MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

So the specific deal I just laid out you would think is bad? Basically making BIG10/SEC money in a weaker conference that has an auto-bid?
it is horrible in so many ways because while this is definitely about money, it isn't only about money. Have fun Recruiting against the SEC and B1G perception-wise when we already know some recruits, even in NIL era want those other conferences perception wise- now lose Clemson, FSU and geographic proximity for- KANSAS! EXCITING! Good luck getting fans in the stadium when your biggest conference game "rival" is against (checks notes) UCF or maybe the other so-called U (Utah).

None of this is purely one thing. Miami needing to get out is multilayered. Miami being attractive to others is multilayered. it's not just "market". it's like 10 other things, not of equal value, but primarily about "matchups/rivalries/national eyeballs/brand"

Our actions will tell us where we stand. When (hoping its "when" and not "if") we file suit and/or take a stand, that will tell everyone we have a landing spot. Silence doesn't mean we don't have one today, but it does mean for whatever reason (liability, strategy, diplomacy, etc.), we are not ready to make our intentions public.

So to sum up 796 pages, the consensus is that ACC is dying or dead and on the way to the morgue.
Borderline Impossible. Not guessing. To do so would be worse at the moment than staying acc most likely. You’d have no leverage in negotiating tv deals. Would get paid but not worth it. There is a reason there are few left and only one is that way out or pure financial choice and opportunity
Confident in saying that Lake doesn't know a thing about what Miami is actually doing to position itself in conference realignment. Take a look at his perspective on this:

Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 1.06.01 PM.png

The fact that a supposedly informed and "connected" CFB writer's perception of what we're doing is based on public facing actions (e.g., filing a lawsuit, leaking, etc.) is surprising in all the wrong ways. It goes to show that he has absolutely no idea whatsoever what's actually going on behind the scenes. The above is what a guy with no sources would say.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, since Mario took the job in December 2021, Miami FB is run through a very very tight information ecosystem. The leaking that occurred under prior coaches is not present today. There are only a few people in the media, definitely none of the Miami beat writers, that actually have an idea/info on what's really going on. Also, will say that a common tactic for writers that want info is to write something provocative, and hope you have someone in the know ****ed off enough about it to try and correct it. That's not gonna happen here.

This isn't to say that we're on the glide path to the Big 10 or anything like that, but to say that we're not being proactive on the single most important big picture issue in CFB is laughable.
I'll say this again, Miami is not going to telegraph any of its moves.

Think back to the last big move Miami made: hiring Mario in December 2021. Miami and Mario's people were already talking in October 2021, nearly two months before the job was officially open. Remember, when the job opened, you had people in the national media saying that Miami couldn't financially compete with Oregon or pony up the money to bring in Mario or meet his requirements. These were people that said they were in the know. Josh Pate was one of the most prominent actually, and I believe he said something to the tune of Miami would ask Mario, he'd ask for a lot of $$$, and Miami would have to run away with its tail between its legs because We couldn't afford him. And look what happened, we hired him. Other than a handful of people , nobody else in the media had any idea what was going on.

Same thing with the Cam Ward situation. After his draft announcement, the Media said it was over for us. Low and behold, he announces he's committed to us two weeks later.

Point is, again, the FB program is operating a very tight information ecosystem.
Confident in saying that Lake doesn't know a thing about what Miami is actually doing to position itself in conference realignment. Take a look at his perspective on this:

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The fact that a supposedly informed and "connected" CFB writer's perception of what we're doing is based on public facing actions (e.g., filing a lawsuit, leaking, etc.) is surprising in all the wrong ways. It goes to show that he has absolutely no idea whatsoever what's actually going on behind the scenes. The above is what a guy with no sources would say.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, since Mario took the job in December 2021, Miami FB is run through a very very tight information ecosystem. The leaking that occurred under prior coaches is not present today. There are only a few people in the media, definitely none of the Miami beat writers, that actually have an idea/info on what's really going on. Also, will say that a common tactic for writers that want info is to write something provocative, and hope you have someone in the know ****ed off enough about it to try and correct it. That's not gonna happen here.

This isn't to say that we're on the glide path to the Big 10 or anything like that, but to say that we're not being proactive on the single most important big picture issue in CFB is laughable.
He doesn’t and that’s not a shot. I understand him saying Miami needs a kick in the *** because if you are basically not leaking news then the only thing you have Is public statements and small actions, none of which mean anything in the end as history says over and over again despite one action not always corresponding to what follows.

