Official Fall PractiSe #2; Wednesday, August 2nd

Times change. You still only got a crusty mag you stole from Uncle Roscoe's garage or you jaggin one in the 21st century with the rest of us?

Probably going off the wet bulb reading to avoid being sued for someone dropping dead.
LOL. Don't be a nit. Nobody died
@Empirical Cane

I wanna mention @grover. He's a real gym rat. First guy in last guy out type of guy. He's the embodiment of the saying "The U is back to work."

Always brings the intensity to every thread. NEVER takes a porst off.

His forum IQ and dedication to porst study is off the charts.

Everything @Andrew wants in a porster.
frosted tips.. nice. And young looks plenty thick.
Looking Season 5 GIF by NBC
Best thing about Emory isn’t his accuracy or his size…. It’s his poise and leadership.

Kid hadn’t even went to prom and was yelling and directing traffic all spring game. HS senior telling college seniors what to do… that told me all I needed to know.
Oh word...I'm keeping mum on him until next season but... I got this gut feeling, I think we got one...
Best thing about Emory isn’t his accuracy or his size…. It’s his poise and leadership.

Kid hadn’t even went to prom and was yelling and directing traffic all spring game. HS senior telling college seniors what to do… that told me all I needed to know.
Well said. In no way disrespectful to Ken but other than being white, tall, and a Cane there’s very little as far as similarities go. Different frame to add good weight, very live arm, quick release, and a totally different level athlete. Let’s hope he shows the same leadership traits by the time he’s done here.
FIFY. At the end of the day, I had nothing but respect for Kaaya after he stood tall while getting hammered by FSU all game long. But he REALLY needed that shirt, and should never have left early to go pro. Bad decisions messed his career up IMO. Could have been special.
I mean Kaaya should have transferred to a school that fit his skillset instead of going pro...he wasn't a spread QB Richt needed but he definitely stood tall despite what went on