Culture changing

richt was a good coach but checked out. this was his retirement plan. his last year you can see his health went downhill and he did the right thing for the program and left.
Nothing for the respect for the man
To turn down a 7 figure buy out and just retire to help his alamater save some cash is school love at its peak
He’s first class came through and through in my book

I believe it when I see it. Yes the culture changed last year for the worst because we had Mario ***** the hiring of coaches and of course his amateur day game coaching which was worst than HS. All this recruits signing up are fantastic but if you continue to play to lose like Mario did last year then what good is it. I reserve my judgement and we better win at least 9 games this year. ANYTHING ELSE IS A FAILURE! This guy is making 8 million a year and needs to be held accountable. Too many people here drinking his juices.
Mario agrees, that’s why he changed nearly the entire freaking staff. But you wait until you see it. $20 million a year wouldn’t fix what Mario inherited and the craziest amount of injuries we endured.
I believe it when I see it. Yes the culture changed last year for the worst because we had Mario ***** the hiring of coaches and of course his amateur day game coaching which was worst than HS. All this recruits signing up are fantastic but if you continue to play to lose like Mario did last year then what good is it. I reserve my judgement and we better win at least 9 games this year. ANYTHING ELSE IS A FAILURE! This guy is making 8 million a year and needs to be held accountable. Too many people here drinking his juices.
Excited Happy Birthday GIF
Mario agrees, that’s why he changed nearly the entire freaking staff. But you wait until you see it. $20 million a year wouldn’t fix what Mario inherited and the craziest amount of injuries we endured.
I don't argue that there aren't some signs that should cause some optimism, but given not only the false optimism of previous staffs but also of the current staff going into last season (yes, I know a lot of them are not at Miami any longer) I certainly don't fault anyone for being cautious with their own optimism.
Mario agrees, that’s why he changed nearly the entire freaking staff. But you wait until you see it. $20 million a year wouldn’t fix what Mario inherited and the craziest amount of injuries we endured.

There are people here who express reasoned concern, there are people whose concerns are based more on fear of disappointment, there are people who raise concern only to sow chaos and discord, there are people who purely troll, and then there is @nickster.
Yea and we’re starting to land guys we’ve always finished second for in the last 10 years. Feels good.
This here is what is beginning to erase the bitter disappointment of last year’s ****show. Mario’s recruiting, directional adjustments and staff changes is all one can ask from a coach. Mario’s delivering the goods so far. I’ve been reluctant as frustrated fan, to start celebrating anything that goes on in this program (as in the last two decades), but I’m in, based on what he’s doing. It’s definitely different than recent past. Just hope to see this program thrive in my time left.
It’s going to take years to erase two decades of irrelevance on the national stage and a broken culture. Last year was hopefully the pain we had to endure in order to see this ship move in the right direction. Mario needs to keep showing progress in the coming years, both on the field and in recruiting.
No Fly Zone that is pretty funny but I look at things from a perspective of reality. I have been a follower of UM and a season ticket holder from 1984. I've probably seen more games in person than many of the people here including 2 National Championship games along with every wide right n left games. This program has basically been stuck in the mud for 20 years. Every year we are teased into believing the Canes are back. For me, last year was the most disappointing season I've ever seen. In order for us to be very competitive Mario is going to have to get a better staff and coach to win. He has to improve immensely as a day game coach. I will watch with optimism but Mario as a head coach does not instill confidence in me like Butch, Jimmy, Dennis, or Howard. You can believe anything you want about me but I'm not in the Twilight Zone.
richt was a good coach but checked out. this was his retirement plan. his last year you can see his health went downhill and he did the right thing for the program and left.
"checked out" implies he purposefully wasn't invested in what he was doing. making this "retirement plan" implies he took the job only for money. respectfully, i believe both statements are false.

1. i think he took the job to show he could win after being "fired" from Georgia. then he came here and was subtly suffering (not so subtle for some CIS members with a sharp eye or whose wives have a sharp eye) from the onset of his illness. he wasn't checked out, he was unable to perform his job as before. when he was presented with a difficult, if not impossible choice (terminate his son), he retired.

2. he forewent millions of dollars in future salary and retired, which shows he wasn't here just for the money or to pad his retirement fund.
"checked out" implies he purposefully wasn't invested in what he was doing. making this "retirement plan" implies he took the job only for money. respectfully, i believe both statements are false.

1. i think he took the job to show he could win after being "fired" from Georgia. then he came here and was subtly suffering (not so subtle for some CIS members with a sharp eye or whose wives have a sharp eye) from the onset of his illness. he wasn't checked out, he was unable to perform his job as before. when he was presented with a difficult, if not impossible choice (terminate his son), he retired.

2. he forewent millions of dollars in future salary and retired, which shows he wasn't here just for the money or to pad his retirement fund.
he checked out his second year because of his illness. I think he wanted to prove UGA wrong. he gave us our best year in the last 20. gave us hope. gave us infrastructure. I do think he was burned out but he's deserves respect. Class act.
Don’t mind hearing it. But we’ve heard these things for 15 years. Need to see something on the field to believe it.

Radar isn't on the sidelines. Clappy isn't on the sidelines. The Penn State tie isn't on the sidelines. Manny isn't on the sidelines.

Addition by subtraction.
I'm cool with the losing season last year. We have sucked for so long. The previous coaches all tried to bandaid the situation and save face. Mario got a lifetime contract basically so why not burn it to shreds and fertilize the soil. Longer, painful process but will ultimately provide better fruits of your labor. The man left a situation that he had built in his mold and had success doing it. He had to feel he could do the same here and better for his hometown. I feel he has raised the floor in the interim with roster changes and if the schematics are improved the ceiling will obviously improve. The previous coaches had many lucky breaks to shift the win loss but it was evident we were never elite. So forget just being good enough to compete. If Miami is to be elite we gotta get it out the mud and blow the **** up and I feel last year was that. Even his in game coaching I feel was part of that. Seeing how bad things are first hand and understanding injuries leads to the year we had as well as overhyped assistant coaches. It seems he makes adjustments quickly which was a knock on Cristobal. Now it's just a process of pushing the players and coaches to an acceptable level. We have sucked for over 20 years. But it's undeniable Mario has a passion to get us to elite status. I wish he was more of a X&O guru like Lane but he is what we have and now let's see if he can build the program. If he fails we at least no if we get an X&O guru next coach the cupboard won't be bare or top heavy. Just growing pains at this point but there is optimism with Mario. Most had low expectations with Manny and it showed every Saturday. There was no hope of us being in the CFP. I'd rather the slow process of building in regards to knowing every year there is no chance of winning the ACC.