MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Yeah, I'm fine with mini-expansion.

And just hear me out...for a LOT of reasons...if you REALLY want to preserve the ACC...then the best plus-one to the Big 10 is...


Yeah, you heard me.

Recent AAU inductee.
Tampa. If you know where the Big 10 alums live, you get it.
USF is building an on-campus stadium and the student body is ALMOST as big as UCF.

Seriously. Before Fox got involved, the two inviolate criteria for Big 10 membership were "AAU" and "on-campus stadium".

Fight me.
Interesting take and you're right as to where a lot of Bigly alumni end up. Naples to Tampa area is filled with them
Let me rephrase...

IF the legislature was foolish enough to pass a subsidy to assist UNC + NC State Athletics so their payoff is on par with SEC/B1G teams, I imagine the court challenges will be tremendous and painful. Second only in galactic stupidity to using UNC Health funds to pay for the futból team.

It will go down as Dylan Mulvaney-esque in PR stupidity as well.
Dude do you comprehend? It wouldn't come from UNC Health. It would come from income generated from having ACC activities in that state. You know like the ACC championship game played in Charlotte EVERY year.
I would compare it to the undercard of a rural wrestling event, but that would be disparaging to the undercard of a rural wrestling event.
At least the main event was entertaining.

Here is the funniest tweet I’ve read in a long time

Regent Chairman [Eastern State University Timberwolves]:
This is not a football vocational school. It's an institute for higher learning.

Coach Sam Winters:
Yeah, but when was the last time 80,000 people showed up to watch a kid do a **** chemistry experiment? Why don't you stick the bow-tie up your ***?

Go Wolves!
Dude do you comprehend? It wouldn't come from UNC Health. It would come from income generated from having ACC activities in that state. You know like the ACC championship game played in Charlotte EVERY year.
Dude, listen to yourself friend.

Think through the actual mechanism of said scenarios I porsted for an institution of alleged higher learning and let's talk.

It would be utter madness on their part.
-Court order
-Not as of yet, the ESPN MRA was provided to Clemson under strict confidentiality

Although...I'd like to think that "accidents happen"...
I for one thinks there is a very good chance It leaks right now. Some say there is no way because it would be so obvious that it is Clemson. I say this is the perfect time for somebody not connected to Clemson like a disgruntled, former ESPN employee, or somebody who knew about it in the ACC office that has an agenda, to actually leak it And throw off the scent. We shall see.
Yeah, I'm fine with mini-expansion.

And just hear me out...for a LOT of reasons...if you REALLY want to preserve the ACC...then the best plus-one to the Big 10 is...


Yeah, you heard me.

Recent AAU inductee.
Tampa. If you know where the Big 10 alums live, you get it.
USF is building an on-campus stadium and the student body is ALMOST as big as UCF.

Seriously. Before Fox got involved, the two inviolate criteria for Big 10 membership were "AAU" and "on-campus stadium".

Fight me.
Imagine that the sign with USF begging to be the Big 4 could soon be Miami praying to be part of the Big 5 as FSU, UF, USF and UCF may end up in better conferences...

I for one thinks there is a very good chance It leaks right now. Some say there is no way because it would be so obvious that it is Clemson. I say this is the perfect time for somebody not connected to Clemson like a disgruntled, former ESPN employee, or somebody who knew about it in the ACC office that has an agenda, to actually leak it And throw off the scent. We shall see.
I'd blame D.B. Cooper.
Dude, listen to yourself friend.

Think through the actual mechanism of said scenarios I porsted for an institution of alleged higher learning and let's talk.

It would be utter madness on their part.
I don't think it's that far-fetched that NC politicians would not agree to siphon off revenue and feed it to the NC institutions (UNC specifically) to keep the ACC intact and therefore protect future revenue. Heck with Miami, UVA, etc.
Dude, listen to yourself friend.

Think through the actual mechanism of said scenarios I porsted for an institution of alleged higher learning and let's talk.

