Duke & Gus Edwards VS Reggie Bush & LenDale White

Duke and Bush are similar in explosive and speed measurables in that both are more explosive than are straight fast. Main difference between the 2 is Duke being the more physical that can run between the tackles, something Bush hasn't been until recently.

As for Gus, haven't seen a lick of of him to be able to provide an informed opinion.
bush isn't straightline fast????

re-read what I wrote however many times it takes for you to understand it and then get back to me.

"both are more explosive than straighline fast"

so bush is not so much straightline fast than he is explosive?


**** Duval cmon mane

Monitor broken at the library?

well of course he's going to play the "i didn't say that line" and he didn't say that, but i'm cutting to the chase because i know what he's getting at.

i'm not comparing years, guys. i'm only talking about EXPLOSIVENESS. i've never seen Bush closed to being walked down, but i've seen Duke nearly get walked down by Duke defenders

homers gonna homer. bush had guys who went on to be top nfl draft picks looking like they were standing still. duke rips up bc and duke and is ready to be on the same level lol


Why do we let gators on the football board spew venom w/o consequence?

what 'venom' have i spewed? quit being a ******. who feels the need to be territorial over a message board? lol

So chalk it up to a gator gon be a gator. Ok cool
Dammit I love Duke but he is nowhere near Reggie Bush's level at USC

Really motha****kkkkaaaaaaaaa??

Bush's freshman year: 90 carries, 521 yards, 3 tds, 5.8 ypc
Duke's freshman year: 139 carries, 947 yards, 10 tds, 6.8 ypc

Bush's freshman year: 835 total yards from scrimmage, 7 touchdowns
Duke's freshman year: 1168 total yards from scrimmage, 11 touchdowns

Bush's freshman year: 18 returns for Bush, 492 yards, 27 avg, 1 td
Duke's freshman year: 27 returns for Duke, 892 yards, 33 avg, 2 td's


Duke was already our best player as a freshman. Bush wasn't even used in the same way his freshman year.

How about you let Duke play his sophomore season before comparing him to one of the greatest college RBs ever idiot
Duke and Bush are similar in explosive and speed measurables in that both are more explosive than are straight fast. Main difference between the 2 is Duke being the more physical that can run between the tackles, something Bush hasn't been until recently.

As for Gus, haven't seen a lick of of him to be able to provide an informed opinion.
bush isn't straightline fast????

re-read what I wrote however many times it takes for you to understand it and then get back to me.

"both are more explosive than straighline fast"

so bush is not so much straightline fast than he is explosive?

Let me help you up. It pains me to see you struggle with Logic 101.
Bush is fast. But's he's more explosive than he is fast. These are not to mutually exclusive events. You can be Fast and be explosive. But measure against his peers, BUSH IS MORE EXPLOSIVE. His 40.5 vert ranks near the top.
His 4.36 forty on a track surface puts him above average. He is more explosive than fast. That's his main attribute, being able to to stop on a dime, cut and burst in the opposite direction as good as anyone ever has.
Duke and Bush are similar in explosive and speed measurables in that both are more explosive than are straight fast. Main difference between the 2 is Duke being the more physical that can run between the tackles, something Bush hasn't been until recently.

As for Gus, haven't seen a lick of of him to be able to provide an informed opinion.
bush isn't straightline fast????

re-read what I wrote however many times it takes for you to understand it and then get back to me.

"both are more explosive than straighline fast"

so bush is not so much straightline fast than he is explosive?

Let me help you up. It pains me to see you struggle with Logic 101.
Bush is fast. But's he's more explosive than he is fast. These are not to mutually exclusive events. You can be Fast and be explosive. But measure against his peers, BUSH IS MORE EXPLOSIVE. His 40.5 vert ranks near the top.
His 4.36 forty on a track surface puts him above average.
He is more explosive than fast. That's his main attribute, being able to to stop on a dime, cut and burst in the opposite direction as good as anyone ever has.
i can't breathe....
bush isn't straightline fast????

re-read what I wrote however many times it takes for you to understand it and then get back to me.

"both are more explosive than straighline fast"

so bush is not so much straightline fast than he is explosive?

Let me help you up. It pains me to see you struggle with Logic 101.
Bush is fast. But's he's more explosive than he is fast. These are not to mutually exclusive events. You can be Fast and be explosive. But measure against his peers, BUSH IS MORE EXPLOSIVE. His 40.5 vert ranks near the top.
His 4.36 forty on a track surface puts him above average.
He is more explosive than fast. That's his main attribute, being able to to stop on a dime, cut and burst in the opposite direction as good as anyone ever has.
i can't breathe....
don't leave out think.
So what are you trying to cut to the chase too? mirvins' waiting.
Reggie bush is the best player I have ever seen in my lifetime at the collegiate level. Duke is the man and could definitely compare if he stays healthy but he needs to do what he did this year in 2013 and take us to the acccg first.

I'm gonna go with Herschel Walker and Bo Jackson. Reggie Bush was good but not great his whole collegiate career and he was also taken out a lot in short yardage situations. But you did say your lifetime so whatever.

I hear that. I am 28 so during my adult and more fanatical College Football days he is the best I have seen. Once again JMO
Did you miss Vince Young in the Rose Bowl vs Bush's USC?
As of right now, Bush was more explosive and had more football speed and track speed. Period.

Throw stats out the window, cuz they dont matter in this debate.