D'Onofrio wants improved scoring defense

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Cot**** we play on FRIDAY and mofos moping.

Can you guys at least wait until the first soul-crushing loss?!?!
What about all the great teams and great effort in our last 3 bowl games. Nevada was a tough opponent.
and even with all that he's had more successful seasons in year 1 and year 2 than randy did.

1 more win? With 2 wins coming against interim coaches?

Strong argument there...WTF does that matter. You want to discount his record by stating that he had an advantage of coaching against two interim coaches but will not give him credit for having a better record with multiple suspensions of starters while getting slammed with allegations weeks before the start of the season all while the players are getting used to a new staff and a new system. On the flip side you won't want to talk about the stellar 5-7 season that was put together by Shannon in '07 when there was continuity for the most part and familiarity with the players that he helped recruit.

I think that you would be hard pressed to find anybody who would say that they are happy with the results of the first two seasons of Golden's regime. I also believe that you would be hard pressed to find many people who aren't excited about the direction of the program now.

I know that you won't answer this question because you never do but I will ask it anyway. What outcome would you be happy with from this season? Where would the defense need to be ranked nationally? What record would you accept as a success?

Discount what ? 13-11? That's chitty. Garbage as ****. Name me one good/ great team that has won anything going 13-11? And I've already answer'd your question in another post pay attention.

No you didn't answer the question. What record would you be happy with this season to the point that you would actually give Golden credit? Where would the defense need to rank for you be happy with the performance of our DC?

Smh. You didn't pay attention? That's your problem. As for defensive ranking, the defense just needs to improve in the area of coaching on points I've already mentioned. I'm not going to pick. A number out of thin air. It's meaningless. Defnese could so called improve ranking wise but still suck, still have personnel issues perpetuated by inept coaching, still have **** poor situational defensive play calling or just poor defensive play calling as whole, allowing game changing. Mismatches etc. improve in the coaching dept and I'll be happy . The numbers will take care of themselves.
What about all the great teams and great effort in our last 3 bowl games. Nevada was a tough opponent.

Talking about the failures of the past regime will not help the current regime or your inability to provide me an example of a notable on the field accomplishment by golden.
1 more win? With 2 wins coming against interim coaches?

Strong argument there...WTF does that matter. You want to discount his record by stating that he had an advantage of coaching against two interim coaches but will not give him credit for having a better record with multiple suspensions of starters while getting slammed with allegations weeks before the start of the season all while the players are getting used to a new staff and a new system. On the flip side you won't want to talk about the stellar 5-7 season that was put together by Shannon in '07 when there was continuity for the most part and familiarity with the players that he helped recruit.

I think that you would be hard pressed to find anybody who would say that they are happy with the results of the first two seasons of Golden's regime. I also believe that you would be hard pressed to find many people who aren't excited about the direction of the program now.

I know that you won't answer this question because you never do but I will ask it anyway. What outcome would you be happy with from this season? Where would the defense need to be ranked nationally? What record would you accept as a success?

Discount what ? 13-11? That's chitty. Garbage as ****. Name me one good/ great team that has won anything going 13-11? And I've already answer'd your question in another post pay attention.

No you didn't answer the question. What record would you be happy with this season to the point that you would actually give Golden credit? Where would the defense need to rank for you be happy with the performance of our DC?

Smh. You didn't pay attention? That's your problem. As for defensive ranking, the defense just needs to improve in the area of coaching on points I've already mentioned. I'm not going to pick. A number out of thin air. It's meaningless. Defnese could so called improve ranking wise but still suck, still have personnel issues perpetuated by inept coaching, still have **** poor situational defensive play calling or just poor defensive play calling as whole, allowing game changing. Mismatches etc. improve in the coaching dept and I'll be happy . The numbers will take care of themselves.

I paid attention. You said that you would give Golden some credit if he won 10 games but prefaced it by saying if he did some things that you wanted to see. Same with the defensive ranking. That is your thing, you don't want to put anything out there without qualifying it so that you still have something to complain about next off season if this team does well this season.
LMFAO people, the reason why Nites and his multiple screen names constantly harp on "play calling" and "scheming" is bc he refuses to believe that Randy left AG with a disgrace of a team, a mess.

Since in his mind Randy left the program in a good state, it MUST BE bc AG can't "scheme" that we lose games. Not bc the program was filled with the saddest excuses for " Canes" players we have seen since the 1970s.
What about all the great teams and great effort in our last 3 bowl games. Nevada was a tough opponent.

Talking about the failures of the past regime will not help the current regime or your inability to provide me an example of a notable on the field accomplishment by golden.

Ignoring the failures of the past regime and the fact that Golden has had to do a rebuild from the ground up as a result, doesn't help your argument one bit.
What about all the great teams and great effort in our last 3 bowl games. Nevada was a tough opponent.

Talking about the failures of the past regime will not help the current regime or your inability to provide me an example of a notable on the field accomplishment by golden.

Ignoring the failures of the past regime and the fact that Golden has had to do a rebuild from the ground up as a result, doesn't help your argument one bit.

