Elite Prospect Weekend is here!

I think Mario year three u will see something great. I'm being patient and our roster although has spots is a mess. Most fans don't see it that way I'll agree to disagree there. Let's see how we close.
I'm not saying we win the ACC in 2022, but there is a real opportunity. Our offense will be as good as any in the league. We should be competing for the title as Coastal division winners.
Don’t get me wrong, everything he does translates to the next level. That’s the same level of comp Earl Thomas played against in hs. Just for a comparison off the top of my head. (Earl was a hs rb)
He makes them look bad, no doubt. I just like to look at the end of a play what the guys he is pulling away from look like, and his tape I see a lot of kids that look about 5’6-7” 140.
It was strange. OSU was not really just watch football back then. You just started hearing about this RB. You watched, he was insane and then you basically had to watch every time he was on because it felt like he came out of nowhere. Like a meteor than landed, then it was just obvious he would win the Hiesman.

Freshman year Gore in a limited role was shades of Sanders. Like, who on earth is this kid? Weird good.
I grew up in the Midwest (Iowa). I had a friend that was a WR at Iowa State so I was very familiar with Barry.

Yes, for the most part, nobody knew who he was. He just kept showing up on highlights every week and became the player everyone was talking about. That was a time when the Heisman had some type of purity unlike what we see today where it's about how many wins the team has or counting wins as a QB stat.
I grew up in the Midwest (Iowa). I had a friend that was a WR at Iowa State so I was very familiar with Barry.

Yes, for the most part, nobody knew who he was. He just kept showing up on highlights every week and became the player everyone was talking about. That was a time when the Heisman had some type of purity unlike what we see today where it's about how many wins the team has or counting wins as a QB stat.
Exactly my feeling with Sanders. And yes, the Heisman actually meant something back then. It has recently become a bit of a joke.

daffy duck masturbation GIF
Kid is a generational prospect imo.
It's crazy people don't see this as an issue when evaluating qbs. I'm not saying this because of what you said here. I'm saying people miss on certain positions so often because such stock is put on a kid making a throw in a flag football setting at best when they are allowed to simply sit back and pick a target with no threat to themselves. A QB is a QB when he can stare down that pressure knowing he's about to get crushed and still throw a dime... No other time impresses me. Same with wr and cbs.
It's crazy people don't see this as an issue when evaluating qbs. I'm not saying this because of what you said here. I'm saying people miss on certain positions so often because such stock is put on a kid making a throw in a flag football setting at best when they are allowed to simply sit back and pick a target with no threat to themselves. A QB is a QB when he can stare down that pressure knowing he's about to get crushed and still throw a dime... No other time impresses me. Same with wr and cbs.
I actually, agree, but I'm not making that assessment from those clips . You gotta remember, I'm the guy who thinks most Qb's are busts (said as much for Trevor, Tua, and Burrow, and tbh, I think I was right on all of them even though they all balled out in College.)

Buddy out West has been following him and says he's the real deal. I like this physical attributes. Multi sports athlete.

The only thing that screams red flag to me with him is that Riley is going with Nelson over him.