DT Simeon Barrow, Jr. commits to Miami

I highly recommend people try to pet the bison at Yellowstone.

They are very docile and cuddly.

They'll even let you ride them, hop on up buckaroo!
My buddy tried to and almost died. The bison got really agitated when my friend approached and when my friend turned to run away, he tripped and fell. The bison ran up to him, looked at him with disgust and walked away. His wife has most of it on video but about the time the bison starts to run towards him, she dropped the camera and just started saying “oh ****” over and over.

My buddy tried to and almost died. The bison got really agitated when my friend approached and when my friend turned to run away, he tripped and fell. The bison ran up to him, looked at him with disgust and walked away. His wife has most of it on video but about the time the bison starts to run towards him, she dropped the camera and just started saying “oh ****” over and over.

While I don't personally wish harm on your buddy, I'm very grateful whenever any of these idiots get hurt while trying to interact with these wild animals. Where my brother lives in Orlando, they get bears and alligators on the property with frequency, and some of the new-money idiot neighbors thinks it's OK to feed the wild animals. I laugh every time it backfires on them.
He's gotta come back and this is his money year so he's gonna have to get used to the heat and play as hard as he can. I don't think he has any other real choice. I guess Mizzou could pay him nil to sit a year but wtf wants to do that for a one year rental. You don't rent some **** to put it on the shelf and not use it, rentals are made to be rode hard and put away wet. Somebody will get his mind right for him and he'll be back.
My buddy tried to and almost died. The bison got really agitated when my friend approached and when my friend turned to run away, he tripped and fell. The bison ran up to him, looked at him with disgust and walked away. His wife has most of it on video but about the time the bison starts to run towards him, she dropped the camera and just started saying “oh ****” over and over.
While I don't personally wish harm on your buddy, I'm very grateful whenever any of these idiots get hurt while trying to interact with these wild animals. Where my brother lives in Orlando, they get bears and alligators on the property with frequency, and some of the new-money idiot neighbors thinks it's OK to feed the wild animals. I laugh every time it backfires on them.
He would be the first person to admit he was an idiot and to this day he will not eat a bison burger because that one bison at Yellowstone spared his life.
My buddy tried to and almost died. The bison got really agitated when my friend approached and when my friend turned to run away, he tripped and fell. The bison ran up to him, looked at him with disgust and walked away. His wife has most of it on video but about the time the bison starts to run towards him, she dropped the camera and just started saying “oh ****” over and over.
Like they say when you’re running from a wild animal, just don’t be the slowest or trip and fall.
My buddy tried to and almost died. The bison got really agitated when my friend approached and when my friend turned to run away, he tripped and fell. The bison ran up to him, looked at him with disgust and walked away. His wife has most of it on video but about the time the bison starts to run towards him, she dropped the camera and just started saying “oh ****” over and over.

That Bison, can he play DT?
Or is he a Colorado lock?
I think we will be ok here. Let’s see.

So this dude coming back because he can’t go anywhere else or what? Seemed he had his mind made up he was gone so what changed? We give him more $$(I hope not)? He realize he F’d himself signing that SEC agreement with lsu?

I’d love to be wrong but i feel like after this kid grabbed his ball to go home already he’s going to be an issue in the locker room

I mean his teammates gotta feel a certain way much less the coaches
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So this dude coming back because he can’t go anywhere else or what? Seemed he had his mind made up he was gone so what changed? We give him more $$(I hope not)? He realize he F’d himself signing that SEC agreement with lsu?

I’d love to be wrong but i feel like after this kid grabbed his ball to home already he’s going to be an issue in the locker room

I mean his teammates gotta feel a certain way much less the coaches