It would be utter madness on their part.
I don’t think it happens, but it’s not madness if they are looking at it from the point of view of the full economic impact to the state and tourism revenue from the championships and other sports events connected to it and travel to all four schools. It’s not the most ludicrous argument that has been made and there are numbers that could support it.
I don’t think it happens, but it’s not madness if they are looking at it from the point of view of the full economic impact to the state and tourism revenue from the championships and other sports events connected to it and travel to all four schools. It’s not the most ludicrous argument that has been made and there are numbers that could support it.
The number reported just for the Charlotte metro area is an annual economic impact of $500-$600 million dollars due to all of the combined ACC related events taking place there on a year around basis.

As far as a "travel partner" for Miami to the Big 10, in the event that FSU + Clemson end up in the SEC and UNC is "politically blocked from leaving", I could see a strong case for Georgia Tech rather than USF. Tech joined the AAU in 2010, and they are a strong research university with annual spending in excess of $1.2 Billion dollars. And ... they provide access to a new geographic region in one of the fastest growing metro areas in the country.

And not that I have sympathy for this argument, but some will tell you "yeah, but the ACC members agreed to those terms".

To which I keep mean "15 idiot academics who don't have law degrees"?

We just have to acknowledge that these conferences are, to some extent (and especially the ACC), a clown car stuffed with 12-16 clowns, driven by a clown who gives sweetheart deals to his clown friends and clown relatives.
Was reading some comments on Warchant by a guy who spent Monday with some media execs and the ACC situation was a topic. Comments that he shared (and TIFWIW):

-FOX and ESPN in agreement that FSU will leave the ACC. Details being worked out regarding $$$.
-Big 10 is the destination.
-ND is watching closely as their COVID deal with the ACC includes some conference composition details. If FSU leaves,
then ND is right out the door behind them. They will take all sports to the B10 except football, will remain independent
in football, and either play 5-6 games with the B10 or a mix of B10 / SEC.

Had no comments regarding Clemson destination. Did state that there would be another southern school ... eventually.

He mentioned a couple of times that the entire scenario is being 100% orchestrated by the media partners.
I don’t think it happens, but it’s not madness if they are looking at it from the point of view of the full economic impact to the state and tourism revenue from the championships and other sports events connected to it and travel to all four schools. It’s not the most ludicrous argument that has been made and there are numbers that could support it.
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Was reading some comments on Warchant by a guy who spent Monday with some media execs and the ACC situation was a topic. Comments that he shared (and TIFWIW):

-FOX and ESPN in agreement that FSU will leave the ACC. Details being worked out regarding $$$.
-Big 10 is the destination.
-ND is watching closely as their COVID deal with the ACC includes some conference composition details. If FSU leaves,
then ND is right out the door behind them. They will take all sports to the B10 except football, will remain independent
in football, and either play 5-6 games with the B10 or a mix of B10 / SEC.

Had no comments regarding Clemson destination. Did state that there would be another southern school ... eventually.

He mentioned a couple of times that the entire scenario is being 100% orchestrated by the media partners.
You know those type of people who say things in an attempt to just will them into existence?
Let's make this simple.

I believe that the state of North Carolina is providing benefits to THE ACC. In turn, UNC and NCSt will ALSO benefit from the trickle down of those benefits.

That is independent and separate from anything that NC does to benefit UNC and NCSt directly.

The state is definitely looking to help BOTH the ACC AND the two state schools. How that works out...who knows...
The number reported just for the Charlotte metro area is an annual economic impact of $500-$600 million dollars due to all of the combined ACC related events taking place there on a year around basis.

As far as a "travel partner" for Miami to the Big 10, in the event that FSU + Clemson end up in the SEC and UNC is "politically blocked from leaving", I could see a strong case for Georgia Tech rather than USF. Tech joined the AAU in 2010, and they are a strong research university with annual spending in excess of $1.2 Billion dollars. And ... they provide access to a new geographic region in one of the fastest growing metro areas in the country.
USF is trash , GT would be a much better choice all around