MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Bro, you responded without knowing what you’re talking about.

South Florida is in top tier in the nation for net migration and new multifamily development. You’ve gotta go off of numbers, rather than % growth because metro Miami is already really big at over 5mm. South Florida has, and will continue to add over 300,000 new residents each year.

Dallas, Austin, Raleigh Durham and are also in this list.

The BigTen wants into Florida
Your list might be old. South Florida not in top 10 in 2023 according to Nowhere near approaching 300,000 either. Dallas, Houston and Atlanta led based on actual numbers (not percentages). Atlanta jumped DC and Philadelphia in the overall rankings as well. Pulled away from South Florida.


Not convinced. If the other schools felt they had a confirmed landing spot ... NOW is the time to get 8 votes together to DISSOLVE the ACC so there is no exit fee. Now is the time because FSU and Clemson's votes still count ... they won't after they "announce". And the conference isn't necessarily dead ... not with 3 new schools coming aboard on July 1st. Who REALLY wants to leave besides UNC, Miami, Va Tech, UVA? Sitting idly by watching is a dangerous game.
Those four schools would, again, file suit to get out of the conference. Louisville and NCST are also schools that have indicated they want to leave.
Those four schools would, again, file suit to get out of the conference. Louisville and NCST are also schools that have indicated they want to leave.
Right .... they are going to file suit AFTER the GOR is ratified as then going to 2036. Good luck with that. The entire objective of suing NOW is to be in on the MEDIATED SETTLEMENT that takes place before any further media packages are modified and in place. By the time the "other schools" get around to actually suing, the new 3 schools will be voting members, FSU and Clemson will be gone, and a new GOR will have been approved by 10 members. Haven't seen ANY indication from any school that they are even vaguely considering launching any action to fight the ACC or leave. They ratified the ACC's suit against FSU 2 weeks after the fact. The clock is ticking and nobody seems to be taking any action whatsoever outside of SUPPORTING the ACC (our man Rad).
Right .... they are going to file suit AFTER the GOR is ratified as then going to 2036. Good luck with that. The entire objective of suing NOW is to be in on the MEDIATED SETTLEMENT that takes place before any further media packages are modified and in place. By the time the "other schools" get around to actually suing, the new 3 schools will be voting members, FSU and Clemson will be gone, and a new GOR will have been approved by 10 members. Haven't seen ANY indication from any school that they are even vaguely considering launching any action to fight the ACC or leave. They ratified the ACC's suit against FSU 2 weeks after the fact. The clock is ticking and nobody seems to be taking any action whatsoever outside of SUPPORTING the ACC (our man Rad).
None of that precludes us, or anyone else, from filing suit if push comes to shove. There isn’t some magic conference vote that precludes any of us filing suit against the ACC. Miami, UNC, and the four other schools I mentioned are not staying in the ACC if and when Clemson and FSU jump.

Also, we still don’t know which schools actually ratified the suit. We just know that us and UNC, for example, showed up to a meeting about it.
None of that precludes us, or anyone else, from filing suit if push comes to shove. There isn’t some magic conference vote that precludes any of us filing suit against the ACC. Miami, UNC, and the four other schools I mentioned are not staying in the ACC if and when Clemson and FSU jump.

Also, we still don’t know which schools actually ratified the suit. We just know that us and UNC, for example, showed up to a meeting about it.
But genetics can't endorse us going to the Big Ten because we RSVP'ed to that meeting.

If they offered $25M per team, six would vote "no" because the Big 12 would be more lucrative. In fact I think the Big 12 is paying more than the ACC is currently, so any reduction at all would be met with resistence.

I think the scenario laid out is pie in the sky from ESPN. Not only do I doubt that the ACC will agree to it, I doubt that even Clemson or FSU would. Why would they agree to take partial shares in the SEC, splitting revenue with the ACC, if the alternative is not extending the TV deal and blowing up the ACC? If they did that, Clemson and FSU would escape for free.

The proposed negotiation would benefit ESPN, but I don't think it benefits the other parties enough to where it will be accepted IMO
The Big 12 had an agreement to keep the payouts the same for each school with the addition of the PAC 12 castoffs. Do we know the networks will give them the same deal for any further additions?
But are they going anywhere?
None of that precludes us, or anyone else, from filing suit if push comes to shove. There isn’t some magic conference vote that precludes any of us filing suit against the ACC. Miami, UNC, and the four other schools I mentioned are not staying in the ACC if and when Clemson and FSU jump.

Also, we still don’t know which schools actually ratified the suit. We just know that us and UNC, for example, showed up to a meeting about it.
Of course we can sue ... later ... and by then the actual situation might have changed dramatically and make any legal action that much more difficult or downright impossible.


The key point in the FSU / Clemson suit is 1). the term of the current GOR, ending in 2027, and a supposedly illegal extension options and 2). the wording supposedly found in the ESPN media agreement that states that the agreement is binding ONLY while a school is a member of the conference.

IF FSU and Clemson reach a deal via mediation involving the ACC / ESPN and end up in the SEC, with a new media deal OFFERED AND ACCEPTED BY the new 15 member ACC including Cal Stan SMU, then any new legal actions would not have the benefit of the strong foundational matters currently being litigated.
That's good to hear. I take it you have a source on the behind the door negotiations for the Canes?
I’ve said before that, on this issue, the school is operating on a very tight and closed loop information ecosystem. A handful of people are handling realignment, and they seldom leak. I don't consider myself an insider on most issues or even this one, but on this and UM Admin, there are people I trust who've assured me. The Big 12 just isn’t a realistic or considered option for the school. It would be a worst case everything else fails scenario. My personal belief is that we end up in the Big 10 when all is said and done.
Of course we can sue ... later ... and by then the actual situation might have changed dramatically and make any legal action that much more difficult or downright impossible.


The key point in the FSU / Clemson suit is 1). the term of the current GOR, ending in 2027, and a supposedly illegal extension options and 2). the wording supposedly found in the ESPN media agreement that states that the agreement is binding ONLY while a school is a member of the conference.

IF FSU and Clemson reach a deal via mediation involving the ACC / ESPN and end up in the SEC, with a new media deal OFFERED AND ACCEPTED BY the new 15 member ACC including Cal Stan SMU, then any new legal actions would not have the benefit of the strong foundational matters currently being litigated.
In theory yes, but the problem is that the remaining ACC members wouldn’t accept the media deal. The six I previously listed aren’t going to vote themselves into a decade minimum of irrelevance and way lower payouts.
I’ve said before that, on this issue, the school is operating on a very tight and closed loop information ecosystem. A handful of people are handling realignment, and they seldom leak. I don't consider myself an insider on most issues or even this one, but on this and UM Admin, there are people I trust who've assured me. The Big 12 just isn’t a realistic or considered option for the school. It would be a worst case everything else fails scenario. My personal belief is that we end up in the Big 10 when all is said and done.


You’re one of the few people bringing real insight to this thread and topic.

There are a few other porsters being super dense and love pushing the “sky is falling” agenda

Imagine covering College Football at this point and actually being dumb enough to believe "well-placed sources" telling you the "B1G & SEC have zero interest in expanding at the moment"

At the moment doesn't mean jack in the big picture.

How will the SEC and B1G feel about expansion once ACC schools are free of their legal obligations to Jim Phillips?