MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I’m not sure if this flies, but the NCAA is basically comprised of all their member institutions so if they dissolve the organization wouldn’t the lawsuit just trickle down and they could go after all the schools individually. Might be even worse.

Well, you may have a point. Not that this is my personal opinion, but I guess that it would depend on whether the lawsuit was filed against the NCAA AND AND AND all the member institutions, and what the interactivity is between the NCAA and the member institutions on any lawsuits.

Meaning, if the litigant FAILED to include the member insitutions (and should have), then it may still be smart to walk away. And if the NCAA is sufficiently separate from the member institutions on issues of legal liability (for instance, you usually can't sue the shareholders of a corporation for mistakes made by the legal entity), then you might be able to have the institutions escape liability.

So what I was saying earlier is this. Assuming that the institutions COULD walk away and leave the NCAA holding the bag, the rationale for NOT doing so would be because they want to continue to USE the NCAA as the organizing and sanctioning body.

Moglia makes a good point on the LIABILITY side. But he somewhat oversimplifies the role of the NCAA as "holding bowl games". There's actually a LOT of stuff that the NCAA does (which, yes, COULD be done by a new entity).

1. It cannot be overlooked that the NCAA is the SANCTIONING body. That means a number of things, but one is that it is licensed to actually hold and oversee the competitive events. To use a super-simple example, you need a sanctioning body in BOXING or MMA, because otherwise it's just a brutal and/or unlawful fight between two dudes. So you need the NCAA to set rules, get insurance, have adequate safety regulations (including medical care), the referees (even if employed via a separate entity), the licensing of rights (particularly for the post-season in basketball, which is a massive undertaking, and would require a new TV contract, etc.).

2. The NCAA also is responsible for all of the recruiting rules and player eligibility. Until you "don't have the NCAA", people tend to overlook how fragile it is that the "fairness" factor is predicated upon the existence of the NCAA, no matter how we shake our fists at them. Imagine an "uncapped rules year" where Alabama or Georgia can do WHATEVER THE **** THEY WANT, have unlimited visits, offer the players any (previously illegal) inducements, have an uncapped roster, etc. It seems crazy, but we saw what happened in NIL, there were a lot of unforeseen crazy developments (promising Jaden Rashada nearly $14M?!).

3. The NCAA, no matter how much we hate them, stand as "the voice" of college sport. I'm not sure that the Congress (or any other body) wants to deal with six or eight different "replacement NCAAs", and it would be hard to have any group command the same respect and/or lobbying might in a fractional world. One of the biggest fights in auto racing was when CART and Indy Car split, and it wasn't until they reunified that open-wheel racing was able to get its **** together.

4. Legal liability issues and uniformity are important things that the NCAA brings to the table. Imagine that some cheap-*** AD at Boston College didn't bother to install the NCAA-required padding around the goalposts, and a player was paralyzed after running into a goalpost. The very ability to GET insurance and the very ability to hold these contests turns on having a common set of standards that did not arise overnight, and might be very hard to replicate without common rules and enforcement.

Those are just 4 things I thought of from the top of my head. I could also list "payment" (****, NASCAR was created BECAUSE the race promoters frequently disappeared with the money prior to paying the drivers).

And while I absolutely HATE the NCAA, the organization fulfills a lot of roles beyond "holding bowl games" that would be very costly and time-consuming to replicate. And, hey, maybe we SHOULD have a replacement for the NCAA, but it would take time.
The real question to be answered is how many teams do the B1G and SEC want for the super conference. The B1G currently has 18 and the SEC has 16. So if the Super League is going to consist of 40 teams there are 6 potential openings. FSU, Clemson, ND, UNC, UVA, and……..(the U, Vtech, NCSt, GT)?

If the super league is 42, 44, or 48, everyone above is happy and one other school wins the lotto. But what no one mentions is what if the magic number is 32! Vandy, Indiana, NW, all could-be pushed out.

When you look at numbers, I can only conclude that we need to win big NOW. Make it impossible for the Super League to ignore the defending national champion, runner up………
Do you really think indiana is being pushed out after being in the conference since the 1800s? The big ten is where they are at academically and financially bc they have stuck together
If the superleague ends up applying to just football, anything is possible.
Seems like the "super league" is a potential evolutionary reality. FIRST comes the formalization of the P2 ... which could be in a couple of stages.
Stage 1 with 2-4 teams leaving the ACC for the 25-26 season, followed by Stage 2 around 2030, when both the SEC and B10 have new media agreements pending. THEN you could see Texas A&M move to the Big10, another 4 teams from the ACC to the P2, and the top 2-3 teams from the B12, to formalize a 48 - 52 team NFL lite.
Advertisement he is actually arguing that a Power 2 will invite WAKE FOREST?

