MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Respectfully, I don't think Genetics is right about anything.

I think he spews wishful thinking hoping it comes into existence.

He's taken so many different positions now, he can't be "wrong" on anything.

I'm hearing FSU to B1G, but things can change at 11th hour.

I'm hearing SEC will make a run at FSU, but things can change at 11th hour.

I'm hearing ACC is trying to salvage relationship with FSU, but so many hard feelings to overcome at this late stage. Can they do it? Maybe. Maybe Not.

I'll be porsting later on X for engagement in a few hours...follow me!!!!
You are probably right.

I should have worded my post more carefully. Let me rephrase...notwithstanding what Genetics has said in the past, I believe f$u will land (unfortunately) in the B1G sooner rather than later.
True but he has still gotten a lot of things wrong. He didn’t think Oregon/Wash would happen. He predicted Miami to Big X not too long ago. His tune will change 100x when this all ends.
He’s like a psychic. Throw out enough predictions over time, hedge your bets and take both sides, and eventually you’ll be right.
It helps. It certainly does not hurt us.

Things are definitely complicated. Just DM'd with another poster on whether ND might be complicating things. The analogy I used when Radakovich was being considered for AD is that a big shark swimming below the surface can scare all the other fish out of the area. ND may be circling around under the surface.

Being under the uncertainty of the GOR hinders everyone in the ACC, particularly in their conversations with other conferences. F$U and Clemson have signaled their intentions via lawsuit. Miami has not signaled its intentions quite as decisively.

If this was a decision made solely by the Big 10 Presidents, and everyone was getting a full-share, I think that Notre Dame and Miami and UNC are the most attractive of the eastern candidates (and obviously everything turns on what ND decides). In a half-share world, I think the Big 10 Presidents would have taken Stanford/Cal over Washington/Oregon.

But Fox is involved as well. And in that situation, the demographics start to push against the academics. The only reason that F$U is where it is in the Big 10 conversation is due to demographics-over-academics.

The interesting question is on Clemson. Without a med school, it is doubtful that they are on any sort of of accelerated AAU consideration. I previously posted a link showing that Clemson INTENDS to raise itself to AAU caliber, but I really think they need a med school and med research to do so, and that takes time.

So one of two things could be at play.

Either Clemson has been assured of a spot in the Big 10, regardless of academics AND demographics (go back and check out "South Carolina" for population and demographics)...or Clemson has been assured of a spot in the SEC, which makes a lot more sense. And which would also indicate that the SEC is much more secretive about its plans. And will not just take one team.

I highly doubt that Clemson filed its lawsuit with no idea whether any other conference would invite them to join.
If I'm correct Radakovich helped negotiate the current GOR while at Clemson, right??? If so wouldn't that kind of be a tell that Miami might not make a move at all??? This is all assumption of course.... My thinking is if he helped write it then wouldn't he be the first to honor it???
If I'm correct Radakovich helped negotiate the current GOR while at Clemson, right??? If so wouldn't that kind of be a tell that Miami might not make a move at all??? This is all assumption of course.... My thinking is if he helped write it then wouldn't he be the first to honor it???
Things have changed since that time and HE isn't making hundred million dollar decisions on conference realignment for the University of Miami ... that is 100% in the BOT wheelhouse.
If I'm correct Radakovich helped negotiate the current GOR while at Clemson, right??? If so wouldn't that kind of be a tell that Miami might not make a move at all??? This is all assumption of course.... My thinking is if he helped write it then wouldn't he be the first to honor it???
Depends who the ultimate decision makers are. If the Board and/or President have the final call, they may hear Rad out, but they are the ones making the decision.
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Things have changed since that time and HE isn't making hundred million dollar decisions on conference realignment for the University of Miami ... that is 100% in the BOT wheelhouse.
I hear you .... I just wonder if he's trying to influence the Board one way or the other and if they are listening..... And I agree things have changed since then....
Depends who the ultimate decision makers are. If the Board and/or President have the final call, they may here Rad out, but they are the ones making the decision.
TY... That's what I was thinking as well...
If I'm correct Radakovich helped negotiate the current GOR while at Clemson, right??? If so wouldn't that kind of be a tell that Miami might not make a move at all??? This is all assumption of course.... My thinking is if he helped write it then wouldn't he be the first to honor it???

I'm not sure if "negotiate" is the right word. He certainly agreed to it. I have posted both the ORIGINAL Grant of Rights (less than 4 pages) and the EXTENSION to the Grant of rights (just over 1 page) and neither one is a complex document. I highly doubt that Dan did ANYTHING to actually "write" the document.

