’m optimistic we are in a much better spot this year
Ray Ray = Next Santana
Bobby = Next DJ Williams
Bain = Next Jereome McDougle
Sisi = Next Mount McKinnie (this one is possible IMO, lol)
Riley Williams = next KW2M

Did I do that right?
@Empirical Cane

I wanna mention @grover. He's a real gym rat. First guy in last guy out type of guy. He's the embodiment of the saying "The U is back to work."