This this this......they refuse to believe how bad things were. It's too painful to acknowledge how horrendous their hero really was.
Strong argument there...WTF does that matter. You want to discount his record by stating that he had an advantage of coaching against two interim coaches but will not give him credit for having a better record with multiple suspensions of starters while getting slammed with allegations weeks before the start of the season all while the players are getting used to a new staff and a new system. On the flip side you won't want to talk about the stellar 5-7 season that was put together by Shannon in '07 when there was continuity for the most part and familiarity with the players that he helped recruit.

I think that you would be hard pressed to find anybody who would say that they are happy with the results of the first two seasons of Golden's regime. I also believe that you would be hard pressed to find many people who aren't excited about the direction of the program now.

I know that you won't answer this question because you never do but I will ask it anyway. What outcome would you be happy with from this season? Where would the defense need to be ranked nationally? What record would you accept as a success?

Discount what ? 13-11? That's chitty. Garbage as ****. Name me one good/ great team that has won anything going 13-11? And I've already answer'd your question in another post pay attention.

No you didn't answer the question. What record would you be happy with this season to the point that you would actually give Golden credit? Where would the defense need to rank for you be happy with the performance of our DC?

Smh. You didn't pay attention? That's your problem. As for defensive ranking, the defense just needs to improve in the area of coaching on points I've already mentioned. I'm not going to pick. A number out of thin air. It's meaningless. Defnese could so called improve ranking wise but still suck, still have personnel issues perpetuated by inept coaching, still have **** poor situational defensive play calling or just poor defensive play calling as whole, allowing game changing. Mismatches etc. improve in the coaching dept and I'll be happy . The numbers will take care of themselves.

I paid attention. You said that you would give Golden some credit if he won 10 games but prefaced it by saying if he did some things that you wanted to see. Same with the defensive ranking. That is your thing, you don't want to put anything out there without qualifying it so that you still have something to complain about next off season if this team does well this season.

Never mind you don't pay attention worth a dam. Your a waste of time.
What about all the great teams and great effort in our last 3 bowl games. Nevada was a tough opponent.

Talking about the failures of the past regime will not help the current regime or your inability to provide me an example of a notable on the field accomplishment by golden.

Ignoring the failures of the past regime and the fact that Golden has had to do a rebuild from the ground up as a result, doesn't help your argument one bit.

The previous regime has nothing to do defensive game play calling, current regime personnel usuage etc. then again, I guess you can blame golden for hiring coaches from the previous failed regime.
Jim harbaugh inherited trash from his previous regime yet in year one he was able to beat a pretty dam good USC team. That's what I'm talking about when I mean show flashes as a coach or having a notable, on the field, performance. Golden cant even do that or hasn't done it. Ever.

You guys can't name one cuz golden hasn't done anything close to this.

I know, harbaugh inherited better players and walked into a better situation than golden did. Sarcasm.
What about all the great teams and great effort in our last 3 bowl games. Nevada was a tough opponent.

Talking about the failures of the past regime will not help the current regime or your inability to provide me an example of a notable on the field accomplishment by golden.

Ignoring the failures of the past regime and the fact that Golden has had to do a rebuild from the ground up as a result, doesn't help your argument one bit.

Again, inheriting players with nfl final roster ability is not rebuilding from the ground up. Further more, un biased experts would not predict ten win seasons if your team is rebuilding like they did for golden in 2011 ( Phil Steele for starters) These are facts not opinion.

Don't get mad at me cuz golden hasnt provided you guys with any factual ammo to counter anything I say. YOu guys came into this battle with no ammo.
All y'all r better off just letting golden shut me up. If he can out coach some teams, beat some double digit winning teams while showing ast improvement in the coaching area's I talked about I won't have much to say.

Right now, today, golden hasn't done nothin and that's the reason why none of you can give me an example like I just gave for harbaugh. I can do the same for Saban, tressel, carrol etc afte 2 dam years. Golden? Nothin. Just negative stuff like the worse defense in Miami history.

Facts baby not opinion dont get mad at me u have no ammo that's golden fault baby.
The widely held assumption that people who dislike Dorito = Shannon supporters, has to be one of the most short-sighted and ignorant beliefs on this board.

Its what they have to resort to. Golden hasn't given them anything to go by from an on the field stand point so they have to resort to perpetuating accusations to draw attention away from the root problem and facts.
Says the guy that resorted to changing his Name. Lmfao
The widely held assumption that people who dislike Dorito = Shannon supporters, has to be one of the most short-sighted and ignorant beliefs on this board.

Its what they have to resort to. Golden hasn't given them anything to go by from an on the field stand point so they have to resort to perpetuating accusations to draw attention away from the root problem and facts.
Says the guy that resorted to changing his Name. Lmfao

See what I mean? Golden has given these guys zero ammo.....no bullets for the battle so they have resort/ talk about something else. Kinda like throwing sticks when some one has an m-60 shooting at you..............either hospital or bob Morton.
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