2025 DJ Pickett 5* CB from Zephyrhills Commits to LSU

I won’t bash him but I won’t criticize anyone who does. Totally justified. If his family is loyal to UM, then he should pick UM.

Imagine what would happen to a character in Game of Thrones if he told the Lannisters he is loyal to them but that he will be fighting for the Targaryens because they offered more money.

I'm loyal to Miami, but until we are about it and just not talking about it, I'd advise a kid of mine to look elsewhere. There's other factors than loyalty and loyalty starts with one's self. You can love something, but know it's not good for you right now.

I'm not saying someone is wrong for picking us, but if they go elsewhere loyalty has to start with us as a program. You have to show we're deserving of that signature when it comes time to sign.

We have a well respected former player who has a basketball star in his family. We aren't the right fit and he's advised as much. His loyalty to this school is beyond question.
At some point "let's wait until December [or signing day]" has to become extinct in our vocabulary. At some point guys like Pickett have to be locks for the hometown team. And that "some point" has to begin this year with an ACC title and a top 10 team. The narrative has to change.
You mean like when UM was winning national championships in the 80’s and early 90’s and Marvin “Shade tree” Jones, the #1 LB in the country from Miami Northwestern went to FSU, or when Samari Rolle chose FSU over UM?

If history is any guide it should tell us all that UM will NEVER get every top player from S Fla. I don’t care if we win as often as we did in the 80’s and early 90’s and early 2000’s. Just as USC and UCLA will never get every top player from S Cal. These are metropolitan areas, not small towns. City kids don’t necessarily grow up as fans of the local college, and some just want/need to get away.

None of this is a statement about DJ Pickett or JJ Smith. It simply means that holding UM to a recruiting standard of having to sign every local star is not only unrealistic, it is setting up UM to fail in your eyes because you come to the issue with a position that is impossible to achieve.
You mean like when UM was winning national championships in the 80’s and early 90’s and Marvin “Shade tree” Jones, the #1 LB in the country from Miami Northwestern went to FSU, or when Samari Rolle chose FSU over UM?

If history is any guide it should tell us all that UM will NEVER get every top player from S Fla. I don’t care if we win as often as we did in the 80’s and early 90’s and early 2000’s. Just as USC and UCLA will never get every top player from S Cal. These are metropolitan areas, not small towns. City kids don’t necessarily grow up as fans of the local college, and some just want/need to get away.

None of this is a statement about DJ Pickett or JJ Smith. It simply means that holding UM to a recruiting standard of having to sign every local star is not only unrealistic, it is setting up UM to fail in your eyes because you come to the issue with a position that is impossible to achieve.
this is true though
we suck again GIF
Means dont attack him when he picks Oregon cause we circling back all year lol
It could but D$ already came and shot that theory down (calm the masses to hope for a flip). I think this may still be up in the air and D$ was saying dont jump the gun and start a negative campaign over two CBs that rolled in BEFORE the decision since the race is tighter than a frog's *** cheeks.
It could but D$ already came and shot that theory down (calm the masses to hope for a flip). I think this may still be up in the air and D$ was saying dont jump the gun and start a negative campaign over two CBs that rolled in BEFORE the decision since the race is tighter than a frog's *** cheeks.
Exactly.. he shoot it down on my post. So let's wait and see. Still for me is a calm for the masses.
this is true though
or it means don't start getting all weird on social media attacking him because of the crystal ball, as this is such a close race, a kid getting **** on on twitter/instagram by Miami fans cold be a thing that puts oregon over the top even if it's the 200th consideration. When the decision is a coin flip who knows what could be the straw...

or it just means don't be weird just cause you shouldn't be weird.
or it means don't start getting all weird on social media attacking him because of the crystal ball, as this is such a close race, a kid getting **** on on twitter/instagram by Miami fans cold be a thing that puts oregon over the top even if it's the 200th consideration. When the decision is a coin flip who knows what could be the straw...

or it just means don't be weird just cause you shouldn't be weird.

Check This Out Cookie Monster GIF by Sesame Street
From ON3, per a conversation with his father, Damien

"But Damien said a school’s position coach wasn’t the be-all-end-all in DJ’s decision, although it did play a factor.

“We feel like you have to have a great relationship with a position coach,” Damien said. “You don’t necessarily talk to your head coach day-in-day-out. You meet with him and everything, but your relationship is mostly with your defensive coordinator and your position coach. That did play a big part in his decision, but at the same time we know those position coaches and defensive coordinators do change.

“When you take that out of the equation, you have to factor in the school itself. Will he be okay if his position coach left for another job and they added another one? Are you okay with being at this school if things change with the coaches? The answer has to be yes.”

“We honestly don’t feel like no matter what the results are for Miami, LSU, Oregon or Georgia (who DJ also official visited), their coaches are not going anywhere,” Damien said. “We hear a lot about a warm seat for Cristobal, but we honestly feel like coach will be there when my son gets to campus. We don’t feel like the culture of any of these schools will change within the next six months. Why not (announce) and let’s get it over with?