MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

No turning down the thermostat at this point.

Once FSU and Clemson officially bail, it's gonna be rats fleeing a sinking ship.

The ACC is done for

Once FSU and Clemson are gone, ESPN might scuttle the ACC themselves.
The money they have to payout under current contract might not be worth it for them....
Can someone summarize the last 859 pages, thanks.
A picture is worth 1,000 pages:
Bob Esponja Fire GIF
I prefer the B1G as's a national conference while the SEC will become even more regionalized (the South).

Think the B1G is better positioned for all sports and for long term success by being out west and in the northeast as long as they can get some coverage in the southeast.
We ONLY end up there if a). The ACC is dissolved and b). B10 won't take us even on a partial share for several years.

HUGE RISK is that with the 3 new dilutive programs joining, FSU and Clemson leaving, it only takes 2/3rds vote of members to approve a NEW GOR. So ESPN offers $25M per team per year, down from the current $40+, and the weak sisters all vote YEAH as they have no other home. We would need SIX to vote no. And FSU and Clemson aren't voting.
Is their a financial escape clause? What I mean is, what if ESPN offer $1/yr and 10 ACC teams agree and the others don't?

I'm thinking there is a point of madness that negates 10 vote theshold in newly bruised up ACC w/o FSU and Clemson??

@Wake_Cane @TheOriginalCane
I prefer the B1G as's a national conference while the SEC will become even more regionalized (the South).

Think the B1G is better positioned for all sports and for long term success by being out west and in the northeast as long as they can get some coverage in the southeast.
In chess terms, B1G has spread out their pieces while still protected. While $EC has all their chips bottled together to protect but have few offensive capabilities now that everyone can pay players legally.
Can someone summarize the last 859 pages, thanks.
If I might give it a try...

Porster 1: My good man, it appears some ruffians are about and trying to poach a team or two into their conferences.

Porster 2: Those souless cads! Well surely Miami is a much sought after prize and will most certainly be given an honored seat at the head table in a new home.

Porster 1: Perhaps yes, I'm hearing FSU will be pursuing their rights through barristers in a courts of law proceeding!

Porster 2: Hear! hear! It is about time those scoundrels at the ACC feel the cold steel of the dagger of justice plunged into their vile soft white underbelly!

Porster 1: I still feel good about Miami's invitation to the Grand Ball of the North, but perhaps their wandering eye is enticed by other paramours?

Porster 2: How dare you Sir! Miami is home to 5 National Championships, Butch DAW GAWD, an NFL Professional Stadium w/ in-game DJ and super dope hype man, surrounded by ELITE SoFL talent, and the world's LARGEST media/influencer market evah!

Porster 1: I'm not so sure about all of those, but I do see your point.

Porster 2: Look you soft *** Genetics-loving cuck, Miami is EVERYONE's #1 target!!

Porster 1: Hey man, I think I need you to calm down.

Poster 2: I'll ******* kill you and your entire village you **********.

Porster 3: Hey guys, Miami stinks, we are too small a school, our fans suck, no on-campus stadium, and we haven't won **** in the ACC...we just lost to RUTGERS!

Porster 1 + Porster 2: Shut your FSU-loving **** holster you beta mope!

...You get the idea...
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Not following what you're saying here.

You think UM's administration should be setting fire to every bridge within 100 miles like what's going on in Tallahassee?

Name one Big Ten expansion addition that created even a small ripple before leaving?

USC and UCLA certainly didn't when they snuck out at midnight.

U-Dub and Oregon were lying through their teeth even after they left the Pac-12, saying something to the effect of "we would've stayed if only the money and exposure in the proposed media agreements had been a little better."

Yeah, right. Sure y'all would've stayed and been relegated to a second-tier conference by choice

Should we be setting fire to bridges? It depends. As others have said, Oregon and UW didn't have to make any noise because they had total leverage and an expiring deal. No point burning a bridge when the PAC 12 could have made some desperate last second offer like giving them a way bigger slice of the pie than other Pac 12 teams.

That's not the case with the acc deal. The acc teams are basically stuck with a terrible contract, and IMO the only realistic path out is force the ACC to make it happen, and then have espn agree to it. I don't buy all the dissolution stuff as a practical way out. That's just going to be more litigation and I don't think the P2 aren't going to bring in teams that are tied up in litigation with their conferences, (and also take the risk of the getting sued for tortious inteference)

People can deservedly mock FSUs lawsuit (fact is - they knew exactly what they were signing, now it's just sour grapes) , but the real purpose was to annoy the ACC enough that it agrees to an espn-brokered deal to move FSU to the SEC (same deal with Clemson). I think the only teams moving are the ones going to the SEC because of espn. Unfortunately we aren't going to get another invitation to the SEC.

I expect the quid pro quo for the acc letting fsu and Clemson leave for the sec is what I said before- espn throws some more performance based incentives at the ACC for the top teams to make up for losing Clemson and FSU. I wouldnt be surprised if they also agree to some kind of modification to the tv deal so that it ends earlier (2030-ish). It makes the lawsuits go away and by reducing the time frame to expiration, it gives the teams on the exit bubble like Louisville and UVA less reason to want out immediately.

I think you asked if acc teams would really take less to stay in the ACC - yes, some teams like BC and Syracuse would rather take 30 mil to stay in the ACC than 15 mil in the G5. If you add up the buyouts for FSU and Clemson (I think it ends up being 300 mil each), then the Top 3-4 ACC teams could conceivably make within 10% of what P2 teams make (especially with certain teams not getting full shares for awhile) through 2030.

And we also have to calculate whether partial shares in the B1G are more lucrative than full shares in a performance based framework in the acc. My guess is yes, but it's tough to say it's better to leave the ACC and pull a SMU by saying "it's fine, we'll play for free" if the B1G decides to make us beg for scraps. But again, I don't think any ACC teams are moving to the B1G anyways unless espn doesn't pick up the option on the TV contract.

