DC Candidates

Good for you NYCANE. Ignore this d*** m******. Most everyone knows what you meant and not malicious.
Alternatively, all of you could stop interjecting your ******* political agendas and side comments into a football discussion

Some of you would inject politics or your social views into a lasagna recipe if you could for some reason

Thanks from most of us.

I do realize that. But usually when those titles are assigned it’s with a full staff or you’re retaining and promoting. Having a Co-DC on staff while pursuing an actual DC to hire is unusual to me. Hopefully Co-DC is just an “on paper” title and he has little if any say in day to day defensive gameplans and preparation.

I understand your confusion as it looks wacky to have so many senior or coordinator titles in one staff but this happens for many reasons, including money.
So many assumptions about how Mario is going about the hiring process yet no
one knows a darn thing and assuming the worst.

With regards to titles, do you folks realize many programs have co-DC, co-OC, Assistant HC,
so many titles on their staffs. It doesn't necessarily mean DNic would lose his title.

Typically a protective move. Another team can't contact DNick about a linebacker job, has to be at least a Coordinator job.
Why isn't CIS being considered for DC?

Establish a discord channel, broadcast it on internet.

Charge a subscription for listeners. Canes Connection rakes in $1B by mid-season.


Add OC duties and we fuccin.
I'll be DC

I can guarantee duplication of the 2024 year defensive statistics.

I'll do it for $15,000

I'll coach away games from my vault, just get a sipr phone down on the sidelines.
I'm totally bummed about Banks - we didn't get him, it sounds like he went to one of our rivals and the reason he didn't accept the role is very concerning regarding Mario.

Holy frick! Here we go again! Another Cane HC who's going to allow his lack of willingness to give up control on the D to another Alpha for...whatever reasons.

If he's going this route, then either give the keys to Ed O or Fitz and start working towards improving the D. I'm an eternal optimist, but I gotta say - this is concerning from a big picture perspective. Oh well... Go Canes....

It's not exactly how some people have summarized it. There were multiple reasons.
Elite human beings with elite care factors


“Care Bear Stare” …….. Mario Cristobal
Wow they brings up bad memories, when we would face a equal or more talented team he's defense got demolished
That’s exactly what Tennessee fans are saying about him. I live in Tennessee and have some friends who are huge fans and followers just like we are of Miami. They are not sad to see him leave because against equal or better competition his defense gets no pressure and gets demolished. It took him a few years to build a good defense and now after one year of great d he’s looking for a big pay raise because he feels like Tennessee should’ve given him a new contract last year.
Typically a protective move. Another team can't contact DNick about a linebacker job, has to be at least a Coordinator job.

I think it's more of a financial move. For example, if a bunch of elite start showing interest in Kevin Beard, Mario can make WR/Head PooBah/Emperor of Miami Lakes whatever to justify a pay bump. But this isn't the NFL insofar a school can contact any assistant for any position - for example, Manny Diaz hiring FAMU's HC to coach his RBs.
That's the puzzling thing other teams want him but Tennessee fans majority of them on the boards are wishing someone would take him away
Because their fans want what erry fan base wants in a DC. They want someone that will win them erry game, 14-7, and an OC that can score 45pts per game. Most fans are **** crazy😂🤣😂. Guy is in demand across the country, but fan base wants him to gtfo….🤣😂🤣. If I’m a betting man, I’m hedging my bet on the opinions on the Head Coaches that seem to like his work over the fans. Of course, head coaches aren’t infallible.
Have we been linked to any DCs? The DC and transfer portal QB threads are impossible to read. Thanks in advance.
Have we been linked to any DCs? The DC and transfer portal QB threads are impossible to read. Thanks in advance.
1. Tim Banks (reportedly turned us down according to nakos from on3) - likely will end up at clemson
2. Tyler Santucci from GT was listed as a potential person to keep an eye on by some beat writers

Aaron henry has been mentioned on the boards, haven't seen anywhere else thankfully as he would be a nightmare

then... zilch
So many assumptions about how Mario is going about the hiring process yet no
one knows a darn thing and assuming the worst.

With regards to titles, do you folks realize many programs have co-DC, co-OC, Assistant HC,
so many titles on their staffs. It doesn't necessarily mean DNic would lose his title.
That's the CIS way. You of all posters should know this.