I get it because it’s reasonable to surmise that, for example, Miami voting to allow Stanford and cal in means to some Miami doesn’t have a spot while others voting against do. I can make other arguments about why it doesn’t ******* matter once you knew you couldn’t dissolve the conference vote wise at the time it didn’t matter and protected people you still might like, or thank schools that voted for your aau with a lifeboat, etc but if you are in the boat that Miami will blow this, which I also understand after 20 years of complete and total incompetence, I’m not gonna be able to change your mind until I’m sitting here drinking tea with Receipts. We shall see.
So I think this is absolute bulls*** but....

If Miami went to the BIG12 and said, "You need a big brand to legitimize your conference. I will join but only under the condition that you pay me the exact amount the highest earner in the BIG10 or SEC make, and if they earn more in following years you adjust our contract accordingly", how would we feel about that?
I would never watch another down of Miami Hurricanes football again
Also, as a UVA Alum, I'd be remiss if I didn't say that there's no way in **** that UVA would get into the Big 10 before we do. UVA's bigtime donors and leaders in Admin could not possibly give less of a **** about the football program. They do not care. They are fine with 6-6 being the goal year-to-year. The baseball and basketball programs are solid and can be elite at the national level, and UVA is an overall better sports school than Virginia Tech.

If adding UVA is solely based on region and adding a Virginia team to the Big 10 infinity gauntlet, it makes sense. But all the other metrics (especially the ones that the TV networks care about) aren't there. It's the equivalent of adding a Vanderbilt to your conference.
Rudy, Rad and the big-time money boosters are in control of this, not the idiots than ran the athletic department into the ground.
Rudy Fernandez calls the shots at the end of the day. I'm not a fan of his and quite frankly he's clueless about athletics just as much as Julio Frenk.

He hired JD Arteaga and then his latest episode on twitter going after the OBB for even questioning that it's possible to justify coach L deserving to be fired (or even stepping down) after the debacle of 2023-24 season and having a losing record in 4 of the last 6 years. Should he be? No. But it's not as far fetched as some make it seem. The 2 years over .500 were obviously great.

To have a guy that emotional and attached calling the shots with a lack of any knowledge of athletics, coaching, and competition... Yikes.

Luckily this isn't exactly hiring/firing/evaluating. This is business, politics, and law which is his specialty. But the guy gets too much praise for being awful at his job.
So I think this is absolute bulls*** but....

If Miami went to the BIG12 and said, "You need a big brand to legitimize your conference. I will join but only under the condition that you pay me the exact amount the highest earner in the BIG10 or SEC make, and if they earn more in following years you adjust our contract accordingly", how would we feel about that?

Rudy Fernandez calls the shots at the end of the day. I'm not a fan of his and quite frankly he's clueless about athletics just as much as Julio Frenk.

He hired JD Arteaga and then his latest episode on twitter going after the OBB for even questioning that it's possible to justify coach L deserving to be fired (or even stepping down) after the debacle of 2023-24 season and having a losing record in 4 of the last 6 years. Should he be? No. But it's not as far fetched as some make it seem. The 2 years over .500 were obviously great.

To have a guy that emotional and attached calling the shots with a lack of any knowledge of athletics, coaching, and competition... Yikes.

Luckily this isn't exactly hiring/firing/evaluating. This is business, politics, and law which is his specialty. But the guy gets too much praise for being awful at his job.
Agree with everything you said. Will also say that there are - luckily - some other stakeholders in the BoT and among donors in this decision-making process that seem more plugged in on college athletics and $$$.

On the emotion thing, I've been told by two people that work with and adjacent to Rudy that he's got a "screaming problem" at the office. He's not afraid to make his feelings known, sometimes in the most unpleasant ways. Luckily for us, conference realignment does fall in the areas that he seems to be competent in.
If Miami went to the BIG12 and said, "You need a big brand to legitimize your conference. I will join but only under the condition that you pay me the exact amount the highest earner in the BIG10 or SEC make, and if they earn more in following years you adjust our contract accordingly", how would we feel about that?

Big 12's response:

Will Ferrell Lol GIF

If we end up in the Big 12, it's because we couldn't get into the Big Ten or SEC — and, in which case, we'd have zero leverage.

It'd be a brutal outcome in many ways, including some unforeseen.

I wouldn't follow Canes Football any less, but I'm sure a lot of UM fans would fall by the wayside.