MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I know you have ****** on it. You are still using the same demeaning flag to put ****** on it in the first place. On top of it named yourself handsome squidbum. It is very trollish because obviously there is nothing handsome about it. All I am saying.

Look man, I think you have trained yourself to expect the worst and so have a lot of Miami fans. I can understand always preparing yourself for the worst as a fellow Canes fan the way things have gone over the past 20+ years. I think you are reading the tea leaves incorrectly. I believe the B1G is smart enough to know the name of the coach that built up Oregon and how Miami is now invested. I am sure they know that sooner or later great recruiting overcomes bad game day coaching. The B1G knows what type of ratings an improved Miami team gets while renewing some old rivalries. They also know more premier matchups means higher ratings. We are still the 4th best TV market of the teams that WILL be leaving the ACC and you can bet the SEC is getting their share of the 4. The B1G will still have 2 spots and Miami ideally fits very well in the B1G
Neither B1G or SEC is limited by slots, they could expand as large as they want to.
If ESPN is able to get FSU / Clemson to the SEC from a media rights point of view, fine, but they will still have to pay the ACC exit fee of $130M and no way Miami pays that fee to go to the B12. Makes no sense. Lot of smoke that ESPN is going to blow up the media deal with the ACC and the conference potentially with it. ESPN is more interested in BIG programming opportunities and is wasting money with big brands playing BC, Wake etc. Wouldn't be surprised to see them blow up the ACC, guide the major brands to the P2, then you basically have the B12 for filling in programming gaps. The ACC has outlived it's value.
Agree with your thinking on this. FSU wants out no matter what and Clemson is definitely getting there. The ACC (and ESPN) know it is only a matter of time for them to get out. With ESPN getting pulled into the FSU lawsuit, it's in their best interest to get the situation settled and to make their cash cow (the SEC) happy.

I could see ESPN, the ACC, and the SEC negotiating to have not just FSU and Clemson, but UNC and UVA as well, to go into the SEC. The ACC gets a negotiated pay off for the loss of the 4 teams and a new media deal with ESPN at a lower value. If the ACC balks, ESPN notifies them the media deal will terminate in a couple of years and ESPN will not be interested in a renewal.
Agree with your thinking on this. FSU wants out no matter what and Clemson is definitely getting there. The ACC (and ESPN) know it is only a matter of time for them to get out. With ESPN getting pulled into the FSU lawsuit, it's in their best interest to get the situation settled and to make their cash cow (the SEC) happy.

I could see ESPN, the ACC, and the SEC negotiating to have not just FSU and Clemson, but UNC and UVA as well, to go into the SEC. The ACC gets a negotiated pay off for the loss of the 4 teams and a new media deal with ESPN at a lower value. If the ACC balks, ESPN notifies them the media deal will terminate in a couple of years and ESPN will not be interested in a renewal.
Any value in ACC + Big12 merger for fútbol y besketbol meng?
Any value in ACC + Big12 merger for fútbol y besketbol meng?
John Candy No GIF by Laff
Any value in ACC + Big12 merger for fútbol y besketbol meng?
You'd think there would be some value - not P2 value, but stronger than G5. Basketball would be elite. Not sure whether a formal merger into one conference or separate conferences with schedule agreements for 1 or 2 interconference games each year would be better, - probably stay at 2 conferences to maximize the number of playoff slots. If FSU, Clemson, UNC, & UVA were to go to the SEC, add Washington State and Oregon State to the Big 12, swap Cal & Stanford with West Virginia and UCF. Bring Cincinnati & TCU (rivalry with SMU) to ACC side.

ACC Big 12

BC Washington State​
Syracuse Oregon State​
Wake Forest California​
NC State Stanford​
Duke Arizona​
Pitt Arizona State​
Miami Utah​
VT Colorado​
UCF Kansas​
West Virginia Kansas State​
Cincinnati Texas Tech​
GT Baylor​
Louisville BYU​
SMU Houston​
TCU Iowa State​
ND* Oklahoma State​

* No football, but football scheduling agreement.