Yes, at the time of the original GOR, Maryland had just left, and I believe more than half of the P5 viewed GORs as a super-slick way to set forth an additional penalty on schools that tried to jump to another P5 conference.

HOWEVER, it should be noted that since the ORIGINAL GOR was created, a lot has changed, both for the conference and Division I-A football. On the ACC side, the CONSTITUTIONAL exit fee has continued to rise, making it more and more obvious that the GOR "damages" (vague as they are) actually constitute an impermissible DUPLICATIVE exit penalty. Second, the P5 schools have seen a new wave of expansion, with two conferences (Big 12, PAC) timing their jumps to the EXPIRATION of their GORs, while the ACC was stuck with another 10 years.

And I know for a FACT that the extra 10 years was not a part of the ORIGINAL GOR, it was something that ESPN forced us to do at gunpoint in order to create the ACC Network.

So I wouldn't put this all on Dan. Might he be imperfect in certain ways? Sure. But the GOR nonsense should not be on him, it should be on the commissioners.
I'm not sure if "negotiate" is the right word. He certainly agreed to it. I have posted both the ORIGINAL Grant of Rights (less than 4 pages) and the EXTENSION to the Grant of rights (just over 1 page) and neither one is a complex document. I highly doubt that Dan did ANYTHING to actually "write" the document.

Yes, at the time of the original GOR, Maryland had just left, and I believe more than half of the P5 viewed GORs as a super-slick way to set forth an additional penalty on schools that tried to jump to another P5 conference.

HOWEVER, it should be noted that since the ORIGINAL GOR was created, a lot has changed, both for the conference and Division I-A football. On the ACC side, the CONSTITUTIONAL exit fee has continued to rise, making it more and more obvious that the GOR "damages" (vague as they are) actually constitute an impermissible DUPLICATIVE exit penalty. Second, the P5 schools have seen a new wave of expansion, with two conferences (Big 12, PAC) timing their jumps to the EXPIRATION of their GORs, while the ACC was stuck with another 10 years.

And I know for a FACT that the extra 10 years was not a part of the ORIGINAL GOR, it was something that ESPN forced us to do at gunpoint in order to create the ACC Network.

So I wouldn't put this all on Dan. Might he be imperfect in certain ways? Sure. But the GOR nonsense should not be on him, it should be on the commissioners.
Thanks for explaining it.... Tis why I added "If I'm correct".... I knew he had involvement but wasn't sure of the total extent....
Since it's July 1, 2024, start of the new fiscal year and big changes may or may not be just around the corner, perhaps posters could enter their predictions for revisiting when the smoke finally clears.

FSU+Clemson = SEC18



Canes+ND = B1G20

Stanford+Cal = B1G22

Kansas+Missouri = B1G24

Duke+GT+WVU = SEC24

Why Are You Laughing Jennifer Lopez GIF
Are we 1000% sure FSU has eyes for the SEC and the SEC only? What if a certain conference (hypothetically speaking of course) takes a different team for the Florida market?

Curious to hear y’all’s thoughts.
Are we 1000% sure FSU has eyes for the SEC and the SEC only? What if a certain conference (hypothetically speaking of course) takes a different team for the Florida market?

Curious to hear y’all’s thoughts.
I think they'd take either invite, just as we would. If only one offered, that's where you go.

If I were the SEC, I'd be aggressive and try to block B1G out of Florida by offering both FSU and Miami. You'd have the three in the same division and have them annually playing each other, probably along with UGA and SC (or GT if they brought them in too). Imagine SEC wrapping up the south and taking Miami, FSU, GT, Clemson, NC, NC State, UL, and another (UVA? OKSt?). You'd have Miami-FSU-UF, UGA-GT, SC-Clemson, UK-UL, UNC-NCSt to add to all their other in-state rivalries.
Are we 1000% sure FSU has eyes for the SEC and the SEC only? What if a certain conference (hypothetically speaking of course) takes a different team for the Florida market?

Curious to hear y’all’s thoughts.
FSU fans are still butthurt from the playoff snub and dont consider the SEC an option. They are all convinced they will go to the Big 10.

Most likely thing to happen is ESPN/ACC just moves FSU and Clemson to the SEC. But who knows lol
FSU fans are still butthurt from the playoff snub and dont consider the SEC an option. They are all convinced they will go to the Big 10.

Most likely thing to happen is ESPN/ACC just moves FSU and Clemson to the SEC. But who knows lol

Unfortunately for dip**** Noles, they and their fellow message boards cretins don't make billion dollar decisions
Sooooo there is actual news coming out soon is what all these tweets are alluding to?