If we do want out immediately, IMO it would have to be to the Big 12 since espn and fox share media rights. Acc doesn't care for UM anyways, so maybe espn could convince the acc to let UM go to the Big 12.
If I might give it a try...

Porster 1: My good man, it appears some ruffians are about and trying to poach a team or two into their conferences.

Porster 2: Those souless cads! Well surely Miami is a much sought after ally and will most certainly be given an honored seat at the head table in a new home.

Porster 1: Perhaps yes, I'm hearing FSU will be pursuing their rights through barristers in a courts of law proceeding!

Porster 2: Hear! hear! It is about time those scoundrels at the ACC feel the cold steel of the dagger of justice plunged into their vile soft white underbelly!

Porster 1: I still feel good about Miami's invitation to the Grand Ball hosted by the BIG10, but perhaps their wandering eye seeks other paramours?

Porster 2: How dare you Sir! Miami is home to 5 National Championship, Butch DAW GAWD, an NFL Professional Stadium w/ super cool in-game DJ, surrounded by ELITE SoFL talent, and the world's LARGEST media/influencer market evah!

Porster 1: I'm not so sure about all of those, but I do see your point.

Porster 2: Look you soft *** Genetics-loving cuck, Miami is EVERYONE's #1 target!!

Porster 1: Hey man, I think I need you to calm down.

Poster 2: I'll ******* kill you and your entire village you **********.

That about covers get the idea...

Seems like you're saying we got some porsters running this thread?

frown GIF
Latest update on Warchant by RegalNole ... the ONE guy who is regarded by the "Nole Community" to have some legit media contacts and the one who has basically said "they are out" and will announce prior to this season. He just commented "he fully expects ESPN to enact the composition clause prior to 8/15/24 and basically void the entire current ACC media deal". If the media deal IS negated, there goes the GOR and there goes the ACC .... every man for themselves.

The guy had been relatively tethered to reality until that post. The idea that the 2024 season would be affected or go unplayed is beyond the wildest imagining of anyone. His theory of how it would happen doesn’t even apply because the composition clause isn’t triggered as fsu and Clemson haven’t withdrawn yet.
The guy had been relatively tethered to reality until that post. The idea that the 2024 season would be affected or go unplayed is beyond the wildest imagining of anyone. His theory of how it would happen doesn’t even apply because the composition clause isn’t triggered as fsu and Clemson haven’t withdrawn yet.
He is stating that they WILL announce their withdrawal and shortly thereafter ESPN will enact the composition clause ... unless there is a very quick settlement between the parties.
2) What does ESPN + Big12 offer Miami + UNC (and BB schools) to jump ship? I think that Yormark cat is an evil genius and isn't afraid of ANYBODY
Busch Beer GIF by Busch

ESPN basically paid the Big 12 to move Texas and Oklahoma to the SEC. Everyone said it meant the end of the Big 12. Definitely looks much stronger now than people thought it would. I think the Big 12 commissioner is doing a **** of job. The problem with the Big 12 is poor academics, but if he steals away UM, UNC, Stanford, and Cal it instantly gives the conference academic credentials. And espn owning about 60% of the Big 12 media deal could make this interesting.

Magnum Pi GIF
Busch Beer GIF by Busch

ESPN basically paid the Big 12 to move Texas and Oklahoma to the SEC. Everyone said it meant the end of the Big 12. Definitely looks much stronger now than people thought it would. I think the Big 12 commissioner is doing a **** of job. The problem with the Big 12 is poor academics, but if he steals away UM, UNC, Stanford, and Cal it instantly gives the conference academic credentials. And espn owning about 60% of the Big 12 media deal could make this interesting.

Magnum Pi GIF
Again, despite your wish and the obvious trolling, neither Miami or UNC is going to the Big 12.
Again, despite your wish and the obvious trolling, neither Miami or UNC is going to the Big 12.
Going to be some interesting decisions made. SEC very much wants UNC / UVA for locking up the region. ESPN might prefer the viewership bump from Clemson / FSU into the SEC. If FSU / Clemson end up in the SEC does that open the door for a Miami / UNC to the Big 10?
Going to be some interesting decisions made. SEC very much wants UNC / UVA for locking up the region. ESPN might prefer the viewership bump from Clemson / FSU into the SEC. If FSU / Clemson end up in the SEC does that open the door for a Miami / UNC to the Big 10?
I'm surprised the SEC sees UNC/UVA as a bigger prize than completely locking up Florida and risking allowing the B1G to infiltrate Florida.

If the B1G gets FSU AND UM, not only do they have 2 of the 3 premier programs in the state, they also own the biggest rivalry in the state. I'm surprised the SEC is willing to take that risk.
Because any "interest" in UVa by the P2 is overheated at best. They bring almost nothing to the table in any competitive way. The Big 10 alums are not big anywhere in VA except for the DC area. It's not a compelling road trip. The TV ratings are atrocious. The general interest in UVa in Virginia is atrocious.

The ONLY reason to take UVa is because the SEC desperately wants to reunite all 13 stars on the Confederate battle flag (that's a fact, no matter how many 22 year olds try to act like that stuff is all in the past). The Big 10 has already learned its lesson about adding "flagship schools with ****** TV ratings" when they added Maryland and Rutgers. Yes, UVa would be an excellent academic fit for the Big 10, while offering NOTHING on the athletics side.

And the SEC just has "a type". So they MIGHT take UVa.

If anyone in the P2 invites UVa, I guaran-*******-tee it will be for a half-share. A full-share would be economic insanity.
I would bet there are more VT fans than UVA fans in Virginia