Respectable nationwide list of 32 schools, but not P2 level. Expect further defections to the P2 and perhaps eventually some castoffs (Vandy, Rutgers, Maryland, Arkansas, etc.) to the ACC or Big 12 from the P2 conferences if the TV networks demand it in future.​
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Agree with your thinking on this. FSU wants out no matter what and Clemson is definitely getting there. The ACC (and ESPN) know it is only a matter of time for them to get out. With ESPN getting pulled into the FSU lawsuit, it's in their best interest to get the situation settled and to make their cash cow (the SEC) happy.

I could see ESPN, the ACC, and the SEC negotiating to have not just FSU and Clemson, but UNC and UVA as well, to go into the SEC. The ACC gets a negotiated pay off for the loss of the 4 teams and a new media deal with ESPN at a lower value. If the ACC balks, ESPN notifies them the media deal will terminate in a couple of years and ESPN will not be interested in a renewal.

I think it will be NC St instead of UVA. The NoVa market is desirable, but I don't think there is a massive UVA fanbase, and bringing NC St with UNC avoids the headache of dealing with the NC legislature.
Things have been quiet regarding the Clemson suit. There was a post on Warchant showing a South Carolina court date schedule ... SC uses Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to lessen the load on the court system. There is a scheduled hearing for Clemson for Oct 15, 2024 on the ADR calendar. Expectations are that both FSU & Clemson will be announcing their departure from the ACC prior to July 30,2024, whether due to a mediated settlement, an ACC without a GOR due to ESPN enacting the composition clause, or just bailing and fighting it out in court. Most interesting "off season" in decades, with huge implications on the future of the UM program based on the agility of UM leadership on conference affiliation "moves".
Spin Spinning GIF by S4C

Not sure I like how quiet things are. I know we have the folks who assure us we have a landing spot in the P2 (I hope you’re right) and we have the folks telling us we’ll wind up in a lower pay out in a new ACC or the Big 12. I don’t know who to believe. I just know it took a national embarrassment from a Herbie Game Day rant to cause movement with our football investment. That doesn’t give me much confidence in the decision making at our highest levels. If it takes another national embarrassment to cause movement it may be too late. I’m like most of you. I don’t want to be stuck in a conference with a lower payout and directional schools. I also don’t want to become a training ground for future P2 players.
In Julio "The Quiet Assassin" Frenk* we trust.

*I really mean Rudy Fernandez, Joe Echevarria, and Donna Shalala

Every time someone says the UM brass is forward thinking and isn't going to whiff on this opportunity - I have to ask, then how did we end up with JD Arteaga as the HC of baseball? The tiny glimmer of hope I have is the new chair of the BOT ( Silver) is phenomenonal, so maybe she can force Rad and Frenk into making decisions that aren't based on cronyism or nepotism.
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Every time someone says the UM brass is forward thinking and isn't going to whiff on this opportunity - I have to ask, then how did we end up with JD Arteaga as the HC of baseball? The tiny glimmer of hope I have is the new chair of the BOT ( Silver) is phenomenonal, so maybe she can force Rad and Frenk into making decisions that aren't based on cronyism or nepotism.
Frenk delegated athletics a long time ago. His involvement in conference realignment is minimal. For better or for worse Rudy Fernandez is a big part of that, along with Rad, Mario (to a lesser degree though he knows everything that’s happening) and key members of the BOT. Make no mistake they know how important getting into the P2 is.

We didn’t start looking at how to get out of the conference two years ago for nothing.
Every time someone says the UM brass is forward thinking and isn't going to whiff on this opportunity - I have to ask, then how did we end up with JD Arteaga as the HC of baseball? The tiny glimmer of hope I have is the new chair of the BOT ( Silver) is phenomenonal, so maybe she can force Rad and Frenk into making decisions that aren't based on cronyism or nepotism.
I had a similar hope and had it pointed out to me that she is finishing her term sometime this year and her replacement is already to take over.