MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations


Does anybody think Miami's and Notre Dame's acceptance last summer into the very prestigious and selective Association of American Universities didn't benefit from the Big Ten's interest in both schools?

The B1G collectively has a tremendous amount of clout. Miami and Notre Dame are well-respected institutions, but why wouldn't those school presidents throw their weight around a little to help their conference's cause with future expansion?

Or maybe it all was just a coincidence ...
(BTW, neither Tallahassee CC or FSU are members of he AAU, although the latter is still trying) :notworking:

Notre Dame is an interesting one becasue they're as buttoned up as Miami in terms of not leaking anything. So I just have to use my own intuition but in my personal opinion I don't think ND is going to the B1G anytime soon.

First, I don't believe they want to. Their biggest boosters have always wanted to remain independent... it's a point of pride for them and I think that weighs pretty heavily.

Second, I don't believe that the latest CFP agreement moves the needle for them in terms of wanting or needing to join. They're getting a special carve-out from that deal which pays them better than any Big 12 or ACC team. They have a better TV contract than the ACC teams. I think the delta for them vs what they would be paid in the B1G isn't big enough of an incentive at this point to push them to defy their boosters and join a conference.

I could be wrong though. But gun to my head, I'd say ND isn't joining anything anytime soon IMO.
People complain about Gaby, but Lake is the reason I can't stand Miami's 247 site. The guy is a cuck.

He is just prognosticating here and knows nothing IMO.
He thinks FSU and Clemson are the two biggest brands in the ACC not Notre Dame and UNC. lol.
I don't have time to look through 794 pages to see if this has been discussed, so I pose it here - is Miami going independent again a completely impossible scenario or can we do that for a while? In theory, assuming we continue to build and become a regular top 15 team, we could be that OOC game for a lot of these P2 teams, sort of like what ND has done.

If the independent thing was possible financially, we could do that for a few years and hopefully win enough games to become valuable enough to the P2 that we finally choose one to land in. I'd prefer that to going B12.

Any experts wanna weigh in and tell me why it is or isn't possible?
Borderline Impossible. Not guessing. To do so would be worse at the moment than staying acc most likely. You’d have no leverage in negotiating tv deals. Would get paid but not worth it. There is a reason there are few left and only one is that way out of pure financial choice and opportunity
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So I think this is absolute bulls*** but....

If Miami went to the BIG12 and said, "You need a big brand to legitimize your conference. I will join but only under the condition that you pay me the exact amount the highest earner in the BIG10 or SEC make, and if they earn more in following years you adjust our contract accordingly", how would we feel about that?
So I think this is absolute bulls*** but....

If Miami went to the BIG12 and said, "You need a big brand to legitimize your conference. I will join but only under the condition that you pay me the exact amount the highest earner in the BIG10 or SEC make, and if they earn more in following years you adjust our contract accordingly", how would we feel about that?
I think we’re ****ed if we go to the BIG12
Notre Dame is an interesting one becasue they're as buttoned up as Miami in terms of not leaking anything. So I just have to use my own intuition but in my personal opinion I don't think ND is going to the B1G anytime soon.

First, I don't believe they want to. Their biggest boosters have always wanted to remain independent... it's a point of pride for them and I think that weighs pretty heavily.

Second, I don't believe that the latest CFP agreement moves the needle for them in terms of wanting or needing to join. They're getting a special carve-out from that deal which pays them better than any Big 12 or ACC team. They have a better TV contract than the ACC teams. I think the delta for them vs what they would be paid in the B1G isn't big enough of an incentive at this point to push them to defy their boosters and join a conference.

I could be wrong though. But gun to my head, I'd say ND isn't joining anything anytime soon IMO.

I think that the eventually they will kick NCAA out of mainline CFB and form a 40 to 60 team self governing Premier league with multiple divisions. ... the rest of the Div 1 minnows will follow suit and we will have multiple levels of self governing college football leagues... like soccer in Europe. That is the true and tested administrative and financial model for governing and making money in team sports...
NCAA is an useless parasite as far as revenue generating college sports is concerned.....
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I don't have time to look through 794 pages to see if this has been discussed, so I pose it here - is Miami going independent again a completely impossible scenario or can we do that for a while? In theory, assuming we continue to build and become a regular top 15 team, we could be that OOC game for a lot of these P2 teams, sort of like what ND has done.

If the independent thing was possible financially, we could do that for a few years and hopefully win enough games to become valuable enough to the P2 that we finally choose one to land in. I'd prefer that to going B12.

Any experts wanna weigh in and tell me why it is or isn't possible?
Then you aren't committed like the rest of us.

Join us in insanity or be banished!

I'd say that's a pretty good guess. Frenk and/or the board has delegated big athletics decisions to him in the past (hiring Rad and Mario for example), and this is equally impactful.

Would also say that because Miami is private, we can move in silence much more than FSU or Clemson for example. Every university would prefer to keep quiet on realignment if they could, but for the public ones, it's much harder. In Miami's case, there are no sunshine laws to worry about... they don't apply. FSU was vocal because they had to be per sunshine laws.

There's no state university system to worry about. UNC is leaking info because they have a board that governs both them and NC State, and the rest of the Carolina universities.

Miami doesn't have any state politics to worry about. There's no meddling AG like Virginia has. There's no state legislature up for election that will use us as a pawn to get votes.

UM doesn't have to worry about anyone except UM. We can keep the circle tight in a way that other schools just can't do.

Our actions will tell us where we stand. When (hoping its "when" and not "if") we file suit and/or take a stand, that will tell everyone we have a landing spot. Silence doesn't mean we don't have one today, but it does mean for whatever reason (liability, strategy, diplomacy, etc.), we are not ready to make our intentions public.