MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Rudy Fernandez calls the shots at the end of the day. I'm not a fan of his and quite frankly he's clueless about athletics just as much as Julio Frenk.

He hired JD Arteaga and then his latest episode on twitter going after the OBB for even questioning that it's possible to justify coach L deserving to be fired (or even stepping down) after the debacle of 2023-24 season and having a losing record in 4 of the last 6 years. Should he be? No. But it's not as far fetched as some make it seem. The 2 years over .500 were obviously great.

To have a guy that emotional and attached calling the shots with a lack of any knowledge of athletics, coaching, and competition... Yikes.

Luckily this isn't exactly hiring/firing/evaluating. This is business, politics, and law which is his specialty. But the guy gets too much praise for being awful at his job.
Miami bros will be Miami bros. They love putting their name in flashing lights when something perceived to be good happens but hate having their decisions questioned.

Tons of fragile egos down here and no amount of money these people make changes that.
Miami bros will be Miami bros. They love putting their name in flashing lights when something perceived to be good happens but hate having their decisions questioned.

Tons of fragile egos down here and no amount of money these people make changes that.

At least Tomato man is tending the tomato fields in the sky... its all banana politics .... over the last 25 years this fine alma mater of mine has screwed the pooch in more ways than a monkey on hashish
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Rudy Fernandez calls the shots at the end of the day. I'm not a fan of his and quite frankly he's clueless about athletics just as much as Julio Frenk.

He hired JD Arteaga and then his latest episode on twitter going after the OBB for even questioning that it's possible to justify coach L deserving to be fired (or even stepping down) after the debacle of 2023-24 season and having a losing record in 4 of the last 6 years. Should he be? No. But it's not as far fetched as some make it seem. The 2 years over .500 were obviously great.

To have a guy that emotional and attached calling the shots with a lack of any knowledge of athletics, coaching, and competition... Yikes.

Luckily this isn't exactly hiring/firing/evaluating. This is business, politics, and law which is his specialty. But the guy gets too much praise for being awful at his job.
Im curious but how is he awful?
Rudy Fernandez calls the shots at the end of the day. I'm not a fan of his and quite frankly he's clueless about athletics just as much as Julio Frenk.

He hired JD Arteaga and then his latest episode on twitter going after the OBB for even questioning that it's possible to justify coach L deserving to be fired (or even stepping down) after the debacle of 2023-24 season and having a losing record in 4 of the last 6 years. Should he be? No. But it's not as far fetched as some make it seem. The 2 years over .500 were obviously great.

To have a guy that emotional and attached calling the shots with a lack of any knowledge of athletics, coaching, and competition... Yikes.

Luckily this isn't exactly hiring/firing/evaluating. This is business, politics, and law which is his specialty. But the guy gets too much praise for being awful at his job.
the only reason to not force a retirement is to keep bethea omier possibly george and wooga here. if bethea wasnt part of that, it would be fair to ask if hes ready to move on
I'd say that's a pretty good guess. Frenk and/or the board has delegated big athletics decisions to him in the past (hiring Rad and Mario for example), and this is equally impactful.

Would also say that because Miami is private, we can move in silence much more than FSU or Clemson for example. Every university would prefer to keep quiet on realignment if they could, but for the public ones, it's much harder. In Miami's case, there are no sunshine laws to worry about... they don't apply. FSU was vocal because they had to be per sunshine laws.

There's no state university system to worry about. UNC is leaking info because they have a board that governs both them and NC State, and the rest of the Carolina universities.

Miami doesn't have any state politics to worry about. There's no meddling AG like Virginia has. There's no state legislature up for election that will use us as a pawn to get votes.

UM doesn't have to worry about anyone except UM. We can keep the circle tight in a way that other schools just can't do.
unlessssss.. we have some Trustees that want to stay in the ACC for some crazy reason, or back door deal reasons?!?! I could see that being a Miami hold up... lol... trustees fighting it out. pray that aint happening.
This might be a scorching hot take but being in the big 12 is 100% better than getting stuck in the zombie acc

The b12 is on pace to lap the ACC in payouts by 2030
Does anyone think 3 24-school conferences could work??

ACC/Big 12 - where would payouts have to be to try and compete with other two??

Believe you've nailed it T4C

Either SEC24, B1G 24 plus Big XII/zombie ACC with a combined 24ish schools


SEC24, B1G24 and Big XII finishing off the ACC and having around 24 members itself as the undisputed middleweight champion

I think the latter scenario prevails and the ACC goes the way of the Pac-12
Lies No GIF
Big 12's response:

Will Ferrell Lol GIF

If we end up in the Big 12, it's because we couldn't get into the Big Ten or SEC — and, in which case, we'd have zero leverage.

It'd be a brutal outcome in many ways, including some unforeseen.

I wouldn't follow Canes Football any less, but I'm sure a lot of UM fans would fall by the wayside.

You can laugh but if you were running the BIG12, and your belief was the BIG10/SEC was courting Miami but not certain they would select them or make them as well paid, why would you not throw that offer out to them? I would. You don't think adding Miami to the BIG12 increases their value?

I want Miami in the BIG10 or SEC but I also don't know if that's going to happen. If it's not, which would be terrible, you'd want Miami to end up with the best outcome possible. Making the same money as the BIG10/SEC would be something positive.
You can laugh but if you were running the BIG12, and your belief was the BIG10/SEC was courting Miami but not certain they would select them or make them as well paid, why would you not throw that offer out to them? I would.

Don't believe the "bonus money for Miami" you're proposing would fly with the other members of the Big XII, many of which have been more successful in football than we have over the last 20 years.

It would kinda be like Notre Dame walking into the Big Ten office tomorrow and saying, "We're willing to join, but only if you give us more money than Michigan and Ohio State."

How you think that would go over?

We ain't the Miami coming off five National Championships in 19 seasons.

****, the Canes were the SEC commissioner's back-up choice to the semenholes back in 1990 — and that was one year removed from winning it all the first time under Erickson