Official Ed Reed WAS new Head Coach at Bethune-Cookman (Now Not 🫠)

Big difference. Herbie was only a microphone. But if people want to hero worship him, then have at it. I don’t hero worship anybody, especially a guy that really had nothing to do with the whole thing, other than being a mouthpiece for other people.
Yeah, agreed, no one claims Herbie’s rant was his idea. He even quoted Barry Jackson (IIRC). No one cared what Barry Jackson wrote though, nor was his criticism of UM original. The problems had been problems for 20 years, longer even.

I appreciate Herbie but Chris Fowler, Desmond Howard, or that week’s guest could have said it word-for-word as far as I care.

The point is the public commentary embarrassed UM to the extent of going on defense and responding in the press.

In many ways, Golden finally being canned was similar. Everyone knew Al was not the right HC, but nothing was done until the worst loss in program history, a humiliating 58-0 near-national TV loss at home to Clemson. There was no coming back from that.
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Yeah, agreed, nothing Herbie said was his idea. He even quoted Barry Jackson (IIRC). No one cared what Barry Jackson wrote though, nor was his criticism of UM original. The problems had been problems for 20 years, longer even.

Chris Fowler, Desmond Howard, or that week’s guest could have said it word-for-word as far as I care.

The point is the public commentary embarrassed UM to the extent of going on defense and responding in the press.

In many ways, Golden finally being canned was similar. Everyone knew Al was not the right HC, but nothing was done until the worst loss in program history, a humiliating 58-0 near-national TV loss at home to Clemson. There was no coming back from that.

I guess where I’m coming from is that the behind-the-scenes stuff that lef to where we are today, which is a greater commitment, both financially and logistically to the football program, was engineered behind the scenes.

Not very many people were aware of what was going on behind the scenes, including myself, in fact, mid-season during Manny‘s last season, I was arguing that there would be no reason for Mario to come here based on the support that he had at Oregon versus the lack of support at Miami.

It was that group of people that ultimately collaborated, and created the support for a much greater commitment to football at the University, so it would’ve still happened anyway because the backstage players were already working. But thanks to Herbie for helping with the PR.
Yeah, agreed, no one claims Herbie’s rant said was his idea. He even quoted Barry Jackson (IIRC). No one cared what Barry Jackson wrote though, nor was his criticism of UM original. The problems had been problems for 20 years, longer even.

I appreciate Herbie but Chris Fowler, Desmond Howard, or that week’s guest could have said it word-for-word as far as I care.

The point is the public commentary embarrassed UM to the extent of going on defense and responding in the press.

In many ways, Golden finally being canned was similar. Everyone knew Al was not the right HC, but nothing was done until the worst loss in program history, a humiliating 58-0 near-national TV loss at home to Clemson. There was no coming back from that.
he might have referenced jackson, but jackson had nothing to do with the strategy
I guess where I’m coming from is that the behind-the-scenes stuff that lef to where we are today, which is a greater commitment, both financially and logistically to the football program, was engineered behind the scenes.

Not very many people were aware of what was going on behind the scenes, including myself, in fact, mid-season during Manny‘s last season, I was arguing that there would be no reason for Mario to come here based on the support that he had at Oregon versus the lack of support at Miami.

It was that group of people that ultimately collaborated, and created the support for a much greater commitment to football at the University, so it would’ve still happened anyway because the backstage players were already working. But thanks to Herbie for helping with the PR.

There have always been members of the BOT who wanted Miami ‘back’ and willing to find the money. They held little power apparently, evidenced by UM’s 20-year absence from relevance.

I only offer up the negative PR on that scale helped. Certainly didn‘t hurt. Heck, maybe it was a plant by power brokers wanting Mario. We’ve all read if Mario declined Manny might still be HC.

But here we are, waiting for white smoke to alert us of a new OC.

There have always been members of the BOT who wanted Miami ‘back’ and willing to find the money. They held little power apparently, evidenced by UM’s 20-year absence from relevance.

I only offer up the negative PR on that scale helped. Certainly didn‘t hurt. Heck, maybe it was a plant by power brokers wanting Mario. We’ve all read if Mario declined Manny might still be HC.

But here we are, waiting for white smoke to alert us of a new OC.

This is why I’m not worried about when he hires an OC. Those behind-the-scenes people have not magically disappeared. They see what we see, and not only them, but now we have other people in position of power that can help steer the ship, including Rad and Alonzo.
This is why I hate when our former legendary players get involved in coaching. Playing isn't coaching and successful coaches start as GA and work through the system. Slime Crime and a few others may be different but the system exists for a reason.
I have a profound respect for Ed Reed, but I still don't believe that anyone knows what his coaching goals are.

My favorite player of all time.

Still, I think he wants to talk about it (being a coach) rather than be about it.

We all know the player he was. Everyone that watched him play at any level knows how **** good he was.

None of that gives one the right to just skip rungs on a ladder to where he'd like to be. He needs to humble himself, cut his teeth, do the grind which is different than grinding like he did as a player, and show he can commit for a full year or two as part of a staff. He does that, then maybe a DC spot opens and you grind it again. Then more doors open.

Say what you want about BC, they took a big gamble on him. It blew up in a week. He wasn't ready. Now, we'll see what happens in the future, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was his last coaching gig. How bad does he want it though? If he wants it, hopefully someone gives him the opportunity.
It says a lot when the students themselves support Ed Reed and he didn't even coach a game over there
Ed called the board “Corrupt mother****ers“ before he signed his contract and gor what he deserved

I stand with BCC on this specific matter