
Agree with the bolded. Excuse me cuz I am long winded lol. I have a few different issues. I think potential is a scary word in evaluations because so many factors go into skill development from ages 16 to 26. That being said, I doubted how a player could be compared to PP so often without checking all the boxes like PP did.

Another one, that Cormani was ever as great as a prospect as PS2, whose potential was downplayed while his ready to go attributes were lauded. For my money Cormani was not a better recruit than Tyson Campbell or Travis Hunter either. Moreover, even with his own agenda to push, I highly doubt Pat Narduzzi would have made that comment if McClain was truly a spectacular talent like Patrick Peterson. That is not to say McClain will not have a great career, it is to predict McClain will not be an early All-Pro player like PS2 and PP.

My main conclusion is that every program can afford to miss on some highly rated players if on a macro scale their yearly evaluation and acquisition is sound. Like Ed O securing Justin Jefferson despite missing on other big name WRs. A lot of talented freshmen were undervalued this past summer in a swarm of negative comments about not having a top 5 recruiting class post McClain flip.
He definitely wasn’t a better recruit than Travis Hunter. He was the best WR and best DB in the state of Georgia for his class. Cormani can’t compete with that
Alright, as I SHOULD HAVE expected (but did not because I try to see the good in humanity), a couple of posters have ruined the joke by setting up copycat Colorado screen names in order to **** with certain other posters that they've been ******* with for years.

Enough of the comments about family members of posters.

If you can't enjoy the INTENDED humor, then don't ruin it by taking it seven steps too far.
This is why you don’t do **** like this

I never understood the appeal to **** like this. All this **** seems corny. Just Go through the process, pick a school. Put out a small announce on your choice. Have little celebration with your family and friends. Focus on ballin' out your senior year. Prepare college classes and football.
5 star corner doesn’t get consistently burned by mid receivers unless he’s going through confidence issues.

Watch his body language. I think it’s pretty obvious

What I’m seeing for sure is that he’s getting manhandled, it may be a strength and development issue, but he does not look ready to play college football. Receivers are literally ragdolling him at the line of scrimmage or a few yards out. Whatever his confidence issues are, the fact that they can mop the floor with him in practice means he’s not ready.
I was not aware of that. What’s the story? We were visiting and he just left?
nah i dont think he knew we were coming and I think it was a ploy by Mario to snuff out his trip to CU. I faintly remember a report the morning of in which Mario, DVD, and a few others all were driving to Lakeland High that day, like out of the blue. Then apparently his coach who cleared the date couldnt find him and our coaches ended up still talking to their coaches and doing like a lil clinic thing, then the news broke he was in CU for a "secret visit"

So IDK if Cormani cleared the visit then dipped but if he knew he was going to be in CU I doubt he does that. I think he maybe stopped answering calls or somehow Mario got wind he was going to CU to visit so he cleared this visit with the "coach" then all **** broke. He could have been going out there to commit and by Mario blowing up the secret it caused him to have to delay or Mario was trying to get there before he left, who knows but I believe that is the story being referenced.
He needs to learn the position. He was doing alot of freelancing and getting away with his athleticism in high school. He needs to knuckle down and study. He doesnt seem to have a good attitude and it seems there is some friction just based on what Deion said in the press.
He has all the maturity & intellect of an 11 year old. That's the problem.
I thought 10000% this kid would play and ball. Shows you man that you never know if they have the speed that translates. Maybe Sauce helped him out cause normally no one is after super thin DB's. Rare that he was that weight and listed a 5 star. He may still ball who knows but you just never know man. He still got time though but it doesnt look good early. These things usually never work out when all you hear is "he doesnt understand the playbook" or "hes holding himself back'. You can put a fork in them most of the time, Moss is that guy for us IMO.