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If FSU leaves, is our only hope for B10 a dance PARTNER with ND? We aren’t worthy on our OWN?

If FSU leaves, is our only hope for B10 a dance PARTNER with ND? We aren’t worthy on our OWN?
KLegally? Come on, everything has been discussed by FOX and ESPN as part of the CFP negotiations. Also, going forward, I believe you have to look at the "ACC Bylaws" as almost fictional documents that neither FSU or Clemson will pay much attention to since a). The ACC has had NO issue acting on multiple occasions as thought the bylaws didn't exist b). The schools were ruled NOT to have any fiduciary responsibility to the conference or members.
Right now the ACC and FSU / Clemson are in a staring match. ESPN wants NOTHING to do with the suits going forward as they don't want the highly secret ESPN media agreement to be bared to all via discovery. We are entering uncharted waters, with ****ed off universities who have been lied to, had pertinent facts hidden from them, had the ACC act illegally without adhering to bylaws , and a ****ed off ESPN that didn't want the 3 schools added, and seems to be at a point where keeping the ACC media agreement alive, just is no longer worth the effort, cost, and distraction.
Right now they are running BIG events ... The Masters. The SECN. Enhancing the SECN by adding a couple of key ACC programs, and letting the ACC go, would likely be very attractive and is something I believe they are getting ready to do if the ACC doesn't "settle" soon with FSU & Clemson. All very entertaining for sure.
Thoughts on B1G only sticking to AAU schools?? With movement to P2 is that out the window now?
I've tried to quit this thread, but I cannot.
Other than that, anyone who uses that flag and names themself handsome squidbum must be a troll!
HOWEVER, Why would FSU/Clemson accept that negotiation, if ESPN would not pick up the contract past 2026 and the GOR would thus be dead? lol. Like in this scenario FSU/Clemson would be working against themselves to agree to a negotiated deal that is anything like he is suggesting. If they refused to negotiate and ESPN didn't pick up the deal and the GOR died for 2027 season, FSU/Clemson could immediatley get 100% shares in SEC/B10 from 2027-2036. That's MUCH better than whatever negotiated agreement they'd be in. Taking $0 for 2025 and 2026 is better than that.It was an interesting "what if":
-ESPN is supposedly offering to take FSU / Clemson to the SEC for half shares initially, gradually increasing to full shares some
years down the road.
-ESPN would essentially sub lease the media rights from the ACC.
-If the ACC / Clemson / FSU agree ... then ESPN would extend the media agreement for the rest of the ACC members through 2036,
but would negotiate a new media payout to reflect the loss of FSU / Clemson viewership $$$ value.
-IF the deal is not accepted then ESPN would not extend the media deal, it ends after the 2026 season, the prime brands in the ACC would
migrate to the P2, if they have offers, others would leave for the B12, and whoever remains would then be forced with looking for a new
media deal.
That is the BAD thing about not being actively involved in a suit against the ACC ... a "deal" could be cut that makes getting out harder for those that aren't involved in the "new deal". Very few people know what is actually going on ... but it is not status quo.
It just blows my mind that anyone thinks the Big 12 is an option. It’s a death sentence.
Are you sure Miami would be required to sign off? The GOR is already signed, that required unanimous signoff but they already have that through the term. I'm not sure if signing a revised media agreement with ESPN would require unanimous consent or just a 3/4 majority, or half.... I'm not familiar enough with the ACC bylaws to know that for sure.
But who's to say if every ACC member except UNC and Miami vote to approve the deal, that it wouldn't go in to effect anyway?
Miami needs to tread carefully.
Maybe USF who is AAU instead of UCFI believe FSU +Clemson to SEC will drive Fox + Big10 to Miami + UNC + UCF from a flanking perspective.
Just my $.02.
It’s not overly optimistic to think we’re heading to the P2, especially with the metrics we offer (and even better when we’re successful). This isn’t to say it’s a guarantee, just that we’re a better option than most give us credit for. Also, If we’re not attractive, then that means nobody but FSU, Clemson, or ND is. Also most of conference realignment is out of a team’s control.If the B1G doesn't extend an invite (say it gets ND + FSU and says it is done expanding for now), then joining the Big 12 would be making the best out of a terrible situation. It's a desperation option similar to what Stanford had to take- Join a conference across the country or get hung out to dry like Oregon State.
Look at the discussion from even the optimists-- if the SEC takes certain teams, and the B1G doesn't take certain teams, or vice versa, then maybe we become the partner for another team joining the B1G. Thats pinning the hopes of the program on things completely out of our control.
I never said I would prefer it over the P2, just that it's better than the alternative. You have a lot more confidence in the UM admin than I do. I've seen nothing but incompetence from them for almost two decades, and so far they haven't given me a good reason to change my opinion.
It’s a bold move to think we need a travel partner. The reality is that we don’t, it’s just more of a 1-2 punch if it’s us and one of our rivals. There’s a world where Clemson and FSU go to the SEC and we go to the BigIf FSU leaves, is our only hope for B10 a dance PARTNER with ND? We aren’t worthy on our OWN?
I know you have ****** on it. You are still using the same demeaning flag to put ****** on it in the first place. On top of it named yourself handsome squidbum. It is very trollish because obviously there is nothing handsome about it. All I am saying.Look at the flag a little closer.
Going forward after this next "realignment" wave, there will be a P2, nationally broadcast games that draw national viewers, and there will be "the other" conferences that will provide filler on a regional basis basically, and will have very limited audiences. Even starting in 2024 the B10 is introducing "Friday Night Football" and will have at least 9 major B10 matchups for national broadcasts. It hasn't even begun yet. By 2026 the viewing landscape will be significantly altered.
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From ACC Bylaws
Just a slob like one of us?….What if God was one of us?
Just a stranger on the busJust a slob like one of us?….
Tryna make his way home…Just a stranger on the bus