Do you really think indiana is being pushed out after being in the conference since the 1800s? The big ten is where they are at academically and financially bc they have stuck together
You really need to comprehend what you read before responding. If “the number” is less than about 40, the P 2 would have to decide if for football it makes more sense to add say Miami , GT, or Stanford or to keep Vandy or perpetual losers from the Big as now composed. Loyalty is nice but money is nicer.
If the superleague ends up applying to just football, anything is possible.
Rumor is You’d have to dissolve the conference itself depending on school as the original founding members (7 including northwestern and Purdue but I don’t believe Indiana) may have separate standards in terms of being booted out
You really need to comprehend what you read before responding. If “the number” is less than about 40, the P 2 would have to decide if for football it makes more sense to add say Miami , GT, or Stanford or to keep Vandy or perpetual losers from the Big as now composed. Loyalty is nice but money is nicer.
You need to ask someone if it is logical before typing. There is no super league without the big ten. They hold the cards. SEC has been paying athletes forever , now big ten is too. I dont see them bending the knee. Big ten has hardly won football and basketball championships in the 21st century. But here we are . Their schools represent the major markets. “Loyalty is nice but money is nicer.” Yeah, they will have the money regardless. Interchanging the bottom teams wont affect their bottom line lets be real. I believe we will get our big ten invite. The only way a current big team is not there is if they out to de emphasize sports like university of Chicago.

It’s a message board.
It’s the off-season & there’s not much to discuss.
There is nothing to report concerning our efforts to leave the ACC.
He might be full of cheet but it’s entertaining.
See #1 above.
At this point he is getting a lot of his information from Warchant. Their conference realignment thread hit 2000 pages a month ago and is now close to 2300 pages. The guy who started that thread ... RegalNole ... a retired guy whose career involved media and some contacts apparently at ESPN ... just posted that the Chair of the FSU BOT now knows their destination, the exit cost, and the date they will announce. So the Warchant board is going crazy with speculation and debate of B10 vs SEC etc. The next court date is June 18 in Leon County, there is a BOT meeting scheduled for June 20, and Collins (BOT Chair) is speaking at a Tallahassee event on June 24 with the topic "conference realignment" on the agenda. Many are speculating that he wouldn't be speaking ON that topic unless they had announced prior to that date ... so there is a lot of expectation / hope on their part.

It’s a message board.
It’s the off-season & there’s not much to discuss.
There is nothing to report concerning our efforts to leave the ACC.
He might be full of cheet but it’s entertaining.
See #1 above.
I mean, I do not need to see all of his tweets. The dude is a nobody and if we post every nobody's tweets on realignment this thread would get outa control if it's not already. His friends at Nebraska have no clue what Miami is doing. Some people choose to post facts and updates on the legal process etc and not just repost a dude's tweets. There is actually PLENTY to discuss without discussing Genetics.

It’s a message board.
It’s the off-season & there’s not much to discuss.
There is nothing to report concerning our efforts to leave the ACC.
He might be full of cheet but it’s entertaining.
See #1 above.
If people want to post and mock him, by all means, but people have to stop panicking with every tweet he drops. The problem is a lot of people take his tweets as gospel truth and freak out over every little thing when he has proven he has an agenda and has been wrong way more than right. Literally didn't have the Oregon/Wash to B1G stuff until the day of, when everyone else had it. He's changed his tune probably a dozen times in the last year about who is in and who is out. He was literally on our board months ago pandering to us. Now, because FSU fans adore him, he's pandering to them and telling them what they want to hear, which often is bashing us. No need to freak out one way or another with this guy's "info."
I mean, I do not need to see all of his tweets. The dude is a nobody and if we post every nobody's tweets on realignment this thread would get outa control if it's not already. His friends at Nebraska have no clue what Miami is doing. Some people choose to post facts and updates on the legal process etc and not just repost a dude's tweets. There is actually PLENTY to discuss without discussing Genetics.

I mostly agree.

I pick and choose which Tweets to read. Few are entertaining. Far less are informative. But, I don’t mind when others post the tweets as it’s up to me if I want to read them or simply ignore and move on to the next post. It’s